KANG Seung Won

Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences
Official title
Associate Professor
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Floriculture and Biotechnology Laboratory, The laboratory of Olericulture & Floriculture
Research fields
Science in genetics and breeding
Horticultural science
Research keywords
Plant Genetic transformation
Mass Spectrometry
Gas Chromatography
Volatile Organic Coumpounds
Plant Metabolic Engineering
Floricultural Science
Research projects
熱帯地域における持続的野菜生産のためのトウガラシ、トマトの革新的な育種技術開発2023-11 -- 2025-03康 承源JST-JICA/地球規 模課題対応国際科学技術協力プログラム(SATREPS)生物資源研究分野138,913,967Yen
熱帯地域における持続的野菜生産のためのトウガラシ、トマトの革新的な育種技術開発2023-04 -- 2025-03Seung Won KangJapan Science and Technology Agency (JST)/地球規 模課題対応国際科学技術協力プログラム(SATREPS)生物資源研究分野65,666,900Yen
植物バイオテクノロジー分野における日本の先端科学技術について学ぶ体験交流2023-01 -- 2023-03康 承源Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)/国際青少年サイエンス交流事業(さくらサイエンスプログラム)3,294,612Yen
熱帯地域における持続的野菜生産のためのトウガラシ、トマトの革新的な育種技術開発2022-06 -- 2023-03康 承源Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)/地球規 模課題対応国際科学技術協力プログラム(SATREPS)生物資源研究分野6,500,000Yen
月面等における長期滞在を支える高度資源循環型食料供給システムの開発2021-12 -- 2026-03小正 瑞季農林水産省/戦略プロジェクト
花粉による新植物育種技術の開発2019 -- 2023皆川 吉(独法)科学技術振興機構/研究成果最適展開支援プログラム A-STEP
ゲノム編集技術を活用した農作物品種・育種素材の開発2019 -- 2023平成31年度「ゲノム編集技術を活用した農作物品種・育種素材の開発(包括)」委託事業農林水産省/戦略的プロジェクト研究推進事業
Career history
2014-04 -- (current)University of TsukubaFaculty of Life and Environmental SciencesAssociate Professor
2012-07 -- 2013-03University of TsukubaFaculty of Life and Environmental SciencesAssistant Professor
2011-09 -- 2012-02Chung-Ang UniversityGraduate SchoolPart-time lecturer
2010-09 -- 2012-06Chung-ANg UniversityBio Environment Technology InstituteFull-time Researcher
2009-09 -- 2010-08Chung-Ang UniversityIndustry-Academy Cooperation FoundationFull-time researcher
2008-12 -- 2009-09University of TsukubaGraduate School of Life and Environmental SciencesFull-time researcher
2007-12 -- 2008-11University of TsukubaGraduate School of Life and Envrionmental SciencesVisiting researcher
2006-03 -- 2007-02Korea UniversityInstitute of Life and Natural ResourcesSenior researcher
2006-03 -- 2008-02Korea UniversityCollege of Life Sciences & TechnologyPart-time Lecturer
2005-03 -- 2006-02Korea UniversityInstitute of Life and Natural ResourcesResearcher
Academic background
2002-03 -- 2006-02Korea University Graduate School Department of Horticultural Sciences
2000-03 -- 2002-02Korea University Graduate School Department of Horticultural Science
1993-03 -- 2000-02Korea University College of Natural Resouce Sciences Department of Horticultural Sciences
2006-02Ph.D. in AgricultureKorea University
2002-02M.S. in AgricultureKorea University
2000-02B.S. in AgricultureKorea University
Academic societies
2014-01 -- (current)The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
2001-01 -- (current)The Botanical Society of Korea
2000-01 -- (current)Korean Society for Horticultural Science
Honors & Awards
2012-05Outstanding Paper Award優秀論文
  • 植物発達学(식물발달학)
    Kang Seung Won
    World Science, 2007-11
  • 植物工場(식물공장)
    康 承源
    World Science, 2008-03
Conference, etc.
  • Development of dwarf, high-functionality, good-tasting tomato varieties through genome editing for cultivation on the lunar farm
    久家徳之; 勝山弘章; 直井 崇; 高山真理子; 後藤英司; KANG Seung Won; 江面
    Plant and Animal Genome Conference/2025-01-10--2025-01-15
  • Development of dwarf, high-functionality, good-tasting tomato varieties through genome editing for cultivation on the lunar farm
    久家徳之; 勝山弘章; 直井 崇; 高山真理子; 後藤英司; KANG Seung Won; 江面
    Plant and Animal Genome Conference/2025-01-10--2025-01-15
  • Optimization of Callus Induction in Six Genotypes of Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum)
    Maulana Faza Aulia; Carsono Nono; Damayanti Farida; KA...
    XIX International Solanaceae Conference/2024-11-25--2024-11-28
  • Screening of chili pepper genotypes with potential resistance to anthracnose caused by various Colletotrichum species
    Mitalo Oscar W.; Rahmat Bayu P.N.; Carsono Nono; Bakti...
    XIX International Solanaceae Conference/2024-11-25--2024-11-28
  • SOLANACEAE for sustainable production in Emerging Countries
    KANG Seung Won
    XIX International Solanaceae Conference/2024-11-25--2024-11-28
  • ニオイバンマツリ花弁中β-グルコシダーゼの特性解析
    康 承源; 小池美奈; B.P.N. Rahmat; I.F. Elfakhriano; Unhui Le...
  • Identification of resistant sources against anthracnose disease caused by Colletotrichum spp. in chili pepper
    康 承源; O.W. Mitalo; B.P.N. Rahmat; N. Carsono; C. Bak...
  • Development of Screening Method using High Resolution Melting from Heat Tolerant mutant Line of Tomato Micro-Tom HT7
    康 承源; Unhui Lee; O.W. Mitalo; B.P.N. Rahmat; I.F. El...
  • The effect of heat stress on seed germination of Sliaa9 Micro-Tom tomato mutant
    康 承源; Rahmat B.P.N; I.F. Elfakhriano; Unhui Lee; Mina...
  • Revisiting the transcriptomic changes induced by cold stress and chilling injury development in tomato fruit
    Kang Seung Won
    the International Conference XVII SOLANACEAE2022 on the Plant Family of Solanaceae/2022-11-01--2022-11-05
  • Quantification of flowering stage and analysis of volatile organic compounds in the flowers of Brunfelsia australis
    Koike Mina; Isoda Minori; Naganuma Yoshino; Witere Mi...
    The 4th Asian Horticultural Congress/2023-08-28--2023-08-31
  • Comparative analysis of volatile organic compounds and floral micromorphology of wild orchids epigeneium spp
    Isoda Minori; Naganuma Yoshino; Koike Mina; Mitalo Os...
    The 4th Asian Horticultural Congress/2023-08-28--2023-08-31
  • Comparative analysis of volatile organic compounds synthesized from flowers of genus Lonicera (honeysuckle)
    康 承源; 永沼香乃
  • Comparative analysis of volatile organic compounds in flowers of wild orchids, Epigeneium lyonii and E. cymbidioides
    康 承源; 磯田みのり
  • Comparative analysis of fragrance component in ploidy and plant sampling area of Chrysanthemum indicum
    康 承源; 竹田未来; オスカーミタロ; 福田直也; 松山茂; 森山和紀
  • Floral scent profiling of wild chrysanthemum species using HS-SPME/GC-MS
    康 承源
  • Case Study of Methodological Procedure for Assessment of Introduced Gene in Genetically Modified Plants: CMV Resistant Red Pepper
    Kang Seung Won
    임시총회 및 제95차 추계학술발표회/2011-10-27--2011-10-29
  • 유전자변형작물의 도입유전자의 안정성 평가를 위한 방법론적 고찰: CMV 저항성 고추
    Kang Seung Won
    임시총회 및 제95차 추계학술발표회/2011-10-27--2011-10-29
  • Expression Analysis of Putative NADPH-dependent Aromatic Alcohol Reductase Gene in Miniature Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Micro-Tom) Fruits
    康 承源
    임시총회 및 제93차 추계학술발표회/2010-10-22--2010-10-23
  • Biological Characterization and Construction of an Infectious cDNA Clone of Ribgrass Mosaic Virus Pyeongchang Isolate
    Kang Seung Won
    임시총회 및 제93차 추계학술발표회/2010-10-22--2010-10-23
  • Construction of Two Types of Cucumber fruit mottle mosaic virus (CFMMV) Infectious Clone Showing Attenuated and Typical Mottle Mosaic Symptom
    Kang Seung Won
    임시총회 및 제93차 추계학술발표회/2010-10-22--2010-10-23
  • 植物形質転換ネットワークによるトマト形質転換体作成の支援
    康 承源
  • Event- and Genotype-Specific Gene Flow Analysis in Virus Resistant GM Chili Pepper
    Kang Seung Won
    정기총회 및 제92차 춘계학술발표회/2010-05-28--2010-05-29
  • 植物形質転換ネットワ-クによるトマトの形質転換支援
    康 承源
    第27回日本植物細胞分子生物学会(藤沢)大開 シンポジウム/2009-07-30--2009-07-31
  • Profiling of flower fragrances emitted from five sweet pea cultivars (Lathyrus odoratus L. spp.) by SPME-GC/MS analysis
    Kang Seung Won
  • more...
Intellectural property rights
  • 雄原細胞への物質導入方法
    皆川 吉; 田中 左恵子; 栗原(水多) 陽子; 和田 悠作; 江面 浩; 康 承源; 赤瀬 公亮; ウォララッド...
2023-09 -- 2023-09First Year SeminarSchool of Life and Environmental Sciences
2024-04 -- 2024-12生物圏資源科学講究III農学学位プログラム
2024-04 -- 2024-12生物圏資源科学講究II農学学位プログラム
2024-04 -- 2024-12生物圏資源科学講究I農学学位プログラム
2024-04 -- 2024-08農林生物学特別研究IIF(春)生物資源科学学位プログラム
2024-04 -- 2024-08農林生物学演習IIF(春)生物資源科学学位プログラム
2024-04 -- 2024-08農林生物学特別研究IIS生物資源科学学位プログラム
2024-04 -- 2024-08農林生物学特別研究IS生物資源科学学位プログラム
2024-04 -- 2024-08農林生物学演習IIS生物資源科学学位プログラム
2024-04 -- 2024-08農林生物学演習IS生物資源科学学位プログラム
Other educational activities
2024-01 -- 2024-03Training on Molecular Biological Analysis of Chili Pepper and Tomato筑波大学
2023-02 -- 2023-02さくらサイエンスプログラム筑波大学・つくば機能植物イノベーション研究センター
2016-01 -- 2016-01Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in ScienceUniversity of Tsukuba
  • The Project for Breeding Innovation in Chili Pepper and Tomato to Accelerate Sustainable Vegetable Production in Tropical Regions
    康 承源
    The 488th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere;The 13th Tropical Biomass Flagship Symposium /2022-12-22--2022-12-22
Professional activities
2021-03 -- 2021-03The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science実行委員
Other activities
2021-03 -- 2021-03日本園芸学会の令和3年度春季大会(筑波大学主催)の実行委員

(Last updated: 2025-02-22)