- Articles
- 中央アジア地域における水管理政策と諸国間関係:現状、課題と展望
地域研究/(29号)/p.pp.23-40, 2008-01 - How Does Transition Work in Central Asia? Coping with Ideological, Economic and Value System Changes in Uzbekistan
Timur Dadabaev
Central Asian Survey/26(3)/p.pp.407-428, 2007-01 - Trajectories of Political Development and Public Choices in Turkmenistan
Timur Dadabaev
Asian Affairs: An American Review/Vol. 34(No.3)/p.pp. 131-150, 2007-01 - Political participation and public choices in Uzbekistan
Timur Dadabaev
Journal of Contemporary Central Asia/Vol.X(Number 1)/p.pp. 17-34, 2007-01 - Central Asian Regional Integration: Between Reality and the Myth
Timur Dadabaev
Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst/Vol.9(No.9)/p.pp. 6-9, 2007-01 - Political Cultures, Developmental Strategies and Public Support in Post-socialist Central Asian Societies: Analysis of Public Polls in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan
Timur Dadabaev
Political Science in Asia/Vol. 2(No.1)/p.pp. 71-100, 2007-01 - ウズベキスタンが抱える問題第
ユーラシア研究/(35)/p.15-20, 2006-11 - Living Conditions, Intra-Societal Trust and Public Concerns in Post-Socialist Turkmenistan
Timur Dadabaev
Central Asia and the Caucasus/4(40)/p.pp. 122-132, 2006-08 - Public Confidence, Trust and Participation in Post-Soviet Central Asia
Timur Dadabaev
Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst/Vol.8(No.17)/p.pp. 6-9, 2006-05 - The Evolution of Minds in the Time of Transition: Mentality Change in Water Consumption in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan
Timur Dadabaev
Water and Cultural Diversity (Third World Water Forum Proceedings)/p.pp.347-355, 2006-01 - Japan’s Central Asian Diplomacy and Its Implications
Timur Dadabaev
Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst/Vol.8(No.17)/pp.3-6, 2006-01 - 社会主義後のウズベキスタンにおける政権支持、社会内信頼と市民参加
東洋文化研究所紀要/(168)/p.157-198, 2005-12 - 中央アジア諸国の現代化における伝統的地域社会のあり方と役割-ウズベキスタンの『マハッラ』を中心に
東洋文化研究所紀要/(166)/p.100-149, 2005-02 - 伝統を未来につなぐひととき
季刊民族学/(114)/p.54-55, 2005-01 - Central Asia Reconsidered: Old Problems, New Paradigms: Review Article of the book Contemporary Central Asia: Changing Politics and Economy, by I. Iwasaki, T. Uyama, H. Komatsu, eds.,
Timur Dadabaev
Annals of the Japan Association for Middle Eastern Studies/p.pp.375-385, 2005-01 - Shifting Patterns of Public Confidence in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan
Timur Dadabaev
Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst/Vol.6(No.5)/p.pp. 9-11, 2005-01 - 発展に向けた三つの課題と日本への期待 (特集 日本の中央アジア外交)
Dadabaev Timur
Gaiko forum/17(12)/pp.44-49, 2004-12 - アフガン戦後三年の素顔-タリバン崩壊後の社会状況、近隣諸国からの視点
季刊民族学/(110)/p.30-34, 2004-11 - Post-Soviet Realities of Society in Uzbekistan
Timur Dadabaev
Central Asian Survey/Vol. 23(No 2)/p.pp. 141-166, 2004-07 - ウズベキスタンの地域社会『マハッラ』からみた人権の保護・確保
林忠行・帯谷知可『東欧・中央ユーラシアの近代とネイション III/p.27-41, 2004-01 - Water Politics and Cooperation: Trans-boundary Waters and Challenges of Cooperation in Central Asia
Timur Dadabaev
Afriche e Orienti/(3/4)/p.pp. 161-172, 2003-01 - Roots and Resolution of Social Conflicts in Central Asia: Theoretical Perspective
Timur Dadabaev
International Affairs/(No 4)/p.pp. 41-51, 2002-12 - 中央アジアにおける潜在的紛争要因
立命館国際関係論集/(2)/p.93-114, 2002-01 - Democratization and Respect for Human Rights in the Era of Globalization
Timur Dadabaev
The United Nations University International Courses, Human Rights, Concepts and Issues, first regular session: few selected copies of final reports prepared by the participants/p.pp. 1-23., 2001-01
- 中央アジア地域における水管理政策と諸国間関係:現状、課題と展望