CHOE Jae Young

Researcher's full information

Research projects
Comparision of Interesting Groups in Japan,Korea,the U.S.,German,and china -- (current)/
政治構造変動と圧力団体、政策ネットワーク、市民社会の変容に関する比較実証研究2010 -- 2014Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(S)10,010,000Yen
Three-Level Structure of Civil Society and Governance: A Comprehensive Comparative Study of Japan, Korea, the United States, Germany, and China2005 -- 2009Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/特別推進研究217,886,000Yen
現代中国を中心とした利益団体および市民社会組織の比較実証的研究2003 -- (current)Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(A)