Researcher's full information

  • Regional Integration in East Asia: A prospect of higher education in an age of globalisation
    Shibata Masako
    The 5th AEARU <Association of East Asian Research Universities> Cultural Workshop on "East Asian Cultures and Higher Education", 2009-11
  • World War II in History Education in Germany : A comparative analysis with the case of Britain
    柴田 政子
    『筑波大学地域研究』/30/pp.55-81, 2009-03
  • Globalization and Education in Japan: Its dealing with the past, present, and future in a global community
    Shibata Masako; Ohkura Kentaro
    Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education/108(2)/pp.160-179, 2009-01
  • New Geographies and Regionalism in Education in Asia: Some refection on Europe
    Shibata Masako
    M. A. Pereyra, ed., Changing Knowledge and Education: Communities, mobilities and new policies in global societies. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2008. (The 22n Conference of Comparative Education Society in Europe, Granada, 2006,選抜論文、学会シリーズComparative Education Series Volume 18として出版)/pp.67-82, 2008-07
  • イギリスの英語普及政策-ブリティッシュ・カウンシルの視点を中心に-
    柴田 政子
    Comparative Education/37/pp.3-14, 2008-01
  • The Politics of Religion: Modernity, Nationhood and Education in Japan
    Shibata Masako
    Intercultural Education/19(4)/pp.353-361, 2008-01
  • Demystifying the Divine State and Rewriting Cultural Identity in the US Occupation of Japan
    Shibata Masako
    The 13th World Congress of Comparative Education Societies, 2007-09
  • The Implications of Japan's Colonial Policy in Education: Current Debates on War Memories
    Shibata Masako
    The 29th International Standing Conference for the History of Education, 2007-07
  • Book Review: G. Goodman. 2005. America's Japan: The First Year, 1945-1946. New York: Fordham University Press.
    Shibata Masako
    PACIFIC AFFAIRS/79(3)/pp.543-544, 2006-12
  • Assumptions and implications of cross-national attraction in education: the case of 'learning from Japan'
    Shibata Masako
    OXFORD REVIEW OF EDUCATION/32(5)/pp.649-663, 2006-11
  • The Destruction and Reconstruction of the University: Looking at it Backwards. Germany and Japan Before and After World War II
    Shibata Masako
    D. Palomba & A. R. Paolon, eds., From Clerici Vagantes to Internet: A comparative perspective of universities. Roma: Aracne, 2008. (The 19th Conference of Comparative Education Society in Europe, Bologna, 2000選抜論文)/pp.163-184, 2006-01
  • 翻訳:ハリー=レイ・オーラル・ヒストリー・シリーズ: マーク・テイラー・オア (Mark Taylor Orr) (その2)(連合国軍総司令部 民間情報局教育課長 インタビュー)
    戦後教育史研究/18/pp.51-74, 2004-12
  • Religious Education Reform under the US Military Occupation: The interpretation of State Shinto in Japan and Nazism in Germany
    Shibata Masako
    Compare/34(4)/pp.425-442, 2004-12
  • The Reconstruction of Nationhood and History Textbook: Japan and Germany (West) in the post-war era
    柴田 政子
    The 12th World Congress of Comparative Education Societies, 2004-10
  • Controlling National Identity and the Role of Education: The vision of state formation in Meiji Japan and the German Kaiserreich
    Shibata Masako
    History of Education/33(1)/pp.75-85, 2004-01
  • 翻訳:ハリー=レイ・オーラル・ヒストリー・シリーズ:マーク・T・オア (Mark T. Orr, 連合国軍総司令部 民間情報局教育課長 インタビュー)
    戦後教育史研究/17/pp.89-110, 2003-12
  • ドイツ『再教育』と宗教教育-1993年ライヒ政教条約処理問題をめぐるアメリカの対独占領政策-
    柴田 政子
    戦後教育史研究/17/pp.37-49, 2003-12
  • 第二次世界大戦敗戦国の『再教育』計画における宗教教育の位置づけ-ドイツにおけるアメリカの試み-
    柴田 政子
    研究談叢比較教育風俗/8/pp.62-79, 2003-09
  • 大学の軍国主義化、非軍事化、そして大学の自治:ドイツ(1933-1949)の事例
    柴田 政子
    日本の教育における常識と非常識をめぐる比較文化的研究』(平成13年度~平成14年度科学研究費補助金基盤研究(C)(1)研究成果報告書、 課題番号13610312/pp.51-66, 2003-03
  • Reform Negotiation between the US Occupation Authorities and the German Länder: The processes and background of the structural reorganisation of the German school
    柴田 政子
    教育行財政研究/30/pp.56-71, 2003-03
  • 翻訳:ハリー=レイ・オーラル・ヒストリー・シリーズ:ロナルド・S・アンダーソン (Ronald S. Anderson, 連合国軍総司令部 第一軍団軍政部 民間情報教育課長 インタビュー)
    戦後教育史研究/16/pp.101-133, 2002-11
  • Religious Education and National Cohesion in an Age of Globalisation: National implications of the separation of state and church in post-war Japan
    Shibata Masako
    The 20th Conference of the Comparative Education Society in Europe, 2002-07
  • The Indigenous and Exogenous Aspects of Moral Education: A comparative analysis of the US Military Occupation in Japan and Germany after World War Two
    Shibata Masako
    The 46th Conference of Comparative & International Education Society, 2002-03
  • State Policy and the Autonomy of University: a historical analysis of Japanese and German experiences
    柴田 政子; 石井 由理
    Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University/51(3)/pp.147-160, 2001-12
  • Revisiting Modern Japanese Education
    Shibata Masako
    The Alumni Association Bulletin/4/pp.24-25, 2000-01