- Articles
- 「公文書管理法」と歴史学研究
国立公文書館; 中野目 徹
アーカイブ/(37)/p.11-12, 2009-10 - The problem of "civilization" for Mori Arinori, in the early Meiji Japan
中野目 徹
Journal of Japanese History/(456)/p.75-90, 1986-01 - "Civilization" and religion for Mori Arinori
中野目 徹
Annual Report of the Religious History/(7)/p.18-41, 1986-01 - A Study of the Documents Relating to the Sanjiin or Board of Councillors, 1881-1885
中野目 徹
KITANOMARU (The Journal of the National Archives of Japan)/(19)/p.3-34, 1987-01 - National Archives and "Public Archives Law"
中野目 徹
Historical Review/(463)/p.12-27, 1988-01 - Policies for Preservation of Archival Heritage
中野目 徹
KITANOMARU (The Journal of the National Archives of Japan)/(20)/p.53-79, 1988-01 - Conscription, Nobility, Private School ; Fukuzawa Yukichi from the archival point of view
中野目 徹
Modern Japanese Studies Keio University/(5)/p.147-194, 1989-01 - A survey of "Miscellaneous Public Records", the period of the Dajokan system in early Meiji
中野目 徹
KITANOMARU (The Journal of the National Archives of Japan)/(23)/p.41-64, 1991-01 - The duties of the Cabinet Secretary during the early Meiji Daj(]J1155[)kan period
中野目 徹
KITANOMARU (The Journal of the National Archives of Japan)/(26)/p.16-36, 1994-01 - The Place of the "BLue-Covered Records" in the Meiji Cabinet Rrcords
中野目 徹
Shikyo,Frontier of History/(31)/p.61-75, 1995-01 - The Origine of Ina Village,the merger of six villages in 1954-55
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The Journal of Historical Study on Ina Town/(1)/p.83-100, 1996-01 - Reform of the Daj(]J1155[)kan(Cabinet) System in 1879
中野目 徹
Journal of Japanese History/(586)/p.1-17, 1997-01 - The world of the view from a tombstone ; Modern history of the Aoki family in the Itabashi Village.
中野目 徹
The Journal of Historical Study on Ina Town/(3)/p.131-141, 1998-01 - Inoue Enryo and Seikyosha
中野目 徹
Annual Report of the Inoue Enryo Center/(8)/p.3-24, 1999-01 - Short History on the Cabinet Bureau of Documents and Records
中野目 徹
Journal of Japanes History/(628)/p.22-38, 2000-01 - Rough Draft for the Biography of Miyake Setsurei
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Study on Hstorical Sources of Modern Japan 1-5,7/(1-4,7), 2001-01 - 「同時代史」としての近代―三宅雪嶺『同時代史』の世界を読む―
中野目 徹
季刊日本思想史67/3-25, 2005-12 - 書評 大石学『近世公文書論』
史境/(59)/p.112-121, 2009-09 - 新刊紹介 松田宏一郎著『陸羯南』
日本史研究/57(1)/p.81‐82, 2010-02 - 書評 牧原憲夫著『文明国をめざして』
自由民権/(23), 2010-03 - 陸羯南研究の動向―史料整理の報告を兼ねて―
陸羯南会誌/(1)/p.18‐27, 2011-02 - 国立公文書館―内から見た、外から見た―
中野目 徹
アーカイブ/(45), 2011-10 - 日露戦後における志賀重昂の国際情勢認識―蒲郡市小田家所蔵史料の紹介―
中野目 徹
近代史料研究/(11), 2011-10 - 弘前に寄贈された陸羯南関係史料
中野目 徹
日本歴史/(762)/p.82-83, 2011-11 - 三宅雪嶺の福澤論
中野目 徹
福澤手帖/(152)/p.6-12, 2012-03 - more...
- 「公文書管理法」と歴史学研究