ASANO Keiichi

Life Science Center for Survival Dynamics, Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance (TARA)
Official title
Assistant Professor
Research fields
Pathological medical chemistry
Research keywords
Marfan syndrome
Single Cell Analyses
Extracellular matrix
Vascular biology
Aortic aneurysm and dissection
Research projects
平滑筋細胞の形質転換は大動脈瘤の新規治療標的となりうるか?2024-04 -- 2028-03ASANO KeiichiJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists4,680,000Yen
Career history
2023-04 -- (current)University of TsukubaLife Science Center for Survival Dynamics, Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance (TARA)Assistant Professor
2018-04 -- 2023-03Icahn School of Medicine at Mount SinaiDepartment of Pharmacological SciencesPostdoctoral Researcher
2018-04 -- 2019-03Okayama UniversityMedical SchoolGuest Investigator
Academic background
-- 2018-03Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences
2018-03PhD in Medical ScienceOkayama University
Academic societies
2015 -- (current)Jananese Society for Matirx Biology and Medicine
2022 -- (current)North American Vascular Biology Organization
Honors & Awards
2014-06Young Investigator Award
2021-09Marfan Foundation Travel Award
Conference, etc.
  • Phenotypic changes of endothelial cells in the pathogenesis of aortic dissection.
    Kimura Kenichi; Motoyama Eri; Kanki Sachiko; Asano Ke...
    CVMW 2024/2024-12-07--2024-12-08
  • 遺伝性胸部大動脈疾患におけるメカノトランスダクション異常
    柳沢裕美; 木村健一; 本山絵理; 浅野恵一; 神吉佐知子
    CVMW 2024/2024-12-07--2024-12-08
  • フィブリリン1遺伝子変異による大動脈解離病態に関わる血管内皮細胞の機能解析
    本山 絵理; 木村 健一; 浅野 恵一; 神吉 佐知子; 中邨 智之; 柳沢 裕美
  • Phenotypic changes of endothelial cells in the pathogenesis of aortic dissection.
    Kimura Kenichi; Motoyama Eri; Kanki Sachiko; Asano Ke...
  • Investigation of the molecular pathogenesis of aortic dissection in new Fibrillin 1 mutant mice by synchrotron imaging and transcriptomics analysis
    Sheikh Md Al Amin; Kimura Kenichi; Motoyama Eri; Delee...
    Tsukuba Global Science Week 2024/2024-10-03--2024-10-04
  • Nanoparticles as a potential therapeutic tool for targeting M1 macrophages in Aortic Dissection
    Cruz Maria Thea Rane Dela; Motoyama Eri; Ahmed Nabil; ...
  • Fibrillin-1 G234D mutation links mouse skin tightness to elastic fiber defects and collagen cross-linking
    Hossain ASM Sakhawat; Cruz Maria Thea Rane Dela; Kimura...
  • Investigation of the molecular pathogenesis of aortic dissection in new Fibrillin 1 mutant mice by synchrotron imaging and transcriptomics analysis
    Sheikh Md Al Amin; Kimura Kenichi; Motoyama Eri; Delee...
  • Investigation of mechanosensing mechanisms in aortic dissection caused by a missense variant in the fibrillin-1
    本山 絵理; 木村 健一; Maria Thea Rane Dela Cruz Clarin; 浅野 恵一...
  • Phenotypic changes of endothelial cells in the pathogenesis of aortic dissection.
    Kimura Kenichi; Motoyama Eri; Kanki Sachiko; Asano Ke...
    International Vascular Biology Meeting 2024/2024-07-02--2024-07-02
  • Investigation of the molecular pathogenesis of aortic dissection in Fibrillin-1 mutant mice by synchrotron imaging and transcriptomics analysis
    Sheikh Md Al Amin; Kimura Kenichi; Motoyama Eri; Delee...
    第7回日本循環器学会 基礎研究フォーラム(BCVR)/2023-12-09--2023-12-10
  • A Novel Mutation in the Hybrid1 Domain of the Fibrillin 1 Gene Causes Tight Skin Phenotype
    ASM Sakhawat Hossain; Maria Thea Rane Dela Cruz; Koichi...
  • Investigation of the molecular pathogenesis of aortic dissection in Fibrillin-1 mutant mice by synchrotron imaging and transcriptomics analysis
    Sheikh Md Al Amin; Kimura Kenichi; Motoyama Eri; Delee...
    the annual Tsukuba Global Science Week (TGSW) 2023/2023-09-27--2023-09-28
  • A Novel Mutation in the Hybrid1 Domain of the Fibrillin 1 Gene Causes an Abnormal Skin Phenotype
    ASM Sakhawat Hossain; Yuki Taga; Maria Thea Rane Dela ...
    Tissue, Matrix, and Pathobiology: Joint Meeting of ASMB, HCS, and ASIP/2023-10-23--2023-10-26
2023 -- (current)Research Presentation and DiscussionUniversity of Tsukuba
2023 -- (current)Topics in Vascular BiologyUniversity of Tsukuba
Professional activities
2023-06 -- 2024-06Jananese Society for Matirx Biology and Medicine第56回日本結合組織学会学術大会 大会組織委員(庶務)
University Management
2023 -- 2023仕様策定委員会仕様策定委員

(Last updated: 2024-12-17)