OKADA Susumu

Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences
Official title
Birth date
Research fields
Mathematical physics/Fundamental condensed matter physics
Research projects
Materials Synthesis for 2.5 Dimensional Structures2021-09 -- 2026-03OKADA SusumuJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas(A)201,500,000Yen
Physical properties of covalent organic frame materials2020 -- 2023-03OKADA SusumuJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)4,290,000Yen
計算科学による原子層物質の新物性デザインとデバイス設計指針の提示2016 -- 2018-03OKADA SusumuJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas7,280,000Yen
計算科学に基づく新奇原子層物質複合系の物性解明と物質設計2014 -- 2016-03OKADA SusumuJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas(Research in a proposed research area)6,890,000Yen
Electronic properties of nanoscale interfaces consisting of nanocarbon materials and inorganic semiconductors2013-05 -- 2017-03OKADA SusumuJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A)45,760,000Yen
計算科学によるグラファイト系材料の基礎物性解明とそのデバイス応用における設計指針の開発2009-10 -- 2015-03岡田晋独立行政法人科学技術振興機構/戦略的想像研究推進事業CREST221,000,000Yen
First-principles Study of Fullerenes -- (current)/
Design and study of nanotube hybrid structure2007-04 -- 2012-03OKADA SusumuJSPS/特定領域研究25,300,000Yen
Study of novel properties of nanomaterials2007-04 -- 2010-03OKADA SusumuJapan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists(B)3,640,000Yen
非磁性原子からなるナノスケール磁性体の物質設計と物性解明2004 -- (current)Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/若手研究(B)3,900,000Yen
Academic background
1989 -- 1993日本大学 理工学部 物理学科
1993 -- 1998Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering 物理学専攻
1998-03博士(理学)Tokyo Institute of Technology
Academic societies
1996 -- (current)The Fullerene and NanoTtube Research Society
Honors & Awards
2007-06-01Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan
Conference, etc.
  • 拡張マティーニ格子模型のバンド構造と物質設計
    溝口 知成; 高燕林; 丸山実那; 初貝安弘; 岡田晋
  • 新環状水素化ホウ素分子から構成される 二次元水素化ホウ素化合物の電子状態と安定性に関す る研究
    中嶋武; 安藤康伸; H. Yin; X. Zhang; 辻川夕貴; 堀尾眞史; 立石 幾真; 宮内雅浩; N.T. Cu...
    第15回 日本ホウ素・ホウ化物研究会/2023-02-11
  • 拡張マティーニ格子系の物質デザイン
    岡田 晋; 溝口 知成; 高 燕林; 丸山実那; 初貝 安弘
  • Evaluating the interaction of hydrogen boride sheets and water
    Rojas Kurt Irvin M; Cuong Nguyen Thanh; Nishino Hiroaki; ...
    The 22nd International Vacuum Congress IVC-22/2022-09-11--2022-09-16
  • 原子吸着による五員環ネットワーク物質の物性制御
    丸山実那; 溝口 知成; 初貝安弘; 岡田晋
  • Topological atomic sheet of hydrogen boride, synthesized from YCrB4
    X. Zhang; Y. Tsujikawa; M. Niibe; N. T. Cuong; M. Horio; ...
  • Topological atomic sheet of hydrogen boride, synthesized from YCrB4
    X. Zhang; Y. Tsujikawa; M. Niibe; N. T. Cuong; M. Horio; ...
  • Electronic Structure of Borophane, studied by X-ray spectroscopy
    Zhang Xiaoni; Tsujikawa Yuki; Niibe Masahito; Cuong Nguy...
    The 9th International Symposium on Surface Science ~Toward Sustainable Development~/2021-11-28--2021-11-28
  • 二次元ホウ化水素シートの分光学的特性評価
    張小妮; 辻川夕貴; 新部正人; Nguyen Thanh Cuong; 堀尾眞史; 岡田晋; 近藤 剛弘; 松田巌
    物理学会2021年秋季大会 オンライン大会/2021-9-21--2021-9-21
  • Polymerized triptycene as a candidate material of higher-order topological insulator
    Mizoguchi Tomonari; Maruyama Mina; Okada Susumu; Hatsugai...
    APS March Meeting/2020-03-02--2020-03-06
  • Higher-order topological phase in polymerized triptycene"
    Mizoguchi Tomonari; Maruyama Mina; Okada Susumu; Hatsugai...
    New Trends in Topological Insulators 2019 & Bulk-Edge Correspondence 2019/2019-07-14--2019-07-19
  • Adiabatic Heuristicの数値的検証
    溝口知成; 丸山実那; 岡田晋; 初貝 安弘
    日本物理学会 2019年秋季大会/2019-09-10--2019-09-13
  • Spring-mass模型におけるHigher-orderトポロジカル相
    溝口知成; 丸山実那; 岡田晋; 初貝 安弘
    日本物理学会 2019年秋季大会/2019-09-10--2019-09-13
  • トリプチセン重合体におけるフラットバンドと高次トポロジカル相の理論
    溝口知成; 丸山実那; 岡田晋; 初貝 安弘
    日本物理学会 2019年秋季大会/2019-09-10--2019-09-13
  • Energetics and electronic structure of graphene nanoribbons under uniaxial torsional strain
    Yoneyama Kazufumi; Yamanaka Ayaka; Okada Susumu
    31st International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC)/2018-11-13--2018-11-16
  • 新規2次元ホウ素シートの大量合成と特性評価
    西野弘晃; 藤野朝日; 藤森智博; 伊藤伸一; 藤田武志; 西堀英治; 岡田晋; 梅澤直人; 細野秀雄; 中村潤児; 近藤 剛弘
  • Semi-metallicity of free-standing hydrogenated monolayer boron from MgB2
    I. Tateishi; N. T. Cuong; C.A.S. Moura; M. Cameau; R. Is...
    第13回 日本ホウ素ホウ化物研究会/2019-02-23--2019-02-23
  • Energetics of edge oxidization of graphene nanoribbons
    Yasuma Airi; Yamanaka Ayaka; Okada Susumu
    30th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC)/2017-11-06--2017-11-09
  • Energetics and electronic structures of chemically decorated C-60 chains
    Furutani Sho; Okada Susumu
    30th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC)/2017-11-06--2017-11-09
  • ホウ化水素シートの生成と機能
    西野 弘晃; 藤田 武志; Nguyen Thanh Cuong; 冨中 悟史; 宮内 雅浩; 飯村 壮史; 平田 秋彦; 梅...
  • Moisture barrier properties of single-layer graphene deposited on Cu films for Cu metallization
    Gomasang Ploybussara; Abe Takumi; Kawahara Kenji; Wasa...
    International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM)/2017-09-19--2017-09-22
  • Porous hydrocarbon networks of pyramidal molecules
    Sorimachi Jun-ya; Okada Susumu
    29th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC)/2016-11-08--2016-11-11
  • Electronic structure of carbon nanotube thin films with nanoscale interfaces under an electric field
    Kochi Taketo; Okada Susumu
    29th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC)/2016-11-08--2016-11-11
  • Electronic structure of CNT thin film swith nanointerfaces under an electronic field
    Kochi Taketo; Okada Susumu
    28th International Conference on Indium Phosphide & Related Materials (IPRM) / 43rd International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS)/2016-06-26--2016-06-30
  • Geometric and Electronic Structures of GaN Sheet
    Gao Yanlin; Okada Susumu
    28th International Conference on Indium Phosphide & Related Materials (IPRM) / 43rd International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS)/2016-06-26--2016-06-30
  • more...
2024-04 -- 2024-08Research in MI VAUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Joint Seminar IIIAUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Research in IMI VBUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Seminar on Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics CUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08International Internship IIIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02International Internship IIIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Special Seminar for Condensed Matter Theory VBUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Special seminar for condensed matter theory IIIBUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Science and Technology Seminar IIIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Science and Technology Seminar IIIUniversity of Tsukuba.

(Last updated: 2024-11-11)