Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences
Official title
Assistant Professor
Research fields
Research keywords
contrastive linguistics, corpus linguistics
Career history
2021-04 -- (current)University of Tsukuba -- Assistant professor
2020-08 -- 2020-11City University of Hong Kong -- Department of Linguistics and Translation -- Postdoctoral researcher
2016-07 -- 2016-08City University of Hong Kong -- Department of Linguistics and Translation -- Research assistant
2016-03 -- 2016-06CNRS / École Normale Supérieure / Université Sorbonne Nouvelle -- Intern
2020-03PhdZhejiang University
2016-06MasterInstitut national des langues et civilisations orientales / Université Paris Nanterre / Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
2014-06BachelorInstitut national des langues et civilisations orientales
Honors & Awards
20192nd prize - Fudan University Foreign Languages Studies Doctoral Academic Forum (Popular Republic of China)
2016Two High Doctoral Program Scolarship - Zhejiang University (Popular Republic of China)
2015Trip Aid Scholarship - Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (France)
2013Trip Aid Scholarship - Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (France)
2013Huayu Enrichment Scholarship - Taiwan Ministry of Education (Republic of China)
  • Universal Dependencies for Mandarin Chinese
    Poiret Rafael; Wong Tak-Sum; Lee John; Gerdes Kim; Le...
    Language Resources and Evaluation/pp.673-710, 2023-06
  • For a greater use of French as a teaching language in the French classroom
    Poiret Rafael
    Gaikokugo Kyōiku Ronshū/45/pp.51-64, 2023-03
  • Paraphrase and parallel treebank for the comparison of French and Chinese syntax
    Poiret Rafael; Mille Simon; Liu Haitao
    Languages in Contrast/21(2)/pp.298-322, 2021-09
  • Some quantitative aspects of written and spoken French based on syntactically annotated corpora
    Poiret Rafael; Liu Haitao
    Journal of French Language Studies/30(3)/pp.355-380, 2020-11
  • Les dépendants adnominaux prépositionnels en français : Relations syntaxiques de surface dans le syntagme N→SP
    Poiret Rafael; Liu Haitao
    Français moderne/87(2)/pp.259-280, 2019-03
  • Mastering the measurement of text’s frequency structure: an investigation on Lambda’s reliability
    Poiret Rafael; Liu Haitao
    Glottometrics/(37)/pp.82-100, 2017-03
  • Developing Universal Dependencies for Mandarin Chinese
    Leung Herman; Poiret Rafael; Wong Tak-Sum; Chen Xinying; ...
    12th Workshop on Asian Language Resources/pp.20-29, 2016-12
Conference, etc.
  • Towards a quantitative study of translation mismatches: A linguistic approach applied to French-Chinese
    POIRET Rafael
    Invited talk/2024-03-18--2024-03-18
  • Methodological questions in contrastive linguistics French, Chinese, Japanese
    POIRET Rafael
    Translation Studies Circle/2023-12-13--2023-12-13
  • Accurate learning and productive autonomous practices through interaction in French classes
    Poiret Rafael
    5th CEGLOC Conference Autonomous and Interactive Practices in Language Learning/2022-12-03
  • Towards a quantitative study of translation mismatches: French, Chinese, and insights on Japanese
    Poiret Rafael
    Translation Studies Circle/2022-10-05
  • Vers une étude quantitative des divergences de traduction : Une approche linguistique appliquée au français-chinois
    Poiret Rafael
    Montreal University - RALI-OLST Seminar/2021-11-17--2021-11-17
  • Developing Universal Dependencies for Mandarin Chinese
    Leung Herman; Poiret Rafael; Wong Tak-Sum; Chen Xinying; ...
    12th Workshop on Asian Language Resources/2016-12-12--2016-12-12
  • From translation modeling to contrastive linguistics: An application to the French-Chinese languages pair
    Poiret Rafael
2024-10 -- 2025-02Basic French BIIUniversity of Tsukuba
2024-10 -- 2025-02French Language & Culture BUniversity of Tsukuba
2024-10 -- 2025-02French Language & Culture BUniversity of Tsukuba
2024-10 -- 2025-02French Language & Culture BUniversity of Tsukuba
2024-10 -- 2025-02Advanced French Conversation BUniversity of Tsukuba
2024-10 -- 2025-02Advanced French Conversation BUniversity of Tsukuba
2024-04 -- 2024-08Advanced French Conversation AUniversity of Tsukuba
2024-04 -- 2024-08French Language & Culture AUniversity of Tsukuba
2024-04 -- 2024-08French Language & Culture AUniversity of Tsukuba
2024-04 -- 2024-08Basic French BIUniversity of Tsukuba
University Management
2024-04 -- (current)Comprehensive Knowledge Education Review CommitteeMember
2023-04 -- 2024-04University of Tsukuba Center for Education of Global Communication FD CommitteeSecretary
2023-04 -- 2024-04University of Tsukuba Center for Education of Global Communication FD CommitteeVice-chair
2021-04 -- 2024-04University of Tsukuba Center for Education of Global Communication FD CommitteePublicity coordinator

(Last updated: 2024-05-16)