Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences
Official title
Assistant Professor
Research keywords
Bioinformatics, Omics Research
Clinical trial
Research projects
Evaluation of Potential Role of Olive Leaf Extract as A Natural Way to Prevent and Improve Anemia: A randomized Clinical Trial2019-04 -- 2024-03Farhana FERDOUSIJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists4,160,000Yen
Career history
2023-05 -- (current)University of TsukubaInstitute of Life and Environmental SciencesAssistant Professor
2022-10 -- 2023-04University of TsukubaAlliance for Research on the Mediterranean and North AfricaSenior Researcher
2022-03 -- 2022-09National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)FoodMed-OILAIST Postdoctoral Researcher
2020-11 -- 2022-03University of TsukubaAlliance for Research on the Mediterranean and North Africa (ARENA), Faculty of Life and Environmental SciencesAssistant Professor
2020-04 -- 2020-10University of TsukubaAlliance for Research on the Mediterranean and North Africa (ARENA)Researcher (副主任研究員)
2017-10 -- 2020-03University of TsukubaAlliance for Research on the Mediterranean and North Africa (ARENA)Researcher
Academic background
2011-04 -- 2015-03University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences Doctoral Program in Clinical Sciences
2010-04 -- 2011-03University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences Masters Program in Medical Sciences
2002 -- 2007University of Dhaka, Bangladesh Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS)
2015-03PhDUniversity of Tsukuba
2011-03MPHUniversity of Tsukuba
2007MBBSUniversity of Dhaka
Licenses and qualifications
2009-04Certified Medical Practitioner, Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council
Academic societies
Honors & Awards
2016-01Tropical Medicine and Health Best Paper Award 2016Tropical Medicine and Health誌に2015年に掲載された最も優秀な原著論文として表彰
2013-10Outstanding Speaker awardOral Research Presentation at Tsukuba Global Science Week 2013
Conference, etc.
  • Study on the Anti-inflammatory Effects of Tsuruazuki Extract using Murine Macrophage-like cells
    廣井美悠; 高橋 真哉; Ferdousi Farhana; 戸田恭子; 山本(前田)万里; 礒田博子
    JSBBA2025 Sapporo Annual Meeting/2025-03-04--2025-03-08
  • Global Transcriptome Analysis Reveals the Potential Role of Oleacein in Lipid and Glucose Metabolism and Inflammation in Adipocytes Derived from Healthy and Diabetic Adipose Stem Cells
    Wang Rui; Ganbold Munkhzul; Ferdousi Farhana; Tominaga...
    Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology (JAACT) 2023/2023-11-28--2023-12-01
  • A Comparative Study to Understand the Molecular Mechanisms Contributing to the Enhanced Neurogenesis Effects of Caffeoylquinic and Feruloylquinic Acid Isomers in Adult Mice Neural Stem Cells
    Lin Hongyu; Sasaki Kazunori; Ferdousi Farhana; Hatanak...
    Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology (JAACT) 2023/2023-11-28--2023-12-01
  • Ethylene Glycol Derivatives of Squalene Alleviate Excessive Lipogenesis and Inflammatory Response in 3T3-L1 Preadipocytes: A Comparative Whole- Transcriptomics Study
    Cheng Yu; Ferdousi Farhana; Foronda Bryan Angelo; Linh...
    Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology (JAACT) 2023/2023-11-28--2023-12-01
  • A Whole-transcriptomic Study Using a Stem Cell-Based Model for Comparing the Multi-tissue-specific Bioactivities of Rare Olive Compound Oleacein and Oleocanthal
    Rasid Elda Nurafnie Ibnu; Ferdousi Farhana; Takahashi ...
    Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology (JAACT) 2023/2023-11-28--2023-12-01
  • A Whole-transcriptomic Study Using a Stem Cell-Based Model for Comparing the Multi-tissue-specific Bioactivities of Rare Olive Compound Oleacein and Oleocanthal
    Ferdousi Farhana; Sasaki Kazunori; Tominaga Ken-ichi; ...
    Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology (JAACT) 2023/2023-11-28--2023-12-01
  • A Comprehensive Bench to Bed Approach to Uncover the Hematological Health Benefits of Olive Leaf Extract
    Ferdousi Farhana
    Tsukuba Conference 2023/2023-09-26--2023-09-28
  • A Comprehensive Bench to Bed Approach to Uncover the Hematological Health Benefits of Olive Leaf Extract
    Ferdousi Farhana
    Tsukuba Conference 2023/2023-09-26--2023-09-28
  • Trigonelline Prevents Age-related Learning and Memory Decline in a Senescence Accelerated Mouse Model by Suppressing Proinflammatory Cytokines and Elevating Neurotransmitter Release
    Ferdousi Farhana
  • イソラムネチンが与える多臓器への影響評価解析 ートランスクリプトーム解析を通じてー
    藤原裕雄; Ferdousi Farhana; ⻘沼和宏; 富永健一; Hiroko Isoda
    16th Annual Meeting of Japan Polyphenol Society/2023-08-31
  • マメ由来成分のヒト神経細胞モデルSH-SY5Yを用いた抗神経炎症作用のメカニズム解析
    加藤あゆみ; Sharmin Aktar; 高橋 真哉; Ferdousi Farhana; 戸田恭子; 山...
  • オリーブ葉抽出物のHIF1 発現を介した抗貧血作用
    近藤 真司; Ferdousi Farhana(生命環境系); 趙 金暢; 山内 健; スイダサリ ソフィア; 横澤 美紀...
  • Human amniotic membrane-derived epithelial stem cell as a potential tool to explore biological functions of naturally occurring compounds
    Farhana(生命環境系) Ferdousi; Isoda Hiroko
    日本動物細胞工学会 2022年度大会 (JAACT2022)/2022-07-26--2022-07-27
  • Study on the anti-inflammatory effect of microalgae Botryococcus terribilis extracts
    山本 星里; 高橋 真哉; Ferdousi Farhana; Linh Tran Ngoc; 有村 隆志; 打上...
    The2022 Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology and Agrochemistry (JSBBA)/2022-03-15--2022-03-18
  • Study of Therapeutic Effects of Olive Leaf Extract on Phenylhydrazine-Induced Anemia Mice Model
    Zhao Jinchang; Kondo Shinji; Suidasari Sofya; Yokozawa M...
  • Effects of Oral Intake of Olive Leaf Extract on Hematological Parameters: A Double-Blinded, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial in Progress
    Ferdousi Farhana; Alam Masud; Araki Risa; Suidasari Sofy...
  • ヒト造血幹細胞におけるオリーブ葉における赤血球分化誘導能の統合トランスクリプトーム解析
    近藤 真司; Ferdousi Farhana; 礒田 博子
  • Regulating Cell Fate of Human Amnion Epithelial Cells Using 3,4,5-Tri-OCaffeoylquinic Acid (TCQA)
    Bejaoui Meriem; Ferdousi Farhana; Y-W Zheng; Tatsuya Oda...
    The 33rd Annual and International Meeting of Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology (JAACT)/2020-11-17
  • An Integrated Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Erythropoietic Potential of Olive Leaf in Human Hematopoietic Stem Cells
    Shinji Kondo Farhana Ferdousi Ken Yamauchi Sofya Suida...
    The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan (MBSJ2020)/2020-12
  • Regulating Cell Fate of Human Amnion Epithelial Cells Using 3,4,5-Tri-OCaffeoylquinic Acid (TCQA).
    Bejaoui M Ferdousi F Zheng Y-W Oda T Isoda H; Ferdousi...
    The 33rd Annual and International Meeting of Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology (JAACT)./2020-11
  • New Amphiphilic Squalene Derivative Improves Metabolism of Adipocytes Differentiated from Diabetic Adipose-Derived Stem Cells and Prevents Excessive Lipogenesis.
    Ganbold M; Ferdousi Farhana; Arimura T; Tominaga K; Isoda H
    The 33rd Annual and International Meeting of Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology (JAACT)./2020-11
  • The Plant Extract Ameliorates Cognitive Decline in Senescence Model SAMP8 Mice: Modulation of Neural Development and Energy Metabolism.
    Iwata K; Wu Q; Ferdousi Farhana; Sasaki K; Tominaga K; Uc...
    The 33rd Annual and International Meeting of Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology (JAACT)./2020-11
  • Unraveling the bioactivities of medicinal plants: from bench to bed approaches to stem cell differentiation, structure-activity relationship, and clinical trials
    Ferdousi Farhana; Isoda Hiroko
    The Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society and Technology, Sousse, Tunisia (TJASSST)/2019-11
  • Potential effects of consumption of olive leaf tea on hematological parameters: results of a preliminary study
    Ferdousi Farhana; Araki R; Hashimoto K; H Isoda
    The Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society and Technology (TJASSST)/2019-11
  • In vitro study of luteolin effects on human neural stem cells (hNSCs) fate determination
    Achour M; Sasaki K; Ferdousi Farhana; H Isoda
    The Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society and Technology, Sousse, Tunisia (TJASSST)/2019-11
  • more...
  • Regulating Cell Fate of Human Amnion Epithelial Cells Using Natural Compounds
    Meriem Bejaoui; Ferdousi Farhana; Yun-Wen Zheng; Tatsuya ...
2024-10 -- 2025-03Doctoral Research in Life Science Innovation ⅠUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-03Master's Research in Life Science Innovation ⅢUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-03Master's Research in Life Science Innovation ⅣUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-03Doctoral Research in Life Science Innovation ⅤUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-03Life Science Innovation Master's Special Seminar I FallUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-03Doctoral Research in Life Science Innovation ⅡUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-09Master's Research in Life Science InnovationⅡUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-09Doctoral Research in Life Science Innovation ⅡUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-03Life Science Innovation Doctor's Special Research I FallUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-03Doctoral Research in Life Science Innovation ⅣUniversity of Tsukuba.

(Last updated: 2024-11-02)