KIMURA Takeshi

Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • 人工知能の社会的実装化が提議する宗教的問題 
    木村 武史
  • 「宗教と科学の新たな世界」
    木村 武史
  • 地球生態系の劣化と社会の危機
    木村 武史
    常陽藝文センター 藝文学苑 つくば教室 つくばSDGsマイスター講座/2019-11-1--2019-11-1
  • AIと宗教の関係について
    木村 武史
  • 人工知能の実装化と宗教学の課題
    木村 武史
  • Artificial Intelligence and the Frontiers of Religiosity
    Kimura Takeshi
    CRCS and ICRS Wednesday Forum, UGM/2019-02-13
  • Myths of Automata:From Talos, Pygmalion, and Golem to Robots
    Kimura Takeshi
    The International Association for Comparative Mythology 12th Annual Conference:Ecology and the End of the World/2018-6-1--2018-6-4
  • “A New Horizon for the Study of Religion: Robot/AI and Human in Future”
    Kimura Takeshi
    Workshop on Religion in Robotics ICSR 2017 Ninth International Conference on Social Robotics/2017-11-22--2017-11-22
  • Robot/AI Technology and Their Ethical and Religious Implications
    Kimura Takeshi
    The 9th International Graduate Students and Scholars Conference in Indonesia, Graduate School Universitas Gadjah Mada in cooperation with Forum Pimpinan Pascasarjana se Indonesia/2017-08-09--2017-08-10
  • The Challenge of Robots/AI to the Study of Religion
    Kimura Takeshi
    7th South and Southeast Asian Society for the Study of Culture and Religion/2017-07-09--2017-07-12
  • ロボット・人工知能の倫理的・思想的意義についての考察
    Kimura Takeshi
  • Are Japanese Religions Nature-Oriented or Not?
    Kimura Takeshi
    Philippine Association for the Study of Culture, History and Religion/2016-09-27--2016-09-29
  • Religious and Spiritual Implication of Robotics, or Robotics Prosocial Attitudes
    Kimura Takeshi
    American Academy of Religion/2016-11-19
  • “Robotics, AI and Future of Human Society,”
    Kimura Takeshi
    High Level Forum in Tsukuba/2015-10-27--2015-10-27
  • エリアーデにおける世俗と科学について
    木村 武史
  • ロボット技術による世代間インターフェースのロボエシカル的考察 OS23オーガナイズドセッション「世代をつなぐ知的インターフェース」
    木村 武史
  • New Possibility or Fatal Demise: Human-in-Fusion-with-Robot
    Kimura Takeshi
    33rd Société Internationale de Sociologie des Religion/International Society for the Sociology of Religion/2015-07-02--2015-07-05
  • Near-Death and Out-of-Body experiences as hybrid source of knowledge in place of traditional religion observing dying person and death,
    Kimura Takeshi
    XXI IAHR World Congress/2015-08-21--2015-08-30
  • “The Ainu Religion after Assimilation and Loss,” The Panel on Indigenous Religion(s): Local grounds, global networks (global/local),
    Kimura Takeshi
    XXI IAHR World Congress/2015-08-21--2015-08-30
  • 「エリアーデの宗教学と文学における霊魂観と最高存在者」
    木村 武史
  • Hybridity of Robotics and Mahayana Buddhism: The Buddhist Philosophy of Robot in the case of Masahiro Mori,
    Kimura Takeshi
    Annual Meeting of American Academy of Religions/2015-11-21--2015-11-24
  • ”The concepts of indigenous and indigeneity: Shinto as an indigenous Japanese religion and the Ainu religion as a religion of the indigenous people”
    Kimura Takeshi
    2nd PASCHR (Philippine Association for the Study of Culture, History and Religion) International Conference/2016-03-02--2016-03-04
  • What are inside and outside with: Japanese Study of Myths
    木村 武史