HIRATA Yoshito
- Affiliation
- Institute of Systems and Information Engineering
- Official title
- Associate Professor
- 0000-0002-9245-2543
- ;-.7&9&HWS(8Q98:0:'&Q&(Q/5
- Research fields
Soft computing - Research keywords
Nonlinear time series analysis 3D chromosome structure reconstruction - Research projects
ランダム力学系のための非線形時系列解析 2018-04 -- 2021-03 平田祥人 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(C) 点過程時系列データのための非線形時系列解析 2011-04 -- 2013-03 平田祥人 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/若手研究(B) - Career history
2019-06 -- (current) University of TsukubaFaculty of Engineering, Information and SystemsAssociate Professor 2018-01 -- 2019-05 The University of TokyoGraduate School of Information Science and TechnologyAssociate Professor 2010-07 -- 2017-12 The University of TokyoInstitute of Industrial ScienceProject Associate Professor 2008-04 -- 2010-06 東京大学生産技術研究所特任助教 2006-10 -- 2008-03 独立行政法人科学技術振興機構ERATO 合原複雑数理モデルプロジェクト研究員 2004-04 -- 2006-09 The University of TokyoDepartment of Mathematical Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and TechnologyPostdoctoral researcher - Academic background
2000-03 -- 2004-03 University of Western Australia School of Mathematics and Statistics 1998-04 -- 2000-03 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Engineering Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics 1996-04 -- 1998-03 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Engineering Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics 1994-04 -- 1996-03 The University of Tokyo College of Arts and Sciences Natural Sciences I - Degree
2004-06 Doctor of Philosophy University of Western Australia - Academic societies
-- (current) 日本気象学会 -- (current) 日本バイオインフォマティクス学会 -- (current) THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR MATHEATICAL BIOLOGY -- 2022-11 THE JAPANESE UROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION -- (current) Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics -- (current) Society for Neuroscience -- 2022-12 European Society of Mathematical and Theoretical Biology -- (current) 電気学会 -- (current) 日本応用数理学会 - Honors & Awards
2017-06 2016年度業績賞(応用分野) 前立腺癌の間欠的内分泌療法に関する数理的アプローチ 2005-09 バイオインフォマティクスプログラミングコンテスト BIP2005 問題3特別賞 2001-01 University Postgraduate Award (International Student) - Articles
- Involution symmetry quantification using recurrences
Marghoti Gabriel; Prado Thiago de Lima; Lopes Sergio R...
PHYSICAL REVIEW E/110(2), 2024-08-05 - Next-day largest earthquake magnitude forecasting with the aid of Moon tidal force and sunspot data
Saldanha Matheus Henrique Junqueira; Hirata Yoshito
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-COMPLEXITY/5(2), 2024-06-01 - On Computing Medians of Marked Point Process Data Under Edit Distance
Sukegawa Noriyoshi; Suzuki Shohei; Ikebe Yoshiko; Hira...
JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS/200(1)/pp.178-193, 2024-01 - A review of symbolic dynamics and symbolic reconstruction of dynamical systems
Hirata Yoshito; Amigo Jose M.
CHAOS/33(5), 2023-05 - Recurrence plots bridge deterministic systems and stochastic systems topologically and measure-theoretically
Hirata Yoshito; Shiro Masanori
CHAOS/33(8), 2023-08 - A pseudo-basis using a recurrence plot
Shiro Masanori; Hirata Yoshito
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-SPECIAL TOPICS/232(1:SI)/pp.29-34, 2023-02 - Imputation-free reconstructions of three-dimensional chromosome architectures in human diploid single-cells using allele-specified contacts
Hirata Yoshito; Oda Arisa H; Motono Chie; Shiro Masan...
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/12(1), 2022-07-11 - Solar activity facilitates daily forecasts of large earthquakes
Junqueira Saldanha Matheus Henrique; Hirata Yoshito
CHAOS/32(6), 2022-06-01 - Improving time series prediction accuracy for the maxima of a flow by reconstructions using local cross sections
Hirata Yoshito; Shiro Masanori
CHAOS/32(6), 2022-06-01 - Forecasting wind power ramps with prediction coordinates
Hirata Yoshito; Amigo Jose M.; Horai Shunsuke; Ogimoto...
CHAOS/31(10), 2021-10 - Fast reconstruction of an original continuous series from a recurrence plot
Hirata Yoshito; Kitanishi Yuki; Sugishita Hiroki; Goto...
CHAOS/31(12), 2021-12 - Recurrence analysis of extreme event-like data
Banerjee Abhirup; Goswami Bedartha; Hirata Yoshito; Erogl...
NONLINEAR PROCESSES IN GEOPHYSICS/28(2)/pp.213-229, 2021-05 - Deep learning for nonlinear time series: examples for inferring slow driving forces
Hirata Yoshito; Aihara Kazuyuki
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos/30, 2020-12 - Recurrence plots for characterizing random dynamical systems
Hirata Yoshito
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation/94, 2021-03 - Electrical coupling controls dimensionality and chaotic firing of inferior olive neurons
Hoang Huu; Lang Eric J; Hirata Yoshito; Tokuda Isao T; Ai...
PLoS computational biology/16(7), 2020-07 - 筑波大学における全学必修 のデータサイエンス教育
和田耕一; 佐久間淳; 平田 祥人; 福地一斗; 青砥隆仁; 五十嵐康彦; 今倉暁; Vasilache Simona Mi...
オペレーションズ・リサーチ/65(9)/pp.573-578, 2020-11 - Topological epidemic model: Theoretical insight into underlying networks
Hirata Yoshito
Chaos (Woodbury, N.Y.)/30(10), 2020-10 - Permutations uniquely identify states and unknown external forces in non-autonomous dynamical systems
Hirata Yoshito; Sato Yuzuru; Faranda Davide
CHAOS/30(10), 2020-10 - Similarities and Differences between Recurrence Plot and Fourier Transform
城 真範; 平田 祥人; 合原 一幸
SEISAN KENKYU/72(2)/pp.137-138, 2020 - A mobile ELF4 delivers circadian temperature information from shoots to roots
Chen Wei Wei; Takahash Nozomu; Hirata Yoshito; Ronald Ja...
NATURE PLANTS/6(4)/pp.416-426, 2020-04 - Two efficient calculations of edit distance between marked point processes
Hirata Yoshito; Sukegawa Noriyoshi
Chaos/29(10), 2019-10 - Practically scheduling hormone therapy for prostate cancer using a mathematical model
Nakanishi Ayako; Hirata Yoshito
Journal of theoretical biology/478/pp.48-57, 2019-10 - Forecasting high-dimensional dynamics exploiting suboptimal embeddings
Okuno Shunya; Aihara Kazuyuki; Hirata Yoshito
Scientific reports/10(1)/p.664, 2020-01 - Surrogate Data Preserving All the Properties of Ordinal Patterns up to a Certain Length
Hirata Yoshito; Shiro Masanori; Amigo Jose M.
ENTROPY/21(7), 2019-07 - Detecting nonlinear stochastic systems using two independent hypothesis tests
Hirata Yoshito; Shiro Masanori
PHYSICAL REVIEW E/100(2), 2019-08 - more...
- Involution symmetry quantification using recurrences
- Books
- Basic Theory of Nonlinear Time Series Analysis
平田 祥人; 陳洛南; 合原一幸
東京大学出版会, 2023-04 - 風力出力予測における複数予測情報の統合
寳来俊介; 竹内知哉; 平田 祥人; 合原一幸
再生可能エネルギーの気象学/pp.115-120, 2023-03 - 力学系理論に基づく時系列データの確率論的予測
平田 祥人; 寳来俊介; 李楊; 合原一幸
再生可能エネルギーの気象学/pp.104-107, 2023-03
- Basic Theory of Nonlinear Time Series Analysis
- Conference, etc.
- 2 倍体細胞の single Cell Hi-C データから再構成された染色 体 3 次元構造の比較
平田 祥人
第 12 回生命医薬情報学連合大会/2023-09-07--2023-09-09 - To what extent is solar activity stochastic?
Junqueira Saldanha Matheus Henrique; Hirata Yoshito
10th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots/2023-08-28--2023-08-30 - Mathematics of recurrence plots
Hirata Yoshito
10th International Sym- posium on Recurrence Plots/2023-08-28--2023-08-30 - Solar influence on Earth’s seismicity and applications in earthquake forecasting
Junqueira Saldanha Matheus Henrique; Hirata Yoshito
10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics/2023-08-20--2023-08-25 - Further evidence that Moon tidal forces affect seismicity on Earth
Junqueira Saldanha Matheus Henrique; Hirata Yoshito
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023/2023-05-21--2023-05-26 - リカレンスプロット逆変換を用いた染色体3 次元構造の高速再構成
平田 祥人
非線形問題研究会/2022-11-24--2022-11-25 - Reconstructing 3D chromosome structure in high resolution from single diploid cell Hi-C data
平田 祥人
第32 回日本数理生物学会大会/2022-09-05--2022-09-07 - リカレンスプロットから元の時系列データの高速再構成
平田 祥人
第1 回リカレンスプロット研究会/2022-09-02 - Predicting earthquakes with RBF models
Junqueira Saldanha Matheus Henrique; Hirata Yoshito
2022 年電子情報通信学会NOLTA ソサイエティ大会/2022-06-11 - Characterizing nonlinear stochastic systems based on time series data
平田 祥人
ランダム力学系・非自励力学系研究の展望:理論と応用/2022-09-26--2022-09-30 - Three-dimensional chromatin archtecture of early-stage mouse embryos reconstructed via recurrence plots
Kitanishi Yuki; Sugishita Hiroki; Gotoh Yukiko; Hirata Y...
Systems Biology: Global Regulation of Gene Expression/2022/3/9--2022/3/12 - A pseudo-basis using a recurrence plot
Shiro Masanori; Hirata Yoshito
9th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots/2021/9/22--2021/9/24 - Recurrence triangles for formally distinguishing stochastic systems from deterministic systems
Hirata Yoshito
9th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots/2021/9/22--2021/9/24 - Reconstructing 3D chromosome structures from single diploid cell Hi-C data via recurrence plots
Hirata Yoshito; Oda Arisa H.; Ohta Kunihiro
Virtual Society for Mathematical Biology 2021 Annual Meeting/2021/6/13--2021/6/17 - 東京の気象の1分値データにおける曜日効果
平田 祥人; 山田芳則
日本気象学会2021秋季大会/2021/12/2--2021/12/8 - リカレンスプロットと複雑性:新型コロナウイルス感染拡大を例に
平田 祥人
NOLTAソサイエティ大会/2021/6/12--2021/6/12 - 距離順列を用いた、非線形で確率的な系の時系列短期予測
根本健一; 平田祥人
NOLTAソサイエティ大会/2021/6/12--2021/6/12 - Ordinal patterns for charactering nonlinear stochastic systems
Hirata Yoshito
Ordinal Methods: Concepts, Applications, New Developments and Challenges/2022/2/28--2022/3/4 - Unified time series analysis for nonlinear deterministic/stochastic systems
Hirata Yoshito
DynamIC seminar, Imperial College London/2021-03-16 - 非線形で確率論的な対象のための時系列解析:検定・推定・ 時系列予測を中心に
平田 祥人
令和2 年度NIFS 共同研究研究会「プラズマの 複雑現象を対象としたデータマイニングの活用」/2020-11-04 - Combinatorics is the key for analyzing a nonlinear stochastic system
Hirata Yoshito
University of Western Australia, Complex Systems Seminars/2020-10-01 - Identifying a nolinear stochastic system based on a time series
Hirata Yoshito
Workshop on Critical Transitions in Complex Systems 2020/2020-07-30 - Permutations and recurrence plots: two tools for analyzing time series generated from nonlinear stochastic systems
Hirata Yoshito
GMT Morning Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Statistics/2020-12-09 - リカレンスプロットを使 用した胎生初期胚クロマチン構造の再構成
北西佑貴; 椙下紘貴; 後藤由季子; 平田 祥人
第43 回日本分子生物学 会年会/2020-12-04 - Reconstructing three-dimensional chromosome structure for each allele from single diploid cell Hi-C data
平田 祥人
数理生物学会 年会/2020-09-22 - more...
- 2 倍体細胞の single Cell Hi-C データから再構成された染色 体 3 次元構造の比較
- Intellectural property rights
- モデル構造比較装置
平田 祥人 - 時系列予測装置、時系列予測方法及びプ ログラム
合原一幸; 平田 祥人; 奥野峻也 - 任意の測地点数に対応した風況予測制御による地域型風力発電システム
平田 祥人; 鈴木秀幸; 山田泰司; 高橋純 - 正規分布に従う乱数発生機構
平田祥人 合原一幸 - 1つのシステムの受ける複数の外力の同時再構成方法 及びその装置
平田祥人; 合原一幸 - 気象変動の実時間予測法に基づく再生可能エネルギー出力変動の予測機構
平田祥人,山田泰司,鈴木秀幸,高橋純 - 余震予測装置、余震予測方法、 および、プログラム
近江崇宏; 尾形良彦; 平田祥人; 合原一幸 - 空間的な近さの概念を用いた生体分子データの3次元構造の再構成方法
平田祥人; 小田有沙; 太田邦史; 合原一幸
- モデル構造比較装置
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2025-02 Computer Science Seminar Af University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Computer Science Seminar Bf University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Computer Science Is University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Undergraduate Thesis A University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Computer Science IIf University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Computer Science Seminar B University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Computer Science Seminar B University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Computer Science D University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Computer Science B University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Computer Science f University of Tsukuba. more... - Professional activities
2021-01 -- 2026-12 Chaos Editorial Advisory Board - University Management
2023-04 -- 2025-03 システム情報系情報環境委員会 2023-04 -- (current) 情報工学域計算機運用委員 2022-04 -- 2024-03 情報理工学位Pカリキュラム委員 2021-04 -- 2023-03 ダイバーシティ・アクセシビリティ担当教員 2020-04 -- 2022-03 情報理工学位P広報委員 2019-06 -- (current) 共通科目「情報」推進室
(Last updated: 2024-10-23)