Institute of Art and Design
Official title
Associate Professor
G$2(.-x2<KG |"#.-,.E-,.$.yxExzE#)
Research fields
Design science
Area studies
Architectural history/Design
Town planning/Architectural planning
Research keywords
Emerging Architecture
Local Dwelt Environment History
Local Dwelt Environment Design
Anthropology of Design / Design Anthropology
South Asia and Indian Ocean World
Colonial City
Research projects
Enhancement of Micro-Community Scale Cultural Landscape through Art and Design Practice2023-04 -- 2024-03YAMADA KyotaUniversity of Tsukuba and National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)/the FY2023 “Joint Research Program between University of Tsukuba and National Cheng Kung University”500,000Yen
Construction of the Integrative Simulation of Climate Responsive Dwelt Environment and the Cross Referencing System of the Cases2021-04 -- 2022-03YAMADA KyotaCenter for Southeast Asian Area Studies, Kyoto University/共同利用・共同研究拠点「地域情報資源の共有化と相関型地域研究の推進拠点」 共同研究課題
Promotion of symbiotic design considering sensory diversity2021-04 -- 2024-03Shinichi KoyamaJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Construction of Climate Responsive Dwelt Environment Database2020-04 -- 2021-03YAMADA KyotaCenter for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University/共同利用・共同研究拠点「地域情報資源の共有化と相関型地域研究の推進拠点」 共同研究課題
Reinforcement and practical implementation of sustainable livelihood systems enabling poverty allevation and ecosystems conservation under fragile environment in the Tropics2020-04 -- 2025-03TANAKA UeruJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Creation of Climate Responding Dwelt Environment by Local and Scientific Knowledge Integration through Database2018-04 -- 2024-03YAMADA KyotaJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)4,290,000Yen
Dynamisms of Modern Buddhist Architecture over Asia2013-04 -- 2016-03YAMADA KyotaJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)5,200,000Yen
Formation and Contemporary Transformation of Colonial cities and Urban Dwellings in Sri Lanka2010-04 -- 2013-03Kyota YamadaJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)3,510,000Yen
Comparative Study on Formation and Transformation of Portuguese Colonial Cities in South Asia2006-04 -- 2008-03YAMADA KyotaJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity start-up2,700,000Yen
Formation and Transformation of South Asian Colonial Cities -Colombo, Cochin and Nagapattinam2004-04 -- 2005-03Shuji FUNOHEIWA NAKAJIMA FOUNDATION/Foundation for Asian Studies
Career history
2018-11 -- (current)University of TsukubaFaculty of Art & DesignAssociate Professor
2017-01 -- 2018-10Kyoto UniversityCenter for Southeast Asian Area StudiesAffiliated Assistant Professor
2015-04 -- 2016-12Kyoto UniversityCenter for Integrated Area StudiesSpecially Appointed Assistant Professor
2009-08 -- 2015-03Kyoto UniversityGraduate School of Asian and African Area StudiesAssistant Professor
2005-11 -- 2009-07Torrori University of Environmental StudiesFaculty of Environmental DesignAssistant, Assistant Professor
Academic background
2002-04 -- 2005-10Kyoto University Graduate School of Engineering Architecture and Environmental Design
2000-04 -- 2002-03Kyoto University Graduate School of Engineering Architecture and Environmental Design
1996-04 -- 2000-03Kyoto University Department of Engineering Faculty of Architecture
2006-03Ph.D.Kyoto University
Academic societies
2021-04 -- (current)Society of Architectural Historians of Japan
  • Recommendations for fieldwork: Towards an architecture of vernacularity
    山田 協太
    Design Discourse, Degree Program in Design 2022-2023/pp.9-15, 2023-08
  • 住民の目線から見るチュムチョン・クロントゥーイの改善点:タイのチュムチョンにおける住民主導型デザイン
    阿部拓也; 山田 協太
    日本デザイン学会第70回春季研究発表大会梗概集/pp.266-267, 2023-06
  • 生命の種
    長井春雅くらら; 山田 協太
    2023年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集/pp.396-397, 2023-09
  • 満鉄社宅の採暖防寒技術と室内の和風化について 東アジアにおける住宅地形成に関する研究 その1
    森 湧梧; 包 慕萍; 奥冨 利幸; 林 憲吾; 山田 協太; 山根 遥; 森 恭彰; 水田 周作...
    2023年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集/pp.11-12, 2023-09
  • トートカティンにおける空間構成とその参加者の居住地分布
    佐藤百香; 阿部拓也; 山田 協太
    2023年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集/pp.337-338, 2023-09
  • タイのチュムチョンにおける家族と親戚の関係性
    阿部拓也; 庄司 栄介; 清水 郁郎; 山田 協太
    2023年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集/pp.915-916, 2023-09
  • 生命の種―砂漠に適応するバイオインスパイアード建築のデザインと実践 その1:炭酸カルシウム法(MICP)の考察
    長井春雅くらら; 山田 協太
    2023年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集/pp.1375-1376, 2023-09
    山田 協太; 佐藤百香; 阿部拓也
    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ)/88(810)/pp.2348-2359, 2023-08
  • Dynamism of House Plans with Reference to Family Conditions of Lower-Middle-Class Families in Suburban Western Coast of Sri Lanka
    Hirudini Seekkuarachchige Mihiri; Yamada Kyota
    BUILDINGS/14(2), 2024-02
    佐藤 百香; 山田 協太
    The Architectural Institute of Japan's Journal of Architecture and Planning/88(810), 2023-08
  • Simulation of the Microclimate Generated in the Siheyuan of Qing Dynasty Beijing Based on an Historically Verified Model: Towards clarification of the climate responsive mechanisms of vernacular architecture
    Guang-bo JIANG; Kyota YAMADA; Mu-ping Bao; Tomoko UNO
    2022年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集/pp.799-802, 2022-09
  • Conditions and Modalities of Domestic Places with Sense of Co-presence in Contemporary Sri Lanka with Special Reference to the Long-Distance Online Field Study Methodology during COVID19
    Hirudini Seekkuarachchige Mihiri; Kyota YAMADA
    2022年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集/pp.791-794, 2022-09
  • Identifying the Patterns of Co-presence and Social Interactions in the Dwellings of Contemporary Sri Lankan Suburbs through the Virtual Fieldworks
    Hirudini Seekkuarachchige Mihiri; Kyota YAMADA
    9th International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2022, 2022-07
  • A Study of Building Components, Joint and Structural Features of South Manimanpada in the Historic City of Patan (Kathmandu Valley, Nepal)
    Nakaba Fumito; Pant Mohan Moorti; Yamada Kyota
    Proceedings 13th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia/pp.1274-1280, 2022-11
  • 【インフォーマル居住地×創造性】自立しない建築
    Yamada Kyota
    都市インフォーマリティから導く実践計画理論[若手奨励]特別研究委員会報告書/pp.161-162, 2022-03
  • 地域の文脈に基づく建築デザインのためのフィールドワーク:台南における学外演習の記録/基於地域脈絡的建築設計之田野調査:台南的校外教學紀録
    Yamada Kyota
    「Formosa 偎海 e 所在」國際學術研討會 2021 NCKU International Conference on Taiwan Stucfy : TAINAN, Sea Faring Harbor City 會議論文/pp.271-288, 2021-11
  • Chapter 6 The Network Turn in Fieldwork and Architectural Design: A local cultural center project and an online relief project during the COVID-19 crisis in the historical area of Colombo, Sri Lanka
    Yamada Kyota
    Digital Technology Mediated Integration of Area Study and Design Study, CIRAS Discussion Paper/(116)/pp.95-115, 2022-03
  • Chapter 4 Proposed Model House for the Low-income Parents of Samanera Theros in Rural Villages in Sri Lanka: An example of village culture, construction system, and micro-climate simulations integrated in architectural design
    Yamada Kyota; Hirudini SEEKKUARACHCHIGE Mihiri; Guang-bo ...
    Digital Technology Mediated Integration of Area Study and Design Study, CIRAS Discussion Paper/(116)/pp.63-70, 2022-03
  • Capter 2 Experiments on Creation of Virtual Fields for Mutual Interaction: Remote studio courses on Colombo, Sri Lanka, and Kawagoe, Japan
    Yamada Kyota
    Digital Technology Mediated Integration of Area Study and Design Study, CIRAS Discussion Paper/(116)/pp.33-42, 2022-03
  • Capturing from Human Activities the Multiscale Dynamisms of Dwelt Environment
    Yamada Kyota
    Architectural and Planning Cultures Across Regions: Digital Humanities Collaboration Towards Knowledge Integration, CIRAS-Discussion Paper/(81)/pp.121-124, 2018-03
  • Vernacuralization of Architecture Planning: Towards Basic Theory for Dwelt Environment Design
    Yamada Kyota
    Proceedings of the 10thInternational Conference of Faculty of Architecture Research Unit (FARU )2017/pp.361-372, 2017-12
  • Chapter 14 Religious Buildings, Dwelling Space: Religious Buildings, Architecture (South India, Sri Lanka), in Encyclopedia of Islamic Culture
    山田 協太
    Maruzen-Yushodo Company, 2023-01
  • 14章 宗教施設, 住空間 宗教施設, 建築(南インド, スリランカ)
    山田 協太
    イスラーム文化事典/丸善出版/pp.100-101, 2022-11
  • 第3章住まいの計画 03-08 敷地を知る
    山田 協太
    住まいの百科事典/丸善出版/pp.106-107, 2021-04
  • Contestation between Buddhism and Christianity over the Modernization of the Historical Capital, Kyoto
    山田 協太
    Yutaka Nomi and Universal Unified Religion: Ultranationalism of Meiji Era and Glocalsim/Douseisha/pp.53-70, 2021-03
  • South Asia 24: Kandy
    山田 協太
    Encyclopedia of Global History of Cities/Showado/pp.60-61, 2019-11
  • South Asia 23: Galle
    山田 協太
    Encyclopedia of Global History of Cities/Showado/pp.58-59, 2019-11
  • South Asia 22: Colombo
    山田 協太
    Encyclopedia of Global History of Cities/Showado/pp.56-57, 2019-11
  • South Asia 19: Nagapattinam
    山田 協太
    Encyclopedia of Global History of Cities/Showado/pp.50-51, 2019-11
  • South Asia 09: Cochin
    山田 協太
    Encyclopedia of Global History of Cities/Showado/pp.30-31, 2019-11
  • South Asia 08: Goa
    山田 協太
    Encyclopedia of Global History of Cities/Showado/pp.28-29, 2019-11
  • Lecture10 「ヒンドゥー建築」の世界史:世界秩序を体現する寺院
    山田 協太
    世界建築史15講/彰国社/pp.122-133, 2019-04
  • 地域に世界を読む:布野研究室・布野修司
    山田 協太
    建築フィールドワークの系譜/昭和堂/pp.60-67, 2018-12
  • インド洋世界の十字路:コロンボムスリムの多様性
    山田 協太
    アジアに生きるイスラーム/イースト・プレス/pp.262-281, 2018-04
Conference, etc.
  • Communication and Education in Metaverse; NAKADAI Green Commons for Workcation; SPATIALIZER : Environmental Instrument; KANZOO: Educational Toy for Kids
    ITO Setsu; 早里 山本; 敏正 山中; 慎一 小山; 俊廣 花里; 俊朗 内山; 協太 山...
  • <第三部>デジタル水戸プロジェクト:記録と体験 街のアーカイブ
    山田協太; 索米亜; 加藤 研; 貝島桃代; 洪浩麟; 宮里美里; Tsen Yi Ching
    「アートセンターをひらく 2023-地域をあそぶ」関連プログラム シンポジウム「続・水戸空間診断」/2023-07-23--2023-07-23
  • 1980-90年代宜蘭における郭中端・堀込憲二、象設計集団と現代台湾建築の展開
    阿部拓也; 山田 協太
  • 住民の目線から見るチュムチョン・クロントゥーイの改善点:タイのチュムチョンにおける住民主導型デザイン
    阿部拓也; 山田 協太
  • 生命の種
    長井春雅くらら; 山田 協太
  • 満鉄社宅の採暖防寒技術と室内の和風化について 東アジアにおける住宅地形成に関する研究 その1
    森 湧梧; 包 慕萍; 奥冨 利幸; 林 憲吾; 山田 協太; 山根 遥; 森 恭彰; 水田 周作...
  • トートカティンにおける空間構成とその参加者の居住地分布
    佐藤百香; 阿部拓也; 山田 協太
  • タイのチュムチョンにおける家族と親戚の関係性
    阿部拓也; 庄司 栄介; 清水 郁郎; 山田 協太
  • 生命の種―砂漠に適応するバイオインスパイアード建築のデザインと実践 その1:炭酸カルシウム法(MICP)の考察
    長井春雅くらら; 山田 協太
  • Communication and Education in Metaverse
    Bao Suomiya; Alisjahbana Kara Dinissa; Yamada Kyota
    Milano Design Week, INTERDEPENDENCE @ FABBRICA DEL VAPORE Designing Relationships/2024-04-16--2024-04-21
  • <第一部>水戸空間ガイド2023+水戸コンテンツレポート2023:何が残って何が消え、何が変わった?
    一ノ瀬彩; 稲用隆一; 山田協太; 加藤 研; 平井政俊; 貝島桃代
    「アートセンターをひらく 2023-地域をあそぶ」関連プログラム シンポジウム「続・水戸空間診断」/2023-07-23--2023-07-23
  • Simulation of the Microclimate Generated in the Siheyuan of Qing Dynasty Beijing Based on an Historically Verified Model: Towards clarification of the climate responsive mechanisms of vernacular architecture
    Guang-bo JIANG; Kyota YAMADA; Mu-ping Bao; Tomoko UNO
  • Conditions and Modalities of Domestic Places with Sense of Co-presence in Contemporary Sri Lanka with Special Reference to the Long-Distance Online Field Study Methodology during COVID19
    Hirudini Seekkuarachchige Mihiri; Kyota YAMADA
  • Transition of Benten Yokocho (Kawagoe) and Its Streetscape in terms of the Physical Characteristics of Its Buildings, Part 1
    中葉史人; 山田 協太
  • The Dwelt Environment of Thai Originated Dwellers in a 50 km Radius of the Capital City from the Perspective of Their Life Stories: A case study of Tsukuba City, Japan
    佐藤百香; 山田 協太; 阿部拓也
  • A Study on the Contemporary Aspects of Slums in South-East Asian Megacities, Part 2 - Trialogue on Slum as a Contemporary Asylum Dwelling Place
    庄司栄介; 清水郁郎; 山田 協太; 阿部拓也
  • 東南アジア地域研究研究所への期待 -共同研究・共同利用の経験から-
    山田 協太
    2021年度CIRASセンター・オンライン・ワークショップ 第1部 2021年度共同研究オンライン報告会/2022-02-16--2022-02-16
  • 気候応答型居住環境の統合的シミュレーションおよび事例の相互参照システムの構築 ― 実証的復元モデルに基づく清代北京四合院に生まれる微気候のシミュレーション ―
    山田 協太; 姜広博
    2021年度CIRASセンター 共同利用・共同研究報告会/2022-02-08--2022-02-23
  • Conditions and Modalities of Domestic Places with Sense of Co-presence in Contemporary Sri Lanka with Special Reference to the Long-Distance Online Field Study Methodology during COVID19
    Seekkuarachchige Mihiri Hirudini; 山田 協太
    2022 Architectural Institute of Japan Conference (Hokkaido) - Organized Session/2022-09-05--2022-09-08
  • Simulation of the Microclimate Generated in the Siheyuan of Qing Dynasty Beijing Based on an Historically Verified Model: Towards clarification of the climate responsive mechanisms of vernacular architecture
    JIANG Guang-bo; YAMADA Kyota; Bao Mu-ping; UNO Tomoko
    2022 Architectural Institute of Japan Conference (Hokkaido) - Organized Session/2022-09-05--2022-09-08
  • The Contemporary Modalities of Slums in the Southeast Asian Megacities Part 2: A testimonial of the slums as contemporary places of asylum
    庄司栄介; 清水郁郎; 山田 協太; 阿部拓也
  • The Contemporary Modalities of Slums in the Southeast Asian Megacities Part 1: Shop management of the poorest social group
    庄司栄介; 清水郁郎; 山田 協太; 阿部拓也
  • The Transition of Benten By-street, Kawagoe, and Its Landscape Considering from Physical Characteristics of the Buildings, Part 2
    中葉史人; 山田 協太
  • The Transition of Benten By-street, Kawagoe, and Its Landscape Considering from Physical Characteristics of the Buildings, Part 1
    中葉史人; 山田 協太
  • Changed slum paradigm and developed clearance method by the concept of sustainability and resilience part 1 – The similarity between illegal extensions of houses and reconstructions of houses after fire
    阿部拓也; 山田 協太; 清水郁郎
  • more...
  • Digital Mito Project
    山田 協太; 索米亜
  • 「建築の研究と実践」展
    花里俊廣; 山田協太; 加藤 研
  • 続・水戸空間診断
    一ノ瀬彩; 久野靖広; 稲用隆一; 山田協太; 加藤 研; 貝島桃代; 平井政俊
  • 水戸空間ガイド2023
    加藤 研; 山田協太; 一ノ瀬彩; 稲用隆一; 久野靖広; 平井政俊
2025-04 -- (current)Special Lecture in Asian Architectural DesignDegree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
2024-04 -- (current)Special Lecture in Place MakingDegree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
2023-04 -- 2024-03Japan-Expert Japanese for Special Purposes (Art and Design Course)School of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba
2023-04 -- (current)Special Workshops: Architectural Design IISchool of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba
2023-04 -- (current)Special Overseas Study 2Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
2023-04 -- (current)Research Project in Design C-IIDegree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
2023-04 -- (current)Specail Overseas Study 5Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
2023-04 -- 2024-03Advanced Seminar: Theory of Design IAGraduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
2023-04 -- (current)Advanced Overseas Study 1Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
2023-04 -- (current)Advanced Overseas Study 3Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Other educational activities
2023-10 -- (current)博士論文副査筑波大学人間総合科学学術院博士後期課程デザイン学学位プログラム
2023-10 -- (current)博士論文副査筑波大学人間総合科学学術院博士後期課程デザイン学学位プログラム
2023-10 -- 2024-03博士論文副査筑波大学システム情報工学研究科博士後期課程
2022-10 -- 2023-03博士論文副査筑波大学博士後期課程芸術専攻
2023-02 -- 2023-02Science Kids Internship Program Science Cafe: Measuring and Drawing Method of Architecture筑波大学社会連携課 つくばSKIPアカデミー
2023-08 -- 2023-08Science Kids Internship Program: Field Trip and Explanation on Sukiya Architecture (One Type of Japanese Architecture)筑波大学社会連携課 つくばSKIPアカデミー
2022-06 -- 2022-06Jury du Soutenance PFE - Parcours de Master ARCHITECTURE AMBIANCE ET CULTURE NUMERIQUE - INTERNATIONAL > England / Tottenham > Japon / Kawagoe > Egypte / Le caireParcours de Master ARCHITECTURE AMBIANCE ET CULTURE NUMERIQUE, École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble, Université Grenoble Alpes, France
2022-06 -- 2022-06Jury du Soutenance PFE - Parcours de Master ARCHITECTURE AMBIANCE ET CULTURE NUMERIQUE - INTERNATIONAL > England / Tottenham > Japon / Kawagoe > Egypte / Le caireParcours de Master ARCHITECTURE AMBIANCE ET CULTURE NUMERIQUE, École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble, Université Grenoble Alpes, France
2022-06 -- 2022-06Jury du Soutenance PFE - Parcours de Master ARCHITECTURE AMBIANCE ET CULTURE NUMERIQUE - INTERNATIONAL > England / Tottenham > Japon / Kawagoe > Egypte / Le caireParcours de Master ARCHITECTURE AMBIANCE ET CULTURE NUMERIQUE, École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble, Université Grenoble Alpes, France
2022-04 -- 2022-04IHRP 2022 全国高校生異分野融合型研究プログラム 水文学講座8 すまいと環境 -気候応答型建築への招待- 南インド広域調査(2016年7月)を中心にIHRP (Interdisciplinary Highschool Research Program)
  • <第三部>デジタル水戸プロジェクト:記録と体験 街のアーカイブ
    山田協太; 索米亜; 加藤 研; 貝島桃代
    「アートセンターをひらく 2023-地域をあそぶ」関連プログラム シンポジウム「続・水戸空間診断」/2023-07-23--2023-07-23
  • <第一部>水戸空間ガイド2023+水戸コンテンツレポート2023:何が残って何が消え、何が変わった?
    一ノ瀬彩; 稲用隆一; 山田協太; 加藤 研; 平井政俊; 貝島桃代
    「アートセンターをひらく 2023-地域をあそぶ」関連プログラム シンポジウム「続・水戸空間診断」/2023-07-23--2023-07-23
  • Connective Architecture Project in Colombo, Sri Lanka: Tuition Construction and Dynamisms of Living Worlds
    山田 協太
    Islam and Multiculturalism: Islam, Modern Science and Technology/2013-01
  • Dynamisms in the Hub City of Colombo and the Urban Networks around the Bay of Bengal from the Viewpoint of Daily Activities: The Locations of Religious Architecture from the 17th Century
    山田 協太
    Islam and Multiculturalism: Between Norms and Forms/2011-11
  • Dutch Overseas Expansion and Construction of Colonial Cities
    山田 協太
    the 16th and 17th Century from Global Perspective -Possibility of Japan-Europe Comparative Urban Studies/2008-09
  • A Review on Historiography of Modern Urban History: Reconsideration of World Perspective from a Viewpoint of Colonial City Studies
    山田 協太
    The 8th Internaional Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia/2010-11
  • Capturing from Human Activities: the Multiscale Dynamisms of Dwelt Environment,
    山田 協太
  • Global Environment and Mega Cities: Cognitive Science, Science for Design and Human-World Interaction Approach
    山田 協太
    International Symposium Cities Under Change/2012-10
  • Dutch Overseas Expansion and Laying out of Colonial Cities: Materialization of Simon Stevin's Ideal Model for the Early Capitalist City and its Transformation
    山田 協太
    Brain Korea 21 International Symposium: Tradition and Modernity of Architecture and Urbanism in Historic Area/2009-07
  • South Asia-East Asia Interaction and Urban Landscape Formation Viewing from Modern Buddhism Architecture
    山田 協太
    シンポジウム第十一回「近代建築史の最先端」 東アジア近代建築史研究の回顧と展望―『東アジアの近代建築』から30年―/2015-11
  • Colombo-Asia Inter-Urban Network Viewing from Urban Landscape of Modern Buddhism Architecture
    山田 協太
    Japan Society for Southeast Asian Area Studies 95th Conference/2016-06
  • Consideration on Unfolding of South Indian Merchant Activities and Formation of Port City Colombo: A Sketch of Organization and Transformation of Urban Space since the 18th Century
    山田 協太
    Japan Association for South Asian Studies 24th Annual Sessions/2011-10
  • Dwellings in the World -Possibility of Vernacular Architecture
    山田 協太
  • City and Broad World -South Indian and Sri Lankan Urban Space which Trans-Border People Spin-
    山田 協太
  • Modern Buddhism and Urban Landscape -Connection between Asia and Kyoto
    山田 協太
    景観・まちづくり大学 京のまちづくり史セミナー/2015-09
Professional activities
2023-03 -- (current)ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE OF JAPANISAIA (The International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia) Committee / Committee Member
2023-01 -- (current)School of Art and Design, University of TsukubaThe Art Writer Award for High School Students English Essay Selection Member
2020 -- 2020Journal of AsianArchitecture and BuildingEngineeringReviewer
-- (current)日本建築学会計画系論文集論文査読員
-- (current)日本都市計画学会 全国大会都市計画論文論文査読員
2020-04 -- 2021-03福岡アジア文化賞推薦委員
2020-08 -- (current)Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural HeritageSubcommittee of Southeast and South Asia / Member
2019-04 -- 2023-03ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE OF JAPAN環境工学委員会人類学的アプローチ小委員会委員
2017-04 -- 2019-03ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE OF JAPANAnthropological Approach Working Group
2013-04 -- (current)ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE OF JAPANSubcommittee of Comparative Study on Dwelling Culture
University Management
2024-04 -- (current)デザイン学学位プログラム学生相談委員
2024-04 -- (current)デザイン学学位プログラム奨学金返還免除委員
2024-04 -- (current)デザイン学学位プログラム学生表彰委員会委員
2024-04 -- (current)デザイン学学位プログラム学生委員会委員
2024-04 -- (current)デザイン学学位プログラム運営委員会委員
2024-04 -- (current)デザイン学学位プログラムカリキュラム委員会委員長
2024-04 -- (current)芸術系社会貢献推進室委員
2024-04 -- (current)芸術系施設委員委員長
2023-04 -- (current)学生生活支援室(全学)学生生活支援室員(全学委員)
2023-04 -- (current)芸術専門学群広報検討WGメンバー

(Last updated: 2024-11-20)