OTOMO Kuniko

Institute of Art and Design
Official title
Associate Professor
Research keywords
design theory and research, graphic design for botany, Zuan, Science of Art and Design, creativity, design education, endemic species
Research projects
What is the role of creativity in art and design research ?2023-04 -- 2023-09Kuniko OTOMOTsukuba Conference Project Planning Committee vol.18/700,000Yen
Design activities for the promotion of endemic plant species conservation2023-04 -- 2023-12Kuniko OTOMO公益信託「エコーいばらき」環境保全基金/120,000Yen
Japanese Botanical Art Research - Comparison of Drawing Features between Botanical arts in the Edo Period and Tomitaro MAKINO's2021 -- 2023Kuniko OTOMODNP Foundation for Cultural Promotion/Cultural Promotion Graphic Culture Research Grant800,000Yen
Graphic Design for Endangered Species Plants Derived from a Botanist's Graphical Expression Analysis2021-04 -- 2025-03Kuniko OTOMOGrants-in-Aid for Scientific Research/Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists4,160,000Yen
Design contributing to environmental conservation activities in Ibaraki Prefecture2021 -- 2022Kuniko OTOMO公益信託「エコーいばらき」環境保全基金/150,000Yen
Graphical design development of Endangered Plants based on Dr.Tomitaro Makino's botanical painting research2020 -- 2021Kuniko OTOMOUniversty of Tsukuba/University of Tsukuba, Research project in Faculty of Art and Design300,000Yen
創造性研究教育の国際連携 “IRACI”の基盤構築と国際共同学位プログラム2020 -- 2021HANAZATO Toshihiro; Kuniko OTOMOUniversity of Tsukuba/Educational Promotion Project Strategy Support Program1,400,000Yen
Digital archiving project for Collections of KIMONO fabrics(NY,USA)2014 -- 2014Kuniko OTOMOUniversity of Tsukuba/International research project fund300,000Yen
Ministry of Education's Res. Grant Program (NY,USA)2012 -- 2013Kuniko OTOMOMinistry of Education's Res. Grant Program/1,100,000Yen
Practical and historical Research for Printed Textile designs at Aalt university2011 -- 2011Kuniko OTOMOScandinavia nippon sasakawa fund/Research grant300,000Yen
Career history
2022 -- (current)Tama Art University , Textile design department / part time lecturer
2020 -- (current)University of TsukubaSchool of Art and DesignAssociate Professor
2018 -- 2022TOKYO medical and dental university,Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciencespart time lecturer
2016 -- 2020Tokyo University of TechnologySchool of DesignAssistant professor
2015 -- 2018Joshibi University of Art and Designデザイン工芸学科part time lecturer
2015 -- 2016Headquarters for internaional Industry, University of TsukubaResearcher / facilitator
2009 -- 2010Aalt University (former University of Art and Design Helsinki)Department of Textile Design and ArtVisiting Researcher
2007 -- (current)freelance textile designer
Academic background
2011-04 -- 2015-03University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences Doctral course
2008-04 -- 2011-03University of Tsukuba, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences master's course
2006-04 -- 2008-03Graduate school of Tama Art University Department of textile design master's course
2004-07 -- 2004-08University of the Arts London, Central Saint Martins creative portfolio textile design I,Ⅱ
2002-04 -- 2006-03university of tsukuba department of Art and Design
2015Ph.D (Kansei science)University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences
2011Master of Kansei scienceUniversity of Tsukuba Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences
2008Master of DesignTama art University
2006芸術学University of Tsukuba
Licenses and qualifications
2013-03curator's certificate
2006-03教員免許 高等学校教諭一種 工芸
2006-03教員免許 高等学校教諭一種 美術
Academic societies
2009 -- (current)Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
2019 -- (current)Design Research Association
Honors & Awards
2004KOKKA プリントテキスタイルコンテスト 藤本やすし賞
2006SPIRAL SICF展 BEAMS・B-gallery 佐藤尊彦賞
2006KOKKAプリントテキスタイルコンテスト 飛田正浩賞
2008Amuse Art Jam in Kyoto企業コンペ部門Style cafe賞
2009神戸ビエンナーレ グリーンアートコンペティション入賞
2011日本デザイン学会 グッドプレゼンテーション賞
2020中小企業庁長官賞 / 桐生織物求評会
  • Comparison of Drawing Features between Tomitaro Makino’s Botanical Scientific Illustration and Botanical Arts in the Edo Period
    大友 邦子
    The Bulletin of Graphic Culture Research Grants DNP Foundation for Cultural Promotion 2023/pp.74-83, 2023
  • On the transition of Miao costumes in modern China(from 1840 to 1949)
    王 粲; 大友 邦子
    design research/pp.54-55, 2022-11
  • A Case study of Product Development of Silk Stole in Production Area of Fiber Industry
    大友 邦子
    Annual Design Review of Japanese Society for the Science of Design, 2021-03
  • Use of Remote-Reality in Collaborative Design Work Over the Distance
    大友邦子; 山中 敏正
    Journal of Human Interface Society/24(2)/pp.8-11, 2022-05-15
  • Inherent issues in Japan’s integrated fiber production areas and the role of the designer in cross-sectoral collaborative production
    Otomo Kuniko
    Proceedings of International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference/p.1036, 2019
  • Design Method of Original Motifs and Decorative Patterns Using Geometric Baseline Derived from Japanese Crafts
    Otomo Kuniko
    ICGG2018 - Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 809/pp.2031-2040, 2018
  • Exploring Relations between Drawing Process and Pattern Design with regards to Evaluation of Impression
    大友 邦子; 山中 敏正
    Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, 2015
  • The effect of hand drawn line distortion on impression evaluation of stripe pattern- comparative study of Japan and Finland-
    Otomo Kuniko; Yamanaka Toshimasa
    International Journal of Affective Engineering/12(2)/pp.355-360, 2013-06
  • Distinguished Course – Research Project in Design B
    OTOMO Kuniko
    Design Discourse DPD/Graduate school of Comprehensive Human Sciences University of Tsukuba/pp.17-17, 2023-8
  • 地域共創型アートイベントと大学人材の役割
    大友 邦子
    筑波大学芸術専門学群2022年度教育戦略推進プロジェクト活動報告書:デジタルアーカイブの作成と交流活動の促進によるアートマネジメント人材の育成/pp.42-42, 2023-3
  • 筑波大学芸術専門学群2022年度教育戦略推進プロジェクト活動報告書:デジタルアーカイブの作成と交流活動の促進によるアートマネジメント人材の育成
    吉田 奈穂子編; 遠藤俊治(大町市市役所); 大島賢一(信州大学); 作本姫菜; 疋田真彩; 伊藤紬、遠藤花耶、奥本千紘、...
  • International collaborative design project with overseas partner schools
    大友 邦子
    Design Discourse, DPD/pp.1, 18-19, 30, 2022-03
  • Projects and Activities with Partner Universities in Europe
    Otomo Kuniko
    Design Discourse, Degree Program in Design, 2021-03
Conference, etc.
  • Looking Towards Design
    Otomo Kuniko
    Tsukuba conference 2023 / session C-13/2023-09--2023-09
  • Emergence Methods for Designing a Zuan Graphics in Science of Art and Design Education: A Reconsideration and Practice
    大友 邦子
    The 46th Research Conference in Hirosaki Japanese Association of Art Education(JAAEd )/2024-03-02--2024-03-03
  • Examples of International Design Projects : International Class Collaborated with Poitecnico di Milano in Italy
    大友 邦子
    Association of Design Departments and Schools in Japanese Public Universities/2021-9-25--2021-9-25
  • Examples of International Design Projects : International Class Collaborated with Poitecnico di Milano in Italy
    Otomo Kuniko
    The 2nd Asian Design Symposium/2021-11-13
  • The Motif and Pattern Design as visual information (Design&Communication session )
    Otomo Kuniko
    Tsukuba Global Science Week 2020/2020-9-29--2020-9-29
  • The main visual and graphic Design for the "Alpine Plant Exhibition " (Autumn version) at the National Museum of Nature and Science
    大友 邦子
  • Kimono pattern to clothe endangered flower in Japan
    Otomo Kuniko
  • Poster, VI and Brochure Design for National Museum of Nature and Science Tsukuba botanical garden 「Jewel Orchid」
    大友 邦子
  • VI and Brochure Design for National Museum of Nature and Science Tsukuba botanical garden 「「ORCHID Blues - Tsukuba Orchid collection - 」」
    大友 邦子
  • Brochure Design for National Museum of Nature and Science Tsukuba botanical garden 「TSUKUBA ORCHID COLLECTION endemic species of Japan 」
    大友 邦子
  • Typography and Graphic Design of the cover : Design Discourse, Degree program in Design
    大友 邦子
  • Graphic and DTP Design, and Editorials of photos for the Official Brochure
    Otomo Kuniko
2024-04 -- 2024-09Advanced Overseas Study 3University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-03Special Overseas Study 2University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-03Advanced Overseas Study 2University of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Omnibus Lecture: Constructive Arts 1University of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-09Special Overseas Study 1University of Tsukuba.
2024-11 -- 2025-02Special Seminar: Communication Art and Design IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-03Advanced Overseas Study 4University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Art and SocietyUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-03Specail Overseas Study 4University of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-07Research Project in Design C-IUniversity of Tsukuba.
  • The circumstance of Japanese Textile Industry From The Perspective of KANSEI Design
    Otomo Kuniko
    University of Art and Design Helsinki/2010
Professional activities
2020 -- (current)神奈川県川崎市建設緑政局川崎市屋外広告物審議会 委員
2019 -- 2020Kansei Engineering and Emotion ResearchKEER2020 committee
2017 -- 2017Japan Society of Kansei Engineering第19回大会実行委員 企画折衝委員
University Management
2024-04 -- (current)芸術系施設委員会
2024-04 -- (current)芸術専門学群カリキュラム委員(運営委員)
2023-04 -- (current)地球規模課題学位プログラム教育会議委員(2期目継続)
2023-04 -- (current)デザイン学学位プログラム 国際戦略TF
2023-02 -- 2023-10Tsukuba Conference2023 芸術系セッション メインオーガナイザー
2022 -- (current)デザイン学学位プログラム 入試実施委員
2022 -- (current)デザイン学学位プログラム 広報委員
2022 -- 2023TGSW(Tsukuba Global Science Week )芸術系セッション サブオーガナイザー
2022 -- 2023デザイン学学位プログラム発行 Design Discourse DPDCover Design and Editorial
2021-04 -- 2023-03地球規模課題学位プログラム教育会議委員
Other activities
2017 -- 2018平成29年度 中小企業庁助成地域力活用新事業,全国展開プロジェクト 桐生マフラー・ストールブランド化調査研究事業
2018 -- 2019平成30年度 中小企業庁助成地域力活用新事業,桐生マフラー・ストールブランド製品化事業

(Last updated: 2025-03-05)