SANO Yoshio

Institute of Systems and Information Engineering
Official title
Associate Professor
System Optimization Laboratory
Research keywords
Discrete Mathematics
Mathematical Optimization
Research projects
グラフ・マトロイド・凸幾何の組合せ構造と関連する離散最適化の研究2023 -- 2026佐野 良夫Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)4,940,000Yen
Career history
2015-04 -- (current)University of TsukubaDivision of Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Information and SystemsAssociate Professor
2012-11 -- 2015-03University of TsukubaDivision of Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Information and SystemsAssistant Professor
2010-03Ph.D. in ScienceKyoto University
2006-03Master of ScienceKyoto University
2004-03Bachelor of ScienceKyoto University
Academic societies
-- (current)The Mathematical Society of Japan
-- (current)The Operations Research Society of Japan
Conference, etc.
  • (2+1)フリーな半順序集合上の半順序マトロイド交叉問題に対する多項式時間アルゴリズム
    堤 幸太朗; 佐野 良夫; 久野 誉人
    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会 2024年春季研究発表会/2024-03-07--2024-03-08
  • An algorithm for the intersection problem on two poset matroids on a (2+1)-free poset
    TSUTSUMI Kotaro; SANO Yoshio; KUNO Takahito
    The 25th Indonesia-Japan Conference on Discrete and Computational Geometry, Graphs, and Games (IJCDCG^3 2023)/2023-09-22--2023-09-24
  • 半順序集合上のマトロイド的構造と効率の良い最適化アルゴリズム
    佐野 良夫
  • 半順序集合上のマトロイド的構造とその上の最適化問題について
    佐野 良夫
  • 半順序集合上のマトロイド的構造とその周辺
    佐野 良夫
    日本数学会 応用数学分科会/2021-03-16--2021-03-16
  • Graph eigenvalues and graph structure (II)
    Sano Yoshio
    Lecture at Pusan National University/2018-11-07--2018-11-07
  • Graph eigenvalues and graph structure (I)
    Sano Yoshio
    Lecture at Pusan National University/2018-11-06--2018-11-06
  • Combinatorial structure and algebraic structure on graphs
    Sano Yoshio
    Open Seminar on Combinatorics and Financial Mathematics/2018-10-12--2018-10-13
  • On the partial order competition dimension and the chromatic number of a graph
    Sano Yoshio
    Japanese Conference on Combinatorics and its Applications 2018 (JCCA 2018)/2018-05-20--2018-05-24
  • グラフの固有値と辺着色
    佐野 良夫
  • グラフの最小固有値とグラフ構造
    佐野 良夫
  • Travel groupoids and combinatorial structures on a graph
    SANO Yoshio
    The Japanese Conference on Combinatorics and its Applications (JCCA 2016)/2016-05-21--2016-05-25
  • Travel groupoids and combinatorial structures on graphs
    佐野 良夫
  • On the competition numbers of diamond-free graphs
    SANO Yoshio
    18th Japan Conference on Discrete and Computational Geometry and Graphs (JCDCG^2 2015)/2015-09-14--2015-09-16
  • On the competition numbers of diamond-free graphs
    佐野 良夫
    MSJ Fall Meeting 2015/2015-09-13--2015-09-16
  • Fat Hoffman graphs with smallest eigenvalue at least -2.481194304092...
    Sano Yoshio
    The 9th Hungarian-Japanese Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications/2015-06-02--2015-06-05
  • On graphs with smallest eigenvalue bounded from below
    佐野 良夫
    The Third Workshop on Spectral Graph Theory and Related Topics/2015-03-13--2015-03-15
  • On gregarious group divisible designs
    佐野 良夫
    Workshop on Finite Geometry and Combinatorial Design/2015-03-06--2015-03-07
  • Combinatorial systems and travel groupoids on graphs
    佐野 良夫
  • Travel groupoids on graphs
    Sano Yoshio
    Colloquium at Department of Mathematics, Pusan National University/2014-09-18--2014-09-18
  • Graph eigenvalues and graph structure
    佐野 良夫
    Urban Operations Research (UOR) Summer Seminar 2014/2014-08-22--2014-08-22
  • Travel groupoids on infinite graphs
    佐野 良夫
    日本数学会 2014年度年会/2014-03-15--2014-03-18
  • The non-confusing travel groupoids on a finite connected graph
    佐野 良夫
    MSJ Spring Meeting 2014/2014-03-15--2014-03-18
  • Travel groupoids on graphs
    SANO Yoshio
    The 12th Korea-Japan Workshop on Algebra and Combinatorics/2014-01-23--2014-01-25
  • On intersection graphs associated with digraphs and posets
    SANO Yoshio
    25th Workshop on Topological Graph Theory/2013-11-18--2013-11-22
  • more...
2023-10 -- 2024-02Research in Computer Science IIfUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2024-02Research in Computer Science IfUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-08Research in Computer Science IsUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-08Research in Computer Science IIsUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-08Seminar in Computer Science sUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2024-02Research in Computer Science fUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2024-02Seminar in Computer Science fUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2024-02Computer Science Seminar BUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-08Computer Science Seminar BUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2024-02Computer Science Seminar AfUniversity of Tsukuba.
Other educational activities
2018-07 -- 2018-07教員免許状更新講習筑波大学
2017-08 -- 2017-08大学説明会・模擬講義筑波大学 情報学群 情報メディア創成学類
2017-07 -- 2017-07教員免許状更新講習筑波大学
2016-07 -- 2016-07研究室体験(附属駒場高等学校2年生)筑波大学
Other activities
2016-10 -- (current)筑波大学 職員乗馬クラブ 代表
2016-10 -- (current)筑波大学 体育会 馬術部 部長(顧問教員)

(Last updated: 2024-05-19)