- Articles
- Japanese Economic Control and the Industrial Cooperation Movement in the 1930s : A Case Study of the Electric Lamp Glass Industry
平沢 照雄
The journal of political economy and economic history/50(1)/pp.1-14, 2007-10 - Domestic Market and the Economic Control of the Japanese Electric Lamp Glass Industry in the 1930s
Journal of Market History/(25)/pp.129-146, 2005-12 - The Structure and Development of the Japanese Electric Lamp Industry Control in the 1930s
平沢 照雄
The University of Tsukuba economic review/(51)/pp.33-70, 2004-03 - "Showa Crisis" and Japanese Economic Control in 1930s
平沢 照雄
Kochi University review of social science/(76)/pp.251-285, 2003-03 - Japanese Export Control and the Colonial Korea in the First Half of the 1930s
平沢 照雄
Journal of Japanese history/(441)/pp.1-27, 1999-01 - Japanese Economy in the 1930s and the Subjects for Study of the Controled Economy
平沢 照雄
The Tsukuba economic review/(40-41)/pp.1-38, 1999-01 - 1930年代前半期における輸出向け電球工業と統制問題
平沢 照雄
Journal of Japanese History/(401)/pp.1-26, 1996-01 - Domestic Market and the Control Policy in the Japanese Electric Lamp Industry in the 1930s
Journal of Market History/(15)/pp.70-83, 1995-01 - The Development of the Japanese Electric Lamp Industry for Export in the First Half of the 1930s
平沢 照雄
The Tsukuba economic review/(36)/pp.37-69, 1996-09 - The Features and Limitations of Japanese Neoconservative Policy in the 1980s(I)
Kochi University Review of Social Sciences/(47)/p.169-192, 1993-01 - The Features and Limitations of Japanese Neoconservative Policy in the 1980s(II)
Kochi University Review of Social Sciences/(48)/p.391-447, 1993-01 - Analytical Viewpoint of Inter-war Japanese Capitalism
Kochi University Review of Social Sciences/(43)/p.133-176, 1992-01 - A Study on the Implementation of the Industrial Control Policy in the Great Depression in Japan
Journal of Historical Studies/(619)/pp.1-18, 1991-01 - Analytical Viewpoint of the Industrial Control Policy in the Great Slump in Japan
平沢 照雄
The Tsukuba economic review/(22)/pp.158(1)-116(43), 1989-01 - The Emergence of the Industrial Control Policy in Japan
平沢 照雄
The Tsukuba economic review/(21)/pp.100(1)-60(41), 1988-01 - 'The Lost Decade'in Japanese Economy and the Restructuring of Japanese Firms
The Plan of the New Japan/p.133-158, 2001-01 - The Paradigm of the Economic Growth in Post-war Japan and the Stability of the Welfare State
The Paradigm of the Japanese Type on the Social Sciences/p.93-116, 1998-01 - The Process of the Japanese Economic Development and the Perspective of the Economic History
The Non-Western Paradigm of the Social Sciences/p.233-249, 1997-01 - 1930年代日本の同業者組合と労働条件規制
平沢 照雄
社会経済史学会第83回全国大会報告要旨集/pp.9-10, 2014-05 - 戦後日本における輸出電球工業の展開 -1950~60年代のクリスマス電球工業を中心として-
2011年度 政治経済学・経済史学会秋季全国大会報告集/p.32-33, 2011-10 - 「地域に拘る企業」の経営改革と地域経済
経営史学会第46回全国大会報告集/pp.61-62, 2010-10 - The Economic Control and Industrial Cooperation in the Japanese Electric Lamp Glass Industry in the 1930s
Summaries of Oral Presentations at the Autumn Conference of The Political Economy and Economic History Society in 2005/pp.67-68, 2005-01 - The Structure and Development of the Control of the Japanese Electric Lamp Industry in the 1930s
Summaries of Oral Presentations at the Autumn Conference of The Political Economy and Economic History Society in 1999/p.51-53, 1999-01 - The Analysis and Proposal of the White Paper on the Small and Median Size Enterprise 2001
Journal of the Small and Median Size Enterprise in Ibaraki Prefecture/(510)/p.2-5, 2001-01 - GOTO Keita - The Great Entrepreneur called "Goto (Burglar)" -
Toka-Ranman/p.216-217, 2003-01 - more...
- Japanese Economic Control and the Industrial Cooperation Movement in the 1930s : A Case Study of the Electric Lamp Glass Industry