Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences
Official title
Associate Professor
Other affiliation
Society of Friends Tsuchiura Monthly Meeting International Activities
Society of Friends Japan Yearly Meeting International Activities
Research fields
European literature
Research keywords
Applied Humanities
German Literature and Culture from the 16th to the 21st Century
Fukushima Nuclear Accident and Literature and Philosophy
Old Age in Literature, Philosophy, History, and the Arts
Comparative Literature
Jewish Literature and Culture
Literary Theory
Poetry and Rhetoric
Multilingual Literature and Culture
Translation Theory
Research projects
Olga Tokarczuk's Poetic Anthropology: Spheres and Intertexts2022-04 -- 2026-03Heselhaus, HerradJSPS/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)2,860,000Yen
Precariousness and Hospitality - The European Refugee Crisis in Elfriede Jelinek's Works2017-04 -- 2021-03HESELHAUS, Geva HerradJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)4,160,000Yen
The European Refugee Crisis - Transnational Encounter2017-04 -- 2019-03HESELHAUS, Geva HerradJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas4,680,000Yen
Immunitary Strategies in Literature2014-04 -- 2015-03Heselhaus, Herrad筑波大学/190,000Yen
Peter Sloterdijk's Anthropotechnics and the "Fukushima Crisis" in Germany2012-04 -- 2016-03HESELHAUS, HerradJapanese Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)5,200,000Yen
日独の社会における原発事故後の「思考転換」と人文科学2011-04 -- 2012-03Heselhaus, Herrad筑波大学/学内共同研究350,000Yen
Old Age in Friederike Mayroecker2009-04 -- 2010-03Heselhaus, Herrad筑波大学/
Analysis of Old Age and Aging in Western Film2003 -- 2005Heselhaus, Herrad筑波大学/600,000Yen
Joint Research Project on "Jerusalem" (Israel, Palestine, Germany)1999-10 -- 2001-09Heselhaus (Wertheimer, Ben-Porath, Harb)Tuebingen University/学外共同研究/
Gray Zones in the Debate on Pornography -- 2000Heselhaus, HerradMinistry of Baden-Wuerrtemberg/250,000Yen
Career history
1990-02 -- 1994-08University of Munich (Germany)Department of German Literature,Assistant Professor
1994-03 -- 1996-02University of Munich (Germany)German DepartmentHSPII Program, Research
1996-03 -- 1997-02University of Munich (Germany)German DepartmentGraduate College of Gender and Literature, Research and Teaching
1996-10 -- 2002-04University of Tuebingen (Germany)Department of Comparative Literature,Associate Professor
1997-10 -- 1999-09University of Giessen (Germany)German Literature Dept./ French Literature Dept.非常勤
2002-06 -- 2006-03Tsukuba UniversityDepartment of Comparative Culture,Foreign Professor
2006-04 -- (current)Tsukuba UniversityDepartment of Literature and Linguistics,Associate Professor
Academic background
1981-10 -- 1983-08University of Giessen, Philology: German Literature, Linguistics, English Lit., Russian Lit.
1983-09 -- 1984-08Carleton College, Modern Languages: American Literature and History, Jewish Studies, Philosophy
1984-11 -- 1985-09University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Philology: German Literature, History, Linguistics, American Lit.
1985-10 -- 1986-09University of Freiburg (i.Br.), Philology: German Literature, Linguistics, American Literature
1986-09 -- 1987-08HaUniversitah HaIvrith Jerusalem, Comparative Literature
1987-11 -- 1989-07University of Munich (LMU) Philology German Literature, English and American Literature, Linguistics
1993-07Dr. phil. summa cum laude (3-disciplines rigorosum)University of Munich
1989-07M.A. (in 3 disciplines)University of Munich
Academic societies
1996 -- (current)Deutscher Germanistenverband
2000 -- (current)Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft
2002 -- (current)International Comparative Literature Association
2004 -- (current)Japanische Gesellschaft fuer Germanistik (JGG)
2009 -- (current)Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik
2010 -- (current)Gender Awareness and Language Education (GALE)
2010 -- (current)International Gender And Language Association (IGALA)
2012 -- (current)JALT (Japenese Association of Language Teachers)
2017 -- (current)International Society for Language Studies (ISLS)
  • The Gender of Anger. Teaching Critical Theory
    HESELHAUS Geva Herrad
    GALE Journal/17/pp.10-23, 2025-01
  • The Herculean Labors the Humanities ar Facing in the 21st Century: Endangered Sciences, Logos, and Womanhood
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Review of American literature/27, 2023-07
  • Babel, Bibel, Zwiebel. Von biblischen Entstellungen und animalischen Biotopen. Yoko Tawada trifft Jacques Derrida
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Neue Beitraege zur Germanistik. International Edition/161/pp.102-118, 2020-10
  • Der Fremde - Elfriede Jelinek und Nicolas Mahler
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    (筑波大学)文芸言語研究/78/pp.15-26, 2020-10
  • Von literarischer Freiheit. Sherko Fatahs Kampf gegen biografische Festschreibung
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Neu Beitraege zur japanischen Germanistik/158/pp.18-1, 2019
  • The Impact of Refugee Migration on Germany's Aging Society: A Gerontological Critique
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Area Studies Tsukuba/(40)/pp.13-1, 2019
  • Transnationale Elemente im Fluechtlingsroman
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    文藝言語研究. 文藝篇/(72)/pp.47-65, 2017
  • The Temporality of Anti-Aging. A Short History of the Fight Against Time
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    筑波大学地域学研究/39/pp.109-122, 2018-03
  • The Last Educator. Knowledge and Resilience in Adalbert Stifter’s "Bunte Steine”
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    American Literature Society of the University of Tsukuba and the Lynxx/26, 2017
  • Growing Old in Europe. Antonio Tabucchi’s "Bucharest Hasn’t Changed a Bit"
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Studies in language and literature. Literature/71/pp.107-132, 2017
  • From Thick to Quick Translation: The Translator as Reader in Times of Globalisation
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    筑波大学 文藝言語研究 (文藝編)/70/pp.13-40, 2016
  • Discursive Images of Gendered Agency and the 3/11 Disaster in Japan. Reading Elfriede Jelinek's "Epilogue?" in the Japanese Classroom
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    GALE Journal/8/pp.28-39, 2015
    HESELHAUS Herrad
    Neue Beitrage zur Germanistik/(145)/pp.71-85, 2012
  • Literature after Fukushima. A Comparison between German and Japanese Approaches
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    ICLA Proceedings (International Comparative Literature Association) 2013, Sorbonne (Paris), 2016
  • Gendered Discourses on Disaster and Disaster Prevention
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    IGALA 8 (Vancouver) 2014 Proceedings, 2014
  • The Adaptation of Immunology in the Discourses of the Humanities and Social Sciences
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Area Studies Tsukuba/35/pp.59-77, 2013
  • Turning the Screw of Immunology. Robert Louis Stevenson's "Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    筑波大学文芸・言語学系『文藝言語研究 文藝編』/66/pp.61-86, 2014
  • Katastrophe - Desaster - Apokalypse. Ansaetze einer philosophischen Seismo-Graphie
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    日本独文学会研究叢書/12/pp.8-25, 2013
  • Resignifying Hate Speech. Doing and Undoing the Performative in Franz Kafka's "Schakale und Araber"
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Doctoral Program in Literature and Linguistics. Volume "Literature"/64/pp.85-116, 2013
  • The Rise of Immunology. Robert Louis Stevenson's "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    American Literature Society of the University of Tsukuba and the Lynxx/24/pp.21-30, 2014
  • Re-Reading "Literacy" and "Illiteracy". Teaching Images of Japan in Foreign Literature
    Herrad Heselhaus
    Other Language Educators (Proceedings of the Jalt PanSig Conference 2012)/pp.30-38, 2012
  • Uebersetzen zwischen Metapher und Metonymie. Walter Benjamins "Die Aufgabe des Uebersetzers" mit Paul de Man
    Herrad Heselhaus
    Neue Beitraege zur Germanistik. International Edition of ドイツ文学/11(1)/pp.232-246, 2012
  • We Have to Change Our Lives - Japan after Fukushima
    Herrad Heselhaus
    Proceedings of the 2nd Algeria-Japan Academic Symposium/pp.35-41, 2012-12
  • Orientalismus, Okzidentalismus und kein Ende
    Herrad Heselhaus
    Interkulturelles Verstehen und kontrastives Vergleichen/13/pp.107-112, 2011
  • Encountering Poems. Giuseppe Ungaretti – Paul Celan
    Herrad Heselhaus
    Studies in Language and Literature (Literature)/58/pp.61-122, 2010
  • more...
  • The Creative Use of Language in German Refugee Politics 2015/2016
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Critical Perspectives on Teaching, Learning, and Society/ISLS/pp.281-301, 2020-10
  • Masochismus/Sadismus
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Metzler, 2002
  • Essentialismus
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Metzler, 2002
  • Dekonstruktion
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Metzler, 2002
  • Abjektion
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Metzler, 2002
  • Schweigen Japanisch - Deutsch
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Nomos, 2010
  • Vom Unbehagen in der Zeit. Zeiterfahrungen bei Simone de Beauvoir und Arthur Schnitzler
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Inoue, S. / Ueda, K., 2004
  • Talking Dogs. Positioning the Speaking Subject Between Nature and Intertextuality
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, 1996-07
  • Die Welt lesend. Fuenfmal Christian Morgenstern
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Die Welt lesend. Fuenfmal Christian Morgenstern/Nomos, 2012
  • Luce Irigaray - Weiblichkeit wieder(er)finden. Feministische Theory zwischen Essentialismus, Poststrukturalismus und Kreativitaet
    Herrad Heselhaus
    Erika Haas (ed.): Verwirrung der Geschlechter Profil (Munich, Germany), 1995-01
  • Textuelle Re-Visionen oder: Vom Willen zur Halluzination. Metamorphosen des Mythos am Beispiel der Rezeptionsgeschichte von Ovid
    Herrad Heselhaus
    Heilmann/Waegenbaur: Macht Text Geschichte Koenigshausen und Neumann (Wuerzburg, Germany), 1996-01
  • Textile Schichten - Elfried Jelineks Bekenntnisse einer Klavierspielerin
    Herrad Heselhaus
    Heilmann/Waegenbaur: Im Bann der Zeichen. Verantwortung in Literatur und Literaturwissenschaft Koenigshausen und Neumann (Wuerzburg, Germany), 1997-01
  • "Hier moecht` ich Haidebilder schreiben" - Annette von Droste-Huelshoffs Poetisierung der Naturgeschichte
    Herrad Heselhaus
    Ernst Ribbat (ed.): Dialoge mit der Droste Schoeningh (Paderborn, Germany), 1998-01
  • Memory, History and Annette von Droste-Huelshoff`s "Heidebilder"
    Herrad Heselhaus
    Th. Waegenbaur (ed.): The Poetics of Memory Stauffenburg (Tuebingen, Germany), 1998-01
  • Hi baah el kol echad hakoreh lah. Jehuda Amichai - Arnold Zweig - Jacob Israel de Haan. Intertextualitaet um Jerusalem
    Herrad Heselhaus
    Blasberg/Deiters (ed.): Geschichtserfahrung im Spiegel der Literatur Stauffenburg (Tuebingen, Germany), 2000-01
  • So alt und doch so neu. Roman Guardinis Ethik der Lebensalter
    Herrad Heselhaus
    S. Casper (ed.): Alter Konkursbuch (Tuebingen, Germany), 2003-01
  • Hesses "Demian". Adoleszenz als Utopie Blasberg
    Herrad Heselhaus
    Blasberg, Cornelia (ed.): Hermann Hesse 1877-1962-2002 Attempto (Tuebingen, Germany), 2003-01
  • La Deuxieme Mort. Simone de Beauvoirs `La Vieillesse` zwischen Feminismus und Existentialismus
    Herrad Heselhaus
    Blasberg/Deiters (ed.): Denken/Schreiben (in) der Krise - Existentialismus und Literatur. Roehrig (St. Ingbert, Germany), 2004-01
  • Sentenced to Life. Autobiography and Aging
    Herrad Heselhaus
    Autobiographical Themes in Turkish Literature. Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives. Ergon, 2007-01
Conference, etc.
  • Virus and Literature
    HESELHAUS Geva Herrad
    Tsukuba University Public Lectures/2024-02-10
  • The Gender of Anger
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    GALE at JALT 2023/2023-11-24--2023-11-26
  • The Gender of Anger and the Voice of Wrath
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    IGALA 2023/2023-07-04--2023-07-06
  • Wut – Wahnwitz – Viren. Elfriede Jelineks Kritik des Opfer-Kults
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
  • Vom Umgang mit antiker Literatur in Elfriede Jelineks Texten zur Fluechtlingskrise
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
  • Immunity, Criminology, Prevention, and the Limits of Self: Robert Louis Stevenson's "Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Reimagining the Humanities and the New Normal/2021-12-16--2021-12-18
  • Narratives of Pandemic and Immunity: Adalbert Stifter's "Granite"
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Pandemics and Plagues, Languages and Literatures/2021-10-1--2021-10-3
  • Aufzug zum Tod - Daniel Wissers "Koenigin der Berge" und Linn Ullmanns "Gnade"
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Seminar zur oesterreichischen Gegenwartsliteratur/2020-12-12--2020-12-13
  • Transnational Encounter - The European Refugee Crisis
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
  • Der Fremde! Ein Wiedergaenger. Elfriede Jelineks Fruehwerk und Nicolas Mahlers Comic-Adaption
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
  • Introducing Relational Studies in Literature. Comparative Literature Studies for the 21st Century
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Literature of the World and the Future of Comparative Literature/2019-07-29--2019-08-02
  • Elfriede Jelinek's Literary Deconstruction of the European Refugee Crisis
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    International Society for Language Studies 2019 Conference/2019-06-20--2019-06-22
  • Mapping Our Minds: From Wasted Objects to Displaced Persons
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    3. International Symposium in Applied Humanities/2019-02-21--2019-02-22
  • Introduction: Waste Awareness
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    3. International Symposium in Applied Humanities/2019-02-21--2019-02-22
  • (Post-)Civil-War Literature in a Transnational Context: A Relational-Studies Approach to Lazkani and Albahari
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    The Relational Studies on Global Conflicts: Toward a New Approach to Contemporary Crisis/2018-12-21--2018-12-22
  • I am the Daughter of a Question or How to Relate (to) Otherness
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    JALT 2018 Diversity and Inclusion/2018-11-23--2018-11-26
  • Verschreibungen: die verflixten Narrative. Zu Raoul Schrotts Politiken des Kulturellen
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Oesterreichische Gegenwartsliteratur/2018-11-16--2018-11-18
  • The Role of German Political Terminology in the European Refugee Crisis
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    International Society for Language Studies 2018/2018-06-28--2018-06-30
  • Introduction to Environmental Humanities and the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Responding to Refugee Crisis and Disaster: New Approaches in the Humanities and Social Sciences TGSW 2018/2018-09-21--2018-09-21
  • Introduction to Responding to Refugee Crisis and Disaster
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Responding to Refugee Crisis and Disaster: New Approaches in the Humanities and Social Sciences TGSW 2018/2018-09-21--2018-09-21
  • Introducing Relational Studies in Literature: Focusing on the Syrian Refugee Crisis
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Responding to Refugee Crisis and Disaster: New Approaches in the Humanities and Social Sciences TGSW 2018/2018-09-21--2018-09-21
  • Narratives of Transnational Encounter
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
  • Displaced Syrians in Europe and the Middle East (Chair)
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    The Global Refugee Crisis: Mobile People under State Protection or Exploitation?/2018-01-05--2018-01-07
  • Rethinking Humanities for the 21st Century
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    1st International Colloquium in Applied Humanities "Rethinking Humanities for the 21st Century"/2017-11-26--2017-11-26
  • Political Terminology and Historical Context. Refugees in Germany
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    1st International Symposium in Applied Humanities "Relational Studies: Refugees from Disaster"/2017-11-25--2017-11-25
  • more...
2024-10 -- 2024-12One-Planet Relational Studies in Literature and Culture (seminar) IVUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Studies in Comparative Culture: Cultural ExpressionUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12One-Planet Relational Studies in Literature and Culture (lecture) IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-07The Art of Academic WritingUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Dissertation Writing (3A)University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Seminar in Literature Research BUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-07 -- 2024-07Introductory Seminar in Cultural ExpressionUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Seminar in Planning a Graduation Thesis: Cultural Expression IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Dissertation Writing (3B)University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Dissertation Writing (1B)University of Tsukuba.
Other educational activities
2017-11 -- (current)International Colloquium in Applied HumanitiesUniversity of Tsukuba
2017-11 -- (current)International Symposium in Applied HumanitiesUniversity of Tsukuba
2015-05 -- 2016-10International Research Cooperation for Applied HumanitiesUniversity of Tsukuba
2015-05 -- 2016-10English-language Ph.D. program organizationUniversity of Tsukuba
2014-01 -- (current)International Conference on Global AgingUniversity of Tsukuba
  • 「ウブントゥ」という概要の説明
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
  • Luce Irigaray - Weiblichkeit wieder(er)finden. Feministische Theorie zwischen Essentialismus, Poststrukturalismus und Kreativitaet
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Symposium "Verwirrung der Geschlechter" (Munich University)/1995-05
  • Textuelle Re-Visionen oder: Vom Willen zur Halluzination. Metamorphosen des Mythos am Beispiel der Rezeptionsgeschichte von Ovid
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Symposium "Macht Text Geschichte" (Tuebingen University)/1995-07
  • Hier moecht ich Haidebilder schreiben - Annette von Droste-Huelshoffs Poetisierung der Naturgeschichte
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Symposium "Dialoge mit der Droste"/1997-01
  • Iphigenie - literarische Re-Visionen des Mythos
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Gender Lectures at Giessen University/1997-05
  • Textile Schichten - Elfriede Jelineks Bekenntnisse einer Klavierspielerin
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Symposium "Im Bann der Zeichen" (Universitaet Tuebingen)/1997-10
  • Stimmen - Christa Wolfs "Medea"
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Gender Lectures at Giessen University/1998-05
  • Die Romantische Leserin
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Gender Lectures at Giessen University/1999-05
  • Hesses "Demian". Adoleszenz als Utopie
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Hermann Hesse 1877 - 1962 - 2002 (Tuebingen University)/2002-10
  • La Deuxieme Mort. Simone de Beauvoirs "La Vieillesse" zwischen Feminismus und Existentialismus
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    "Existentialismus" Lecture Series Tuebingen University/2003-11
  • Kathrin Roegglas "Niemand lacht rueckwaerts" und der Diskurs der Adoleszenz
    Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    14. Oesterreichisches Literaturseminar/2006-11-14
  • Betroffenheit - Einige philologische Ueberlegungen zu einem ethischen Konzept
    Herrad Heselhaus; +Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Interuni-Seminar (Nojiriko)/2008-07-28
  • Orientalismus - Okzidentalismus
    Herrad Heselhaus; +Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Symposium "Reisen" (at Freie Universitaet Berlin)/2010-01-22
  • "Essen - Global"
    Herrad Heselhaus; +Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Inter-Uni-Seminar (Kashi)/2010-03-14
  • Esskulturen Japans. Zeit-Geschmack
    Herrad Heselhaus; +Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Universitaet Giessen (Meier-Graewe)/2008-11-18
  • "Fuer eine Aesthetik des Alterns"
    Herrad Heselhaus; +Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Symposium "Aelter werden - neu anfangen" (Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft, Cologne)/2008-11-22
  • Schweigen. Japanisch - Deutsch
    Herrad Heselhaus; +Heselhaus Geva Herrad
    Internationales Symposion Wertewelten. Tuebingen University/2008-11-20
Professional activities
2017-04 -- (current)Relational Studies in Literaturein charge
2017-04 -- (current)Applied Humanitiesin charge
University Management
2020-04 -- (current)English-Language Ph.D. (M.A.) Program "Applied Humanities" in the Sub-Program of Literature, Organization and Implementation (Chin charge
2019-04 -- (current)English-Language B.A. Program: "One-Planet Relational Studies in Literature and Culture" Organization and Implementation (Chair)in charge
2018-04 -- 2019-03English-Language B.A. Program: "One-Planet Relational Studies in Literature and Culture" Creation and Organization (Chair)in charge
2019-04 -- 2020-03English-Language Ph.D. (M.A.) Program "Applied Humanities" in the Sub-Program of Literature, Creation and Organization (Chair)in charge
2019-04 -- (current)比較文化学類カリキュラムガイダンス委員会委員会委員
2019-04 -- (current)One-Planet Relational Studies in Literature and Cultureコース世話人
2011-04 -- 2012-03比較文化学類再編検討委員会委員会委員(ドイツ文学領域世話人)
2011-04 -- 2012-03人文社会系文芸言語専攻運営委員会委員会委員(ドイツ文学領域)
2011-04 -- 2012-03人文社会系文芸言語専攻論文審査委員会委員会委員(ドイツ文学領域)
2011-04 -- 2012-03留学生担当者ドイツからの留学生の世話人。筑波大学のドイツに留学したい希望者の窓口
Other activities
2021 -- 2027Society of Friends, Japan Yearly Meeting
2020 -- 2027Society of Friends, Tsuchiura Monthly Meeting
2020-04 -- (current)English-Language Ph.D. (M.A.) Program "Applied Humanities" in the Sub-Program of Literature, Organization and Implementation
2019-04 -- (current)English-Language B.A. Program: "One-Planet Relational Studies in Literature and Culture" Organization and Implementation
2019-03 -- 2020-04English-Language Ph.D. (M.A.) Program "Applied Humanities" in the Sub-Program of Literature, Creation and Organization
2018-04 -- 2019-03English-Language B.A. Program: "One-Planet Relational Studies in Literature and Culture" Creation and Organization

(Last updated: 2025-03-13)