Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • Lublin Triangle: How to Build Effective Relations with Asia and Japan? A Japanese Perspective
    東野 篤子
    2nd International Forum: UKRAINE AND JAPAN IN REGIONAL AND GLOBAL CONTEXT/2022-01-27--2022-01-27
  • Asia-Europe Connectivity-- a perspective from Japan
    Higashino Atsuko
    CEEasia Forum 2021/2021-11-26--2021-11-26
  • The Role of the Visegrad-4 (V4) in Japan’s Economic Engagement in the EU Under the FOIP Framework
    東野 篤子
    Joint V4–Japan Response to Global Challenges: V4+Japan Think Tank Dialogue meeting/2021-07-17--2021-07-17
  • The BRI in Europe - a View from Japan
    Higashino Atsuko
    "China Risk and China Opportunity for a Free and Open Indo-Pacific" CHOICE - Japan Dialogue/2021-07-02--2021-07-02
  • “The EU-China-Taiwan Relationship from a Japanese Perspective,”
    Higashino Atsuko
    The Europe-Japan Struggle to Preserve a Rules-based International Order/2021-06-17--2021-06-17
  • Geopolitical impact: Ukraine-Japan-EU trade connectivity
    東野 篤子
    Ukraine-Japan-EU trade connectivity: mutual impact and new opportunities/2021-03-19
  • Japan and Ukraine: how to secure effective global partnership
    Higashino Atsuko
    Forum “Asia Strategy in Action. The Role of Ukraine-Japan Cooperation”/2021-02-16--2021-02-16
  • V4-China and V4-Japan relationships: Geopolitical perspectives
    Higashino Atsuko
    Economic cooperation and investment between the V4 and Japan/2021-02-26--2021-02-26
  • Japan and the European Union: Shared Interests and Cooperation
    Higashino Atsuko
    Japan and the European Union: Shared Interests and Cooperation/2021-02-05--2021-02-05
  • CEE/EU-China relationship from a Japanese perspective
    Higashino Atsuko
    Asia and Europe After the Pandemic: How to Deepen EU Japan Relations in Times of Global Uncertainty./2020-07-16--2020-07-16
  • コロナ後の EU における民主化の後退と権威主義化に関わる諸問題
    東野 篤子
  • The concept of Regional Security Complex (RSC) and the EU connectivity strategy
    Higashino Atsuko
    EU-Japan Round-table Series/2020-03-12--2020-03-13
  • 「EUの東方パートナーシップ(EaP)とその安全保障認識」
    東野 篤子
  • The UK and Japan towards China: Any room for cooperation/coordination?
    Higashino Atsuko
    Post(?)-Brexit: UK-Japan Relations workshop/2019-09-09--2019-09-10
  • EU/NATOにとっての東地中海 ー安全保障化アプローチ適用の試みー
    東野 篤子
  • Revisiting the Concept of the "insulator state": EU-Turkey relationship from a Japanese persective
    Higashino Atsuko
    EU-Japan Forum 2019/2019-03-11--2019-03-12
  • 国際関係の中のジョージア:EU・NATOとの関係を中心に
    東野 篤子
  • 東方パートナーシップ(EaP)の10年
    東野 篤子
    日本国際政治学会2018年度研究大会 国際統合分科会C-4/2018-11-03--2018-11-03
  • コペンハーゲン学派による「絶縁体国家」トルコ概念の再検討
    東野 篤子
  • 『国際政治』にみるヨーロッパ研究の動向
    東野 篤子
  • Relations between the EU, Turkey and Japan: Dissonances in the strategic triangle?
    Higashino Atsuko
    18th ‘European Union in International Affairs’ (EUIA) Conference/2018-05-16--2018-05-18
  • EU・中東関係とRegional Security Complex 分析枠組みの再検討
    Higashino Atsuko
  • Disinformation and its impact on democracy
    Higashino Atsuko
    Japan Trilateral Forum/2017-10-23--2017-10-24
  • Turkey-EU-Japan relationship in a changing international environment
    Higashino Atsuko
    11th Pan-European Conference on International Relations/2017-09-16--2017-09-16
  • ヨーロッパ統合研究におけるコンストラクティヴィズム
  • more...