SAITO Kazuya
- Affiliation
- University of Tsukuba
- Official title
- Professor Emeritus
- /<2KFJ2Tc_496>]EDF<F32]24];A
- Fax
- 029-853-6503
- Research fields
Basic chemistry Device related chemistry Condensed matter physics I Condensed matter physics II - Research keywords
molecular dynamics heat capacity entropy organic conductor liquid crystal - Research projects
エントロピー由来のメゾヒエラルキーを介した3次元秩序形成 2024 -- 2025 Saito Kazuya Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas(A) 4,680,000Yen 低分子液晶におけるジャイロイド構造形成の分子論の確立 2021 -- 2023 齋藤 一弥 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 17,550,000Yen ジャイロイド構造形成の動的分子論の探究 2020 -- 2021 齋藤 一弥 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a Proposed Research Area) 7,410,000Yen 球形分子会合体からなる液体の構造とガラス転移 2016 -- 2017 齋藤 一弥 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas 5,980,000Yen 実在モデル系としての球形分子会合体からなる液体のガラス転移 2014 -- 2015 齋藤 一弥 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型) 7,020,000Yen 擬二成分描像に基づくサーモトロピック液晶の構造とダイナミクスの研究 2014 -- 2016 齋藤 一弥 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(B) 17,160,000Yen Molecular dynamics in crystal and phase transition 1986-04 -- (current) / Properties of organic/Low-dimensional conductors 1987-01 -- (current) / Aggregation mechanism and higher-order structures in soft matter 1996-04 -- (current) / 定常状態熱力学の検証を目指した2相共存温度の非平衡度依存性の精密測定 2012 -- 2014 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/挑戦的萌芽研究 1,820,000Yen more... - Career history
1986-04 -- 1986-12 Research Laboratory of Enginearing MaterialsTokyo Institute of TechnologyTechnical Assistant 1987-01 -- 1995-11 Tokyo Metropolitan UniversityFaculty of ScienceResearch Associate 1995-12 -- 2004-03 Osaka UniversityFaculty of Science & Graduate School of ScienceAssociate Professor 2004-04 -- (current) University of TsukubaGraduate School of Pure and Applied SciencesProfessor - Academic background
-- 1981-03 Osaka University Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry -- 1986-03 Osaka University Graduate School of Science Inorganic and Physical Chemistry - Degree
1986-03 Doctor of Science Osaka University - Honors & Awards
2016-09-06 Award for excellent work Clarification of LC structure through thermodynamic study 2012-08-24 The Japan Society of Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis Award 2011-06-16 James J. Christensen Memorial Award - Articles
- Molecular aggregation in liquid-crystalline layers crucially affects their physics: smectic A (SmA)-nematic (N) phase transition
Yamamura Yasuhisa; Ito Mizuki; Sugai Kazutaka; Noda H...
SOFT MATTER/19(37)/pp.7245-7254, 2023-09-27 - Contrasting Changes in Strongly and Weakly Bound Hydration Water of a Protein upon Denaturation
Hishida Mafumi; Kaneko Ayumi; Yamamura Yasuhisa; Saito...
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B/127(28)/pp.6296-6305, 2023-07-07 - Room-temperature Ia3d phase obtained for the binary mixture containing different sizes of siloxanyl terminals
Kawase Yuki; Kutsumzu Shoichi; Udagawa Taro; Miwa Yoh...
PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS/25(29)/pp.19891-19898, 2023-07-26 - Reticular-Chemical Approach to Soft-Matter Self-Assembly: Why Are srs and noh Nets Realized in Thermotropics?
Saito Kazuya; Yamamura Yasuhisa
BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/96(7)/pp.607-613, 2023-07 - Three-Step Ordering of Classical Headless Spins Preferring Twists on Icositetrachoric Honeycomb, a Four-Dimensional Analog of the Triangular Lattice
SAITO Kazuya; Yamamura Yasuhisa
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/92(5), 2023-04 - Aggregation Structure of Chiral Cubic Liquid Crystals Revealed by X-ray Diffraction Utilizing a New Algorithm
Oka Toshihiko; Yamamura Yasuhisa; Kutsumizu Shoichi; S...
SOFT MATTER/19(6)/pp.1194-1201, 2023-01 - Anti-sigmoidal Composition Dependence of Glass Transition Temperature and Excess Heat Capacity Across It in a Binary System of Globular Alcohols
Yamamura Yasuhisa; Nomiya Kaoru; Hishida Mafumi; Saito K...
Journal of Solution Chemistry/53/pp.144-153, 2023-02 - Spontaneous Formation of Cubic Phases: A Molecular Dynamics Study for Soft Repulsive Spherocylinders
Aoki Keiko M.; Yamamura Yasuhisa; Kutsumizu Shoichi; Sait...
Liquid Crystals, 2023-01 - Molecular dynamics and kinetics of isothermal cold crystallization with tunable dimensionality in a molecular glass former, 5’-(2,3-difluorophenyl)-2’-ethoxy-4-pentyloxy-2,3-difluorotolane
Rozwadowski Tomasz; Noda Hiroshi; Kolek Łukasz; Ito Mizu...
PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS/25(1)/pp.724-735, 2022-12 - Small Spin Clusters Mimicking a Temperature-Induced Phase Transition: Spins on Vertices of Regular Octahedron and Icositetrachoron
Saito Kazuya; Yamamura Yasuhisa
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/91(10), 2022-10 - Headless Heisenberg Spin Models Preferring Twist on Triangular Lattice: Phase Transition under External Field
Saito Kazuya; Yamamura Yasuhisa
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/91(7), 2022-07 - Two-Dimensional Spin Model Possibly Undergoing a Phase Transition: Heisenberg Model of Headless Spins Preferring Twist on Triangular Lattice
Saito Kazuya; Hishida Mafumi; Yamamura Yasuhisa
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/90(12), 2021-12 - Various Stacking Patterns of Two-Dimensional Molecular Assemblies in Hydrogen-Bonded Cocrystals: Insight into Competitive Intermolecular Interactions and Control of Stacking Patterns
Donoshita Masaki; Yoshida Yukihiro; Hayashi Mikihiro; ...
ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION/60(42)/pp.22839-22848, 2021-10 - Interplay between Melt and Cold Crystallization in a Smectic Liquid Crystal, 4-Pentylphenyl 4-(trans-4-Pentylcyclohexyl)benzoate
Rozwadowski Tomasz; Yamamura Yasuhisa; Saito Kazuya
CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN/21(5)/pp.2777-2785, 2021-05 - Stabilization of Bicontinuous Cubic Phase and Its Two-Sided Nature Produced by Use of Siloxane Tails and Introduction of Molecular Nonsymmetry
Kutsumizu Shoichi; Kawafuchi Akane; Yamamura Yasuhisa; ...
CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL/27(40)/pp.10293-10302, 2021-07 - Reversible supra-folding of user-programmed functional DNA nanostructures on fuzzy cationic substrates
Nakazawa Koyomi; El Fakih Farah; Jallet Vincent; Rossi...
Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English)/60(28)/pp.15214-15219, 2021-03 - Designing the disorder: the kinetics of nonisothermal crystallization of the orientationally disordered crystalline phase in a nematic mesogen
Rozwadowski Tomasz; Jasiurkowska-Delaporte Malgorzata; ...
PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS/22(42)/pp.24236-24248, 2020-11 - Glass transition and crystallization of ODIC phase in nematic liquid crystal
Proceedings of Japanese Liquid Crystal Society Annual meeting/2019/p.3B05, 2019 - Structural Thermodynamics of Real Liquid Crystals – Cause of Stability and The Beyond
齋藤 一弥
MEMBRANE/45(5)/pp.200-205, 2020 - Phase Transition from the Interdigitated to Bilayer Membrane of a Cationic Surfactant Induced by Addition of Hydrophobic Molecules
Hishida Mafumi; Shimokawa Naofumi; Okubo Yuki; Taguchi S...
Langmuir/36(48)/pp.14699-14709, 2020-12 - Positive definite distortion term of the extended Landau-de Gennes model
Pelka Robert; Saito Kazuya
MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS/702(1)/pp.87-91, 2020-05 - 液晶の発現機構と凝集構造 − エントロピーを足がかりにした物性科学の例として
齋藤 一弥
JOURNAL OF JAPANESE SCIENTISTS/54(3)/pp.142-147, 2019-03 - Ordering Phase Transition with Symmetry-Breaking from Disorder over Non-Equivalent Sites: Calorimetric and Crystallographic Study of Crystalline d-Sorbose
Iwagaki Sakiko; Kakuta Hiroki; Yamamura Yasuhisa; Saitoh ...
Crystals/10(5), 2020-04 - Interleaflet coupling of n-alkane incorporated bilayers
Usuda Hatsuho; Hishida Mafumi; Kelley Elizabeth G.; Yamam...
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys./22(10)/pp.5418-5426, 2020-02 - Molecular packing in two bicontinuous Ia(3)over-bard gyroid phases of calamitic cubic mesogens BABH(n): roles in structural stability and reentrant behavior
Yamamura Yasuhisa; Nakazawa Yuri; Kutsumizu Shoichi; Sait...
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP/21(42)/pp.23705-23712, 2019-11 - more...
- Molecular aggregation in liquid-crystalline layers crucially affects their physics: smectic A (SmA)-nematic (N) phase transition
- Books
- 化学便覧 基礎編 改訂6版
齋藤 一弥
丸善, 2021-01 - Stability of Real Liquid Crystals
Saito Kazuya
Gibbs Energy and Helmholtz Energy Liquids, Solution and Vapours/The Royal Society of Chemistry/pp.449-463, 2021-09 - Chemical Physics of Molecular Condensed Matter
Saito Kazuya
Springer, 2020-10 - 現代化学序説
齋藤 一弥
裳華房, 2019-11 - 結晶中の分子運動の相関
齋藤 一弥
日本の結晶学(II) -輝かしき発展-/pp.254-255, 2014-07 - 熱分析
齋藤 一弥; 森川淳子
熱分析/共立出版, 2012-11 - Comprehensive Handbook of Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis
Ed. by The Japan Society of Calorimetry; Thermal Analysi...
John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2004-01 - 熱量測定・熱分析ハンドブック 第2版
日本熱測定学会編(編集委員長:齋藤一弥); +齋藤 一弥
丸善, 2010-01
- 化学便覧 基礎編 改訂6版
- Conference, etc.
- Aggregation Structure of Chiral Cubic Liquid Crystals Revealed by X-ray Diffraction Utilizing a New Algorithm
Oka Toshihiko; Yamamura Yasuhisa; Kutsumizu Shoichi; S...
7th International Soft Matter Conference/2023-09-04--2023-09-08 - Reticular-Chemical Approach to Soft-Matter Self-Assembly: Why Do srs and noh Nets Realize in Thermotropics?
Kazuya Saito; Yamamura Yasuhisa
Topological Soft Matter/2023-05-10--2023-05-12 - 新しいアルゴリズムを用いたX線回折によるキラルキュービック液晶の凝集構造の解明
岡俊彦; 山村 泰久; 沓水祥一; 齋藤一弥
第11回ソフトマター研究会/2023-12-18--2023-12-20 - スメクチックA−ネマチック液晶間相転移の熱力学的性質と分子充填様式
山村 泰久; 齋藤一弥
第59回熱測定討論会/2023-10-24--2023-10-26 - メチル基付与液晶分子が形成する複数の熱サイクルによるキュービック相の内部構造の調査
武山京平; 武部颯太; 橋本 慧; 三輪洋平; 沓水祥一; 山村 泰久; 齋藤一弥
2023年日本液晶討論会/2023-09-11--2023-09-13 - SmA相における2種類の分子充填様式と,SmA-N相転移の性質との相関
山村 泰久; 齋藤一弥
2023年日本液晶討論会/2023-09-11--2023-09-13 - 捩れ配列のネットワークとしてのキュービック液晶
齋藤一弥; 山村 泰久
2023年日本液晶討論会/2023-09-11--2023-09-13 - アキラル棒状分子が自発的に形成するキラルキュービック相の凝集構造
岡 俊彦; 山村 泰久; 齋藤一弥; 沓水祥一; 大野稜貴; 三輪洋平; 橋本 慧
2023年日本液晶討論会/2023-09-11--2023-09-13 - Schiff base liquid crystal compounds exhibiting HexB phase, 2MBAC and 4MBAC
Akihiro Izumi; Yamamura Yasuhisa; Saito Kazuya
Saito Kazuya; Seina Fukuda; Hishida Mafumi; Yamamura ...
26th IUPAC International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics (ICCT2023)/2023-07-30--2023-08-04 - Spontaneous Formation of Cubic Phases
Univ.) K.M. Aoki (Keio; Yamamura Yasuhisa; Kutsumizu Sho...
28th International Liquid Crystal Conference/2022-07-24--2022-07-29 - 正多面体型スピンクラスターの示す温度誘起相転移様挙動
齋藤 一弥
日本応用数理学会2022年度年会/2022-09-08--2022-09-10 - 液晶の分子科学:剛体描像の先へ
齋藤 一弥
第16回分子科学討論会/2022-09-19--2022-09-22 - Small spin clusters mimicking a temperature induced phase transition
Saito Kazuya
Multiscale Phenomena in Condensed Matter (Multis 2022)/2022-06-27--2022-06-30 - キュービック液晶発現化合物ACBCとアゾベンゼン誘導体との二成分系における相挙動および光誘起相転移
井戸祐貴; 小松貞広; 三輪洋平; 沓水祥一; 山村 泰久; 齋藤一弥
第53回中部化学関係学協会支部連合秋季大会/2022-11-05--2022-11-06 - シロキサン含有液晶性ヒドラジン化合物のキュービック相形成と分子コア部分の積層構造解明
加藤渉; 大滝隆史; 三輪洋平; 沓水祥一; 山村 泰久; 齋藤一弥
第53回中部化学関係学協会支部連合秋季大会/2022-11-05--2022-11-06 - 分子コアの側方へのメチル基付与がもたらす複数のキュービック相形成
武山京平; 武部颯太; 磯部なちあ; 三輪洋平; 沓水祥一; 山村 泰久; 齋藤一弥
第53回中部化学関係学協会支部連合秋季大会/2022-11-05--2022-11-06 - 分子コアの側方へのフッ素原子の導入がキュービック液晶相形成に与える効果
大野稜貴; 武部颯太; 三輪洋平; 沓水祥一; 山村 泰久; 齋藤一弥
第53回中部化学関係学協会支部連合秋季大会/2022-11-05--2022-11-06 - Control of the molecular packing in the Ia3d gyroid phase by siloxane tails and molecular core symmetry
Kutsumizu Shoichi; Kawase Yuki; Otaki Takashi; Miwa Yohe...
CMD29/2022-08-21--2022-08-26 - シッフ塩基液晶化合物2MBACと4MBACの熱力学的研究
秋廣いづみ; 山村 泰久; 菱田 真史; 齋藤一弥
第58回熱測定討論会/2022-10-26--2022-10-28 - 分子コア側方へのフッ素原子の導入がキュービック液晶相形成に与える効果
大野稜貴; 武部颯太; 三輪洋平; 沓水祥一; 山村 泰久; 齋藤一弥
2022年日本液晶学会討論会/2022-09-14--2022-09-16 - キュービック相を発現する4’-alkoxy-3’-cyanobiphenyl-4-carboxylic acid (ACBC)とアゾベンゼン誘導体との二成分系における相挙動および光誘起相転移
井戸祐貴; 小松貞広; 三輪洋平; 沓水祥一; 山村 泰久; 齋藤一弥
2022年日本液晶学会討論会/2022-09-14--2022-09-16 - 非対称型のπ電子共役系を有するキュービック液晶性化合物の側方置換基が液晶相形成とその積層構造に与える効果
武部颯太; 磯部なちあ; 三輪洋平; 沓水祥一; 山村 泰久; 齋藤一弥
2022年日本液晶学会討論会/2022-09-14--2022-09-16 - SmA相において異なる分子充填様式を示す液晶物質PHexOABと8OCBの二成分系の相挙動
須貝和剛; 伊藤瑞樹; 野田宙志; 山村 泰久; 菱田 真史; 齋藤一弥
2022年日本液晶学会討論会/2022-09-14--2022-09-16 - 2種類のSmB相を示すシッフ塩基液晶化合物2MBACと4MBACの相転移
秋廣いづみ; 山村 泰久; 菱田 真史; 齋藤一弥
2022年日本液晶学会討論会/2022-09-14--2022-09-16 - more...
- Aggregation Structure of Chiral Cubic Liquid Crystals Revealed by X-ray Diffraction Utilizing a New Algorithm
- Teaching
2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Physical Chemistry IIIB University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Seminar in Chemistry I University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar in Chemistry I University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Advanced Exercise Chemistry I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Advanced Exercise Chemistry I University of Tsukuba. 2023-10 -- 2024-02 Research in Physical Chemistry IIIA University of Tsukuba. 2023-10 -- 2024-02 Research in Physical Chemistry IIA University of Tsukuba. 2023-04 -- 2023-08 Research in Physical Chemistry VB University of Tsukuba. 2023-10 -- 2024-02 Seminar in Physical Chemistry IA University of Tsukuba. 2023-04 -- 2023-08 Physical Chemistry 1A University of Tsukuba. more... - Professional activities
2015 -- 2022 THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN Associate editor of JPSJ 2012 -- 2020 International Association of Chemical Thermodynamics Director 2017-10 -- 2019-09 THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF CALORIMERTY AND THERMAL ANALYSIS President
(Last updated: 2023-04-27)