AKAHIRA Masafumi
- Articles
- The construction of combined Bayesian-frequentist confidence intervals for a positive parameter
M. Akahira; A. Shimizu; K. Takeuchi
Statistica/64(4)/p.351-365, 2005-01 - Large-deviation efficiency of first and second order
M. Akahira
Student/5(3-4)/p.211-219, 2006-01 - On the Pitman estimator for a family of non-regular distributions
M. Akahira; N. Ohyauchi; K. Takeuchi
Metron/65(1)/p.113-127, 2007-01 - The structure of higher order asymptotic theory of statistical estimation
M. Akahira
Amer. Math. Soc. Transl., Ser.2/227/p.175-197, 2009-01 - The first- and second-order large-deviation efficiency for an exponential family and certain curved exponential models
M. Akahira
Commun. Statist. - Theory and Meth./39(8 & 9)/p.1387 - 1403, 2010-01 - On the properties of statistical sequential decision procedures
赤平昌文; 小池健一
S(]E87CD[)gaku/48(2)/p.184-195, 1996-01 - 統計的推定量の漸近的性質について
竹内 啓; 赤平 昌文
SUGAKU/29(2)/pp.110-123, 1977-04 - On the sequential sampling plans
小池 健一; 赤平 昌文
RIMS Kokyuroku/777(0)/pp.29-44, 1992-03 - Bayes sequential decision rules in the multinomial sampling(Sequential Analysis and Statistical Inference)
小池 健一; 赤平 昌文
RIMS Kokyuroku/842(0)/pp.1-11, 1993-06 - 逐次推定におけるBhattacharyya型情報不等式について
小池 健一; 赤平 昌文
RIMS Kokyuroku/916(0)/pp.180-188, 1995-07 - 統計的逐次決定法式の性質について
赤平 昌文; 小池 健一
数学/48(2)/pp.184-195, 1996-05 - The Amount of Partial Information and Sufficiency (Statistical Region Estimation and Its Application)
大谷内 奈穂; 赤平 昌文
RIMS Kokyuroku/1101(0)/pp.110-113, 1999-06 - On lower bounds for the Bayes risk of estimators in the uniform and truncated normal cases (Statistical Inference and the Bioequivalence Problem)
大谷内 奈穂; 赤平 昌文
RIMS Kokyuroku/1224(0)/pp.11-35, 2001-07 - Asymptotics of the Maximum Probability Estimators in Statistical Experiments (Statistical Experiments and Clinical Trials)
大谷内 奈穂; 赤平 昌文
RIMS Kokyuroku/1273(0)/pp.16-28, 2002-07 - Asymptotic efficiencies of estimators in a one-parameter family of truncated distributions (Approximations to the Statistical Distributions)
大谷内 奈穂; 赤平 昌文
RIMS Kokyuroku/1334(0)/pp.24-36, 2003-07 - An information inequality for the Bayes risk applicable to non-regular cases (Approximations to the Statistical Distributions)
赤平 昌文; 大谷内 奈穂
RIMS Kokyuroku/1334(0)/pp.183-191, 2003-07 - The asymptotic expansion of the maximum likelihood estimator for a truncated exponential family of distributions (A New Perspective to Statistical Models and Its Related Topics)
赤平 昌文; 大谷内 奈穂
RIMS Kokyuroku/1804(0)/pp.188-192, 2012-08 - Loss of information of a statistic for a family of non-regular distributions, II: more general case
Akahira Masafumi; Kim Hyo Gyeong; Ohyauchi Nao
ANNALS OF THE INSTITUTE OF STATISTICAL MATHEMATICS/64(6)/pp.1121-1138, 2012-12 - The non-regular statistical structure from the viewpoint of the loss of information (Statistical Information in Inference and Its Related Topics)
Kim Hyo Gyeong; 大谷内 奈穂; 赤平 昌文
数理解析研究所講究録/1758(0)/pp.90-99, 2011-08 - Remarks on uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimation (Statistical Information in Inference and Its Related Topics)
Kim Hyo Gyeong; 大谷内 奈穂; 赤平 昌文
数理解析研究所講究録/1758(0)/pp.195-202, 2011-08 - 位置尺度母数をもつ切断分布族における位置母数の固定幅の逐次区間推定 (区間推定とその関連する問題)
小池 健一; 赤平 昌文
RIMS Kokyuroku/1380(0)/pp.191-199, 2004-06 - Lower bounds for the Bayes risk of unbiased estimators in non-regular cases (Statistical Inference of Records and Related Statistics)
大谷内 奈穂; 赤平 昌文
RIMS Kokyuroku/1439(0)/pp.247-253, 2005-07 - 統計的推定の高次漸近理論の構造
赤平 昌文
「数学」(日本数学会編集)/58(1)/pp.1-20, 2006-01 - On the Kiefer type information inequality applicable to a family of truncated distributions(Statistical Conditional Inference and Its Related Topics)
赤平 昌文; 大谷内 奈穂
RIMS Kokyuroku/1506(0)/pp.202-210, 2006-07 - Maximal orders of convergence of consistency in terms of measures of diversity(Statistical Decision for Multiple Comparison and Its Related Topics)
大谷内 奈穂; 赤平 昌文
RIMS Kokyuroku/1560(0)/pp.38-46, 2007-06 - more...
- The construction of combined Bayesian-frequentist confidence intervals for a positive parameter