MORI Masao
- Affiliation
- Center for Computational Sciences
- Official title
- Associate Professor
- Sex
- Male
- 10338585
- Office
- 計算科学研究センター
- Research fields
Astronomy - Research keywords
銀河形成論 計算物理学 - Research projects
Hunting Dark Satellites Problem: Elucidating the Dark Matter Paradox 2024-04 -- 2028-03 MORI Masao Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 4,680,000Yen ダークサテライトは存在するか?―コールドダークマターモデルにおける諸問題の解明 2020-04 -- 2024-03 MORI Masao Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 4,290,000Yen Study of galactic evolutional tree using radiation-hydrodynamic simulation 2013-04 -- 2019-03 MORI Masao Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 5,200,000Yen Quest for galacxy embryology by linking theory and observation 2009-04 -- 2013-03 MORI Masao Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 27,560,000Yen Quest for embryology of galaxies by high-resolution hybrid-simulations 2006 -- 2009-03 MORI Masao Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 3,080,000Yen 並列計算機で探る宇宙の物質循環過程 2003 -- 2004 MORI Masao Science Research Promotion Fund from the Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan/Research Grant 20,730,000Yen - Academic background
1992-04 -- 1997-03 Nagoya University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science - Degree
1997-03 博士(理学) Nagoya University - Academic societies
1997-04 -- (current) International Astronomical Union 1992 -- (current) ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN - Honors & Awards
2013-03 日本天文学会欧文報告論文賞 Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (PASJ) に投稿・出版された優れた論文に送られる - Articles
- Collision-induced formation of dark-matter-deficient galaxies
MORI Masao; Otaki Koki
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union/17/pp.147-150, 2023-06 - Novel hydrodynamic schemes capturing shocks and contact discontinuities and comparison study with existing methods
Mori Masao; Yuasa Takuhiro
NEW ASTRONOMY/109/pp.102208-102208, 2024-07 - Frequency of the dark matter subhalo collisions and bifurcation sequence arising formation of dwarf galaxies
Otaki Koki; Mori Masao
MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY/525(2)/pp.2535-2552, 2023-08 - Transonic galactic wind model including stellar feedbacks and application to outflows in high/low-z galaxies
Igarashi Asuka; Mori Masao; Nitta Shin-ya
PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/Epub, 2023-10-20 - Study of galaxy collisions and thermodynamic evolution of gas using the Exact Integration scheme
森 正夫; 大滝恒輝
Lecture Notes in Computer Science/13378/pp.373-387, 2022-08 - The formation of dark-matter-deficient galaxies through galaxy collisions
森 正夫; 大滝恒輝
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)/2207/p.012049, 2022-03 - Metal enrichment in supernova-dominated high-z galaxies
Mori Masao; Umemura Masayuki; Yajima Hidenobu
DECIPHERING THE ANCIENT UNIVERSE WITH GAMMA-RAY BURSTS/1279/pp.52-59, 2010-01 - Evolution of Lyman-alpha Emitters, Lyman-break Galaxies and Elliptical Galaxies
Mori Masao; Umemura Masayuki
PANORAMIC VIEWS OF GALAXY FORMATION AND EVOLUTION, PROCEEDINGS/399/pp.288-289, 2008-01 - Escape Fraction of Ionizing Photons from High-z Proto-Galaxy
Yajima Hidenobu; Umemura Masayuki; Mori Masao; Nakamoto ...
PANORAMIC VIEWS OF GALAXY FORMATION AND EVOLUTION, PROCEEDINGS/399/pp.70-71, 2008-01 - Destruction of the central black hole gas reservoir through head-on galaxy collisions
Miki Yohei; Mori Masao; Kawaguchi Toshihiro
NATURE ASTRONOMY/Epub, 2021-01 - A coevolution scheme for supermassive black holes and galactic bulges
Umemura M; Kawakatu N; Sato J; Mori M
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement/155/pp.198-201, 2004-01 - What is the Physical Origin of Strong Lyα Emission? I. Demographics of Lyα Emitter Structures
Shibuya Takatoshi; Ouchi Masami; Nakajima Kimihiko; Yuma ...
The Astrophysical Journal/785(1)/p.64, 2014-04 - What is the Physical Origin of Strong Lyα Emission? II. Gas Kinematics and Distribution of Lyα Emitters
Shibuya Takatoshi; Ouchi Masami; Nakajima Kimihiko; Hashi...
The Astrophysical Journal/788(1)/p.74, 2014-06 - The connection between the cusp-to-core transformation and observational universalities of DM haloes.
Ogiya Go; Mori Masao; Burkert Andreas
Monthly Notice of the Royal Astronomical Society/440/pp.L71-L75, 2014-05 - Diffuse Lyα haloes around Lyα emitters at z=3: do dark matter distributions determine the Lyα spatial extents?
Matsuda Y.; Yamada T.; Hayashino T.; Yamauchi R.; Nakamur...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society/425/pp.878-883, 2012-09 - The Once and Future Andromeda Stream
Mori Masao; Rich R. M
The Astrophysical Journal Letters/674/p.L77, 2008-02 - Kinematic and chemical constraints on the formation of M31's inner halo structures
Koch Andreas; Rich R. M; Reitzel D. B; Mori Masao; Loh Y...
Astronomische Nachrichten/328/p.663, 2007-09 - Formation of SMBHs and QSO evolution
Kawakatsu Nozumu; Anabuki Naohisa; Nagao Tohru; Umemura ...
New Astronomy Reviews/50/pp.769-771, 2006-11 - The evolution of galaxies from primeval irregulars to present-day ellipticals
Mori Masao; Umemura Masayuki
Nature/440/pp.644-647, 2006-03 - Early metal enrichment and Lyman α emission
Mori Masao; Umemura Masayuki
New Astronomy Reviews/50/pp.199-203, 2006-03 - Supercritical Accretion Flows around Black Holes: Two-dimensional, Radiation Pressure-dominated Disks with Photon Trapping
Ohsuga Ken; Mori Masao; Nakamoto Taishi; Mineshige Shin
The Astrophysical Journal/628/pp.368-381, 2005-07 - The Nature of Lyα Blobs: Supernova-dominated Primordial Galaxies
Mori Masao; Umemura Masayuki; Ferrara Andrea
The Astrophysical Journal/613/pp.L97-L100, 2004-10 - Multiple Supernova Explosions in a Forming Galaxy
Mori Masao; Umemura Masayuki; Ferrara Andrea
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia/21/pp.232-236, 2004-12 - A Scenario for the Coevolution of an Elliptical Galaxy and a QSO
Kawakatsu Nozumu; Umemura Masayuki; Mori Masao
Coevolution of Black Holes and Galaxies, from the Carnegie Observatories Centennial Symposia. Carnegie Observatories Astrophysics Series., 2004-01 - Protoquasars: Physical States and Observable Properties
Kawakatsu Nozumu; Umemura Masayuki; 森 正夫
The Astrophysical Journal/583/pp.85-91, 2003-01 - more...
- Collision-induced formation of dark-matter-deficient galaxies
- Books
- Newton別冊 宇宙の終わり・誕生から終焉までのビックヒストリー
森 正夫
ニュートン別冊/ニュートンムック, 2022-12 - 銀河の衝突と進化
森 正夫
別冊 銀河のすべて 改訂第3版/ニュートンプレス, 2021-11 - 「天体時代の終わり」 in Newtonライト2.0 宇宙の終わり
森 正夫
Newtonライト2.0 宇宙の終わり/ニュートンプレス, 2021-06 - 銀河同士の大衝突
森 正夫
Newton別冊 宇宙の終わり/ニュートンプレス/pp.94-103, 2021-01 - The formation and evolution of dwarf galaxies: hydrodynamics and color gradient
森 正夫
1997-03 - 宇宙史137億年の大事件ファイル
森 正夫
Newton ニュートン, 2010-05 - The core-cusp problem in Cold Dark Matter halos and supernova feedback
Ogiya Go; Mori Masao
DECIPHERING THE ANCIENT UNIVERSE WITH GAMMA-RAY BURSTS/AMER INST PHYSICS/pp.403-405, 2010-01 - Collision Tomography: the Progenitor of the Andromeda Stellar Stream and the Metallicity Gradient
Miki Yohei; Mori Masao; Rich R. Michael
DECIPHERING THE ANCIENT UNIVERSE WITH GAMMA-RAY BURSTS/AMER INST PHYSICS/pp.382-384, 2010-01 - A Supernova-driven Wind Model for High-z Galaxies
Mori Masao; Umemura Masayuki; Yajima Hidenobu
10TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ORIGIN OF MATTER AND EVOLUTION OF GALAXIES/AMER INST PHYSICS/pp.430-432, 2010-01 - The core-cusp problem in CDM halos and supernova feedback
Ogiya Go; Mori Masao
10TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ORIGIN OF MATTER AND EVOLUTION OF GALAXIES/AMER INST PHYSICS/pp.421-423, 2010-01 - Collision tomography: the progenitor of the Andromeda stellar stream and the metallicity gradient
Miki Yohei; Mori Masao; Rich R. Michael
- Newton別冊 宇宙の終わり・誕生から終焉までのビックヒストリー
- Conference, etc.
- Formation of dwarf galaxies induced by dark matter subhalo collisions
森 正夫; 大滝恒輝
日本天文学会2024年春季年会/2024-03-11--2024-03-15 - Bifurcation of a stellar stream by a collision with a dark satellite or wandering black hole
森 正夫; 金田優香; Andreas Burkert
日本天文学会2024年春季年会/2024-03-11--2024-03-15 - Galaxy collisions and stellar streams in the Andromeda Galaxy: Chemical evolution of the progenitor galaxy of the Andromeda Giant Southern Stream
森 正夫; 山口美沙; 桐原孝亘
日本天文学会2024年春季年会/2024-03-11--2024-03-15 - Galaxy collisions and stellar streams in the Andromeda Galaxy: Once and future in Andromeda
森 正夫
日本天文学会2024年春季年会/2024-03-11--2024-03-15 - The nature of M31/M33 stellar halos explored by Subaru/HSC & PFS survey
森 正夫; 小上
日本天文学会2024年春季年会/2024-03-11--2024-03-15 - 矮小銀河と銀河円盤の衝突における流体力学相互作用
森 正夫; 古谷田
第36回理論懇シンポジウム/2023-12-25--2023-12-27 - カスプ-コア遷移の効果を組み込んだダークマターハローのスケーリング則
森 正夫; 金田優香
第36回理論懇シンポジウム/2023-12-25--2023-12-27 - Formation of the Andromeda Giant Southern Stream and chemical evolution of the progenitor galaxy
森 正夫; 山口
第36回理論懇シンポジウム/2023-12-25--2023-12-27 - ダークマターサブハロー衝突による誘発的矮小銀河形成
森 正夫; 大滝恒輝
第36回理論懇シンポジウム/2023-12-25--2023-12-27 - 金属量から探る矮小銀河のGalactic Habitable Zone 銀河衝突を経験した銀河の化学進化を踏まえて
森 正夫; 山口美沙
天体形成研究会/2023-11-17--2023-11-18 - ダークマターサブハロー衝突と誘発的矮小銀河形成
森 正夫; 大滝
天体形成研究会/2023-11-17--2023-11-18 - 衛星銀河の衝突による銀河円盤ガスの流体力学不安定性の解析
森 正夫; 古谷田和馬
天体形成研究会/2023-11-17--2023-11-18 - Godunov DISPH 法の詳細と性能及び SPH 法の拡張について
森 正夫; 湯浅拓宏
シミュレーション天文学のこれまでとこれから/2023-09-04--2023-09-06 - サブハロー衝突による誘発的矮小銀河形成シミュレーション
森 正夫; Otaki Koki
シミュレーション天文学のこれまでとこれから/2023-09-04--2023-09-06 - Godunov SPH法の改良: 接触不連続面での問題解決を目指して
森 正夫; 湯浅拓宏
日本流体力学会2023年年会/2023-09-20--2023-09-22 - Stellar stream の分裂可能性と parallel stellar streams の形成
森 正夫; 金田優香
日本天文学会2023年秋季年会/2023-09-20--2023-09-22 - Galaxy collisions and metal gradients of the Andromeda Giant Southern Stream
森 正夫; 山口美沙
日本天文学会2023年秋季年会/2023-09-20--2023-09-22 - Dark Matter Subhalo衝突とMissing Satellite問題
森 正夫; Otaki Koki
日本天文学会2023年秋季年会/2023-09-20--2023-09-22 - すばる望遠鏡/HSC 深観測による M33 恒星ハローの探査
森 正夫; 小上樹
日本天文学会2023年秋季年会/2023-09-20--2023-09-22 - Formation of parallel stellar streams via collision-induced bifurcation of a single stellar stream
Mori Masao; Otaki Koki; Kaneda Yuka
Dark Matter in the Universe: The Present and Future of Galactic Archaeology and Near-field Cosmology/2024-03-01--2024-03-03 - Chemical evolution of the progenitor galaxy of the Andromeda Giant
Mori Masao; Yamaguchi Misa
Dark Matter in the Universe: The Present and Future of Galactic Archaeology and Near-field Cosmology/2024-03-01--2024-03-03 - Galaxy collisions and the stellar streams in the Andromeda Galaxy
Mori Masao
Dark Matter in the Universe: The Present and Future of Galactic Archaeology and Near-field Cosmology/2024-03-01--2024-03-03 - Influence of dark matter on the dynamical evolution of satellite galaxies associated with the Galaxy
Mori Masao
International Conference on Resolving Galaxy Ecosystems Across All Scales/2023-12-11--2023-12-15 - Formation of the Andromeda giant stream and chemical evolution of the progenitor galaxy
Mori Masao; Yamaguchi Misa
International Conference on Resolving Galaxy Ecosystems Across All Scales/2023-12-11--2023-12-15 - Formation of parallel stellar streams via bifurcation of a single stellar stream and its physical condition
Mori Masao; Otaki Koki; Kaneda Yuka
International Conference on Resolving Galaxy Ecosystems Across All Scales/2023-12-11--2023-12-15 - more...
- Formation of dwarf galaxies induced by dark matter subhalo collisions
- Teaching
2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special Class on Astrophysics IB University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Seminar on Astrophysics D University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Class on Astrophysics IA University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Collaborative Research in Physics IV University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Collaborative Research in Physics IV University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Class on Astrophysics VB University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Collaborative Research in Physics III University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Collaborative Research in Physics III University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Class on Astrophysics IIA University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special Class on Astrophysics IIIA University of Tsukuba. more... - Other educational activities
2010-04 -- 2011-04 平成22年度理数学生応援プロジェクト(文部科学省委託事業) University of Tsukuba. - Talks
- 銀河衝突と冬眠するブラックホール そして生命存在可能性について
森 正夫
専修大学自然科学研究所公開講演会/2023-12-02--2023-12-02 - 宇宙の果てと七夕の夜空
森 正夫
七夕講演会 宇宙の誕生から惑星形成まで/2009-07-04
- 銀河衝突と冬眠するブラックホール そして生命存在可能性について
- Professional activities
2009-06 -- (current) “宇宙(天文)を学べる大学”合同進学説明会(東北地区) 2008-04 -- (current) 計算基礎科学連携拠点企画運営委員 2009-06 -- (current) 宇宙 (天文) を学べる大学”合同進学説明会(大阪地区) 2009-06 -- (current) 宇宙 (天文) を学べる大学”合同進学説明会(大阪地区) - University Management
2023 -- (current) 研究データポリシー策定委員 委員会委員 2021-04 -- (current) 教育学位プログラム兼任教員 教育学位プログラム兼任教員 2020-04 -- 2021-03 教育研究科協力教員 協力教員 2017-04 -- 2019-03 カリキュラム委員会委員 委員 2018-04 -- 2019-03 最先端多重複合型計算機システム技術審査委員 委員 2016-04 -- 2020-03 計算科学研究センター学際共同利用委員 委員 2015-04 -- 2019-03 物理学類クラス担任 2017-04 -- 2018-03 PPX2システム調達仕様策定委員 委員 2017-04 -- 2018-03 アドミッションセンター専門委員 委員 2017-04 -- 2019-03 スポーツデ―運営委員 委員 - Other activities
2023-04 -- (current) プレミア保存版「銀河のすべて」編集
(Last updated: 2024-12-26)