TODA Hirofumi
- Affiliation
- International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- 0000-0002-6247-2826
- Sex
- Male
- 80862010
- )KF;8?@IF=LD@Zie>D8@Cc:FD
- Office
- Toda Lab
- Research fields
Animal physiology/Animal behavior Cell biology Molecular biology - Research keywords
睡眠 ショウジョウバエ 免疫 遺伝学 生化学 行動 - Research projects
Elucidating the mechanisms of stress-induce sleep 2024-04 -- 2028-03 TODA Hirofumi Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 18,460,000Yen Establishment of a research base to study the extreme cold tolerance using Drosophila melanogaster as a model system 2023-07 -- 2026-03 TODA Hirofumi Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) 6,500,000Yen Immunity and sleep: two distinct biological phenomena controlled by liquid-liquid phase separation 2022-10 -- 2026-03 Hirofumi TODA JST/JST PRESTO Chronoproteinology of Sleep homeostasis: Identification and Understanding of Nemuri complex and their physical property 2021-09 -- 2024-03 TODA Hirofumi Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)/Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (B) 32,760,000Yen 「液-液相分離による「ねむり」制御の分子基盤の解明」 2022-04 -- 2025-03 Nobuo NODA Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) Analysis of a novel sleep-inducing gene, nemuri 2020-04 -- 2024-03 TODA Hirofumi Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 17,680,000Yen Functional analysis of novel genes regulating sleep discovered through behavior screen 2020-08 -- 2023-03 TODA Hirofumi Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) 6,240,000Yen 睡眠誘因遺伝子'nemuri'の機能解析-睡眠と免疫の接点を探る- 2020 -- 2021 TODA Hirofumi INAMORI foundation/ 新規睡眠誘因遺伝子nemuriの機能解析-睡眠と免疫の接点を探る- 2019 -- 2020 TODA Hirofumi KANAE foundation for the promotion of medical science/ - Career history
2013 -- 2019 HHMI/ University of PennsylvaniaAmita Sehgal labPost-doc/Research Specialist 2010 -- 2013 Institute of Molecular PathologyBarry Dickson labPost-doc 2004 -- 2009 City of hope instituteTomoda labResearch associate - Academic background
2002 -- 2009 筑波大学 生命環境科学 構造生物学 1998 -- 2002 筑波大学 第二学群 生物学類 - Degree
2009-04 Doctor of Scinece, Ph.D University of Tsukuba - Honors & Awards
2010 EMBO Long term Fellowship 博士研究員へのfellowship 2001 Atsushi Kitaueda Memorial Fund 米国Rockefeller大学でsummer work参加 - Articles
- Lactate biosensors for spectrally and spatially multiplexed fluorescence imaging
Nasu Yusuke; Aggarwal Abhi; Le Giang N. T.; Vo Camill...
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS/14(1), 2023-10-27 - High-Performance Genetically Encoded Green Fluorescent Biosensors for Intracellular l-Lactate
Hario Saaya; Le Giang N. T.; Sugimoto Hikaru; Takahash...
ACS CENTRAL SCIENCE/10(2)/pp.402-416, 2024-01-31 - A Polyimide Film-Based Simple Force Plate for Measuring the Body Mass of Tiny Insects
Shimazaki Kenichiro; Sugimoto Takumi; Toda Hirofumi; T...
SENSORS/22(21), 2022-11 - Measurement method of a microspring-supported force plate with an external laser displacement meter
Sugimoto Takumi; Kawasaki Yuta; Toda Hirofumi; Takahas...
MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY/33(10), 2022-10 - Short and long sleeping mutants reveal links between sleep and macroautophagy
戸田 浩史
eLife, 2021-06 - Evolutionary Origin of Distinct NREM and REM Sleep
Yamazaki Risa; Toda Hirofumi; Libourel Paul-Antoine; Haya...
FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY/11, 2020-12 - The Drosophila female aphrodisiac pheromone activates ppk23(+) sensory neurons to elicit male courtship behavior
Toda Hirofumi; Zhao Xiaoliang; Dickson Barry J
Cell reports/1(6)/pp.599-607, 2012-06-28 - Genetic Mechanisms Underlying Sleep
Toda Hirofumi; Shi Mi; Williams Julie A; Sehgal Amita
Cold Spring Harbor symposia on quantitative biology/83/pp.57-61, 2018-04-01 - A sleep-inducing gene, , links sleep and immune function in
Toda Hirofumi; Williams Julie A; Gulledge Michael; Seh...
Science (New York, N.Y.)/363(6426)/pp.509-515, 2019-04-01
- Lactate biosensors for spectrally and spatially multiplexed fluorescence imaging
- Teaching
2020 -- (current) 創薬概論 ライフイノベーション 2020 -- (current) 神経科学特論 フロンティア医科学 - Talks
- 睡眠と生体防御の接点 新規睡眠誘因遺伝子 “nemuri”の発見
戸田 浩史
World Sleep2019/2019-09 - 睡眠と生体防御の接点 新規睡眠誘因遺伝子 “nemuri”の発見
戸田 浩史
第44回定期学術集会/2019-06 - 睡眠と免疫の接点 ~睡眠誘引遺伝子 "nemuri"の発見~
戸田 浩史
千里ライフサイエンス振興財団 セミナー/2019
- 睡眠と生体防御の接点 新規睡眠誘因遺伝子 “nemuri”の発見
- Message
(Last updated: 2024-10-23)