SUZUKI Nobutaka

Researcher's full information

2024-05 -- 2024-08Anthropology and DiversityUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-07Seminar on B.A. Thesis IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Introduction to Integrated Seminar IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Introduction to Integrated Seminar IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Research Methods of Japanese Language and CultureUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08B. A. ThesisUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Integrated Seminar I-dUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-06Introduction to Contemporary Japanese SocietyUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Seminar on Cultural Dynamics AUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-07 -- 2024-08Introduction to Japan-ExpertUniversity of Tsukuba.