Researcher's full information

  • A Study on the Influence of the Re-organization of National Universities as Corporations on Education and Research, University-Industry Relations and University Management
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Synergy of Arts and Sciences/13(2)/pp.99-112, 2009-10
  • Closer Cooperation between the University of Tsukuba and Related Agencies in the Tsukuba Science City
    Journal of Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration/5(6)/pp.60-62, 2009-06
  • A Study on the Way to Deal with Problems Relating to Research Ethics at the University
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Synergy of Arts and Sciences/13(1)/pp.33-42, 2009-04
  • A study on conflict-of-interest management in terms of university-industry research collaborations in Japan
    新谷 由紀子; 菊本 虔
    Journal of the Japan Society for Intellectual Production/5(1)/pp.46-55, 2008-11
  • A Review of the book, "University-Industry Collaboration in Japan", written and edited by Katsuya Tamai and Yukio Miyata
    Institute for Development of Higher Education/(495)/pp.65-66, 2007-11
  • A Study on the Evaluation Standards on University-industry Cooperative Activities: Case Study on the Interim Evaluation of “University Intellectual Property Headquarters Development Program”
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    University Evaluation Today/(3)/pp.105-128, 2007-09
  • Characteristics and Transition of University Spin-offs in Japan-From the results of the Nationwide Investigation for Six Years-
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    VENTURES REVIEW/(10)/pp.51-54, 2007-09
  • Research on the Issues relating to Determining the Proportional Share of an Invention: A Study on the Identification of the Claimant of an Invention made by University-Industry Collaboration(2)
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Synergy of Arts and Sciences/11(1)/pp.21-32, 2007-04
  • Research on the Issues relating to Determining the Inventors of an Invention: A Study of the Identification of the Claimant of an Invention made by University-Industry Collaboration(1)
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Synergy of Arts and Sciences/11(1)/pp.7-20, 2007-04
  • 1F01 産学連携活動の評価のあり方に関する検討(評価 (1))
    新谷 由紀子; 菊本 虔
    研究・技術計画学会第21回年次学術大会講演要旨集/21(1)/pp.308-311, 2006-10
  • Historical Consideration of University-Industry Cooperation in Japan, and the Problems and Prospects of Cooperation
    Yukiko Shinya; +菊本 虔
    Synergy of Arts and Sciences/10(1)/pp.7-20, 2006-04
  • A Comparative Study on the Ethical Values of the Japanese Universities and Corporations in terms of their Collaboration: Research on Some Ethical Issues relating to Indusry-University Collaboration (2)
    Synergy of Arts and Sciences/8(3)/pp.165-175, 2004-10
  • A Comparative Study on the Ethical Values of the Japanese Universities and Western Universities in terms of their Collaboration: Research on Some Ethical Issues relating to University-Industry Collaboration (1)
    新谷 由紀子
    Journal of Synergy of Arts and Sciences/8(3)/pp.153-164, 2004-10
  • A Study on the Planning of the Green Space in a City in Terms of the Relationship of Green Environment to Humans
    横浜国立大学博士論文/pp.1-381, 2004-09
  • The Ways and Problems in terms of University-Industry Technology Transfer
    新谷 由紀子; 菊本 虔
    電気学会研究会資料. HEE, 電気技術史研究会/04(6)/pp.7-12, 2004-07
  • Placing of the Green Environment for Environmental Policies in terms of Residency Selections by Urban Dwellers : A Study on the Analyses of the Factors Influencing on the Land Price in Central Tokyo
    新谷由紀子; 佐土原聡; 吉田聡
    Synergy of Arts and Sciences/8(2)/pp.87-97, 2004-04
    新谷由紀子; 佐土原聡; 吉田聡
    J. Environ. Eng., AIJ/(576)/pp.57-64, 2004-02
  • A Study on Effective Technology Transfer System Fitted for the Relationships between Industry and Universities in Japan
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING/(8)/pp.9-21, 2002-06
  • A Study on Measures for the Promotion of University Spin-Off Companies: Focusing on the Survey of the Present State and Issues of Venture Business Laboratories (VBL) of National Universities
    UNIVERSITY STUDIES/(24)/pp.83-99, 2002-03
  • The Challenges and Vision of Future of University Spin-offs in Japan: From the Analyses of their Size, Category of Business and the Universities' Characteristics
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Synergy of Arts and Sciences/7(1)/pp.17-27, 2002-01
  • An Introductory View on Ethical Problems of Universities and Industry-University Collaboration in Japan
    Synergy of Arts and Sciences/6(1)/pp.6-21, 2001-10
  • The Preliminary Study on the State of and Issues Associated with Ventures Originating from Universities, etc.
    菊本虔; 新谷由紀子
    TARA NEWS/(17)/pp.3-31, 2001-04
  • A Geographical Study on the Riverine Environment in Kanto Region 1: Topography of Tonegawa upstream and Numata Basin
    大矢雅彦; 坂田篤稔; 春山成子; 平井幸弘; 新谷由紀子
    博物館紀要/(8)/pp.93-107, 2001-03
  • The Future of Science Education
    Synergy of Arts and Sciences/4(2)/pp.25-29, 2000-04