Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • A New Brick-inscription from Tell Taban: Origin of the Middle Assyrian Local Dynasty, the City-god of Tabetu, and Some Problems on the Historical Geography
    Daisuke Shibata
  • A Diplomatic Journey of Shalmaneser I and Prince Tukulti-Ninurta in the Jezira-region and its Itinerary
    Daisuke SHIBATA
  • A Journey of King Shalmaneser I and Prince Tukulti-Ninurta in the Habur Region heading to the City of Carchemish
    Shibata Daisuke
    The Workshop “Administration and Law in the Ancient Near East”/2008-10-10--2008-10-11
  • A Middle Assyrian Local Dynasty in the Middle Habur Region
    Shibata Daisuke
    International Colloquium “Rural Assyria (1350-500 B.C.)”/2008-10-6--2008-10-8
  • The City of Ṭābetu and the Kings of the Land of Mari: The Documents for the Administration of a Middle Assyrian Local Princedom
    Shibata Daisuke
    54e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale/2008-7-20--2008-7-25
  • 前一千年紀メソポタミアの神殿祭儀におけるシュメル語シュイラ祈祷朗詠の役割
    柴田 大輔
  • 2005年テル・タバン出土中期アッシリア行政文書
    柴田 大輔
  • The Sumerian Shuilla-Prayers in Ancient Mesopotamia
    Shibata Daisuke
    The 19th World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religion/2005-03-24--2005-03-30