KINO Yasunobu
- Articles
- Categorizing Knowledge in Personal Project Management
Mitsuhiko Tokunaga; Akira Tominaga; Yasunobu Kino
Proceedings of ProMAC 2010, 2010-01 - A Case of PM Education using Spaghetti Bridge
Yasunobu Kino
Proceedings of ProMAC 2010, 2010-01 - A Survey of Curriculums for Project Management Education : Part I : University and Elementary Education
五百井 俊宏; 井沢 澄雄; 木野泰伸; 西山 寛志; 布川 薫; 左瀧 学; 高木 英明
Journal of the Society of Project Management/3(3)/pp.49-54, 2001-06 - A Survey of Curriculums for Project Management Education : Part II:Education for Professionals
五百井 俊宏; 井沢 澄雄; 木野泰伸; 西山 寛志; 布川 薫; 左瀧 学; 高木 英明
Journal of the Society of Project Management/3(4)/pp.34-39, 2001-08 - Introduction of Laboratory : Kino Research Laboratory, University of Tsukuba
木野 泰伸
Journal of the Society of Project Management/14(1)/pp.41-42, 2012-02 - Study on Stakeholder Identification and Evaluation Method of RFP
酒巻 弘晃; 横山 真一郎; 劉 功義; 石井 信明; 田村 智幸; 牛嶌 一朗; 加藤 俊; 笠井 直貴; 木野...
Journal of the Society of Project Management/13(3)/pp.26-31, 2011-06 - Visualization for the Project of Software Development
木野 泰伸
Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan/31(121)/pp.65-70, 2011-04 - Projects around you, in view of Personal Project Management-(4)
木野 泰伸
Journal of the Society of Project Management/12(6)/p.47, 2010-12 - The description technique which reduce latitude in risk expression(Editorial Note for Special Issue on "Managing Project Risks")
木野 泰伸
Journal of the Society of Project Management/7(3)/pp.3-7, 2005-06 - A Study of Project Risk Description
木野 泰伸
IPSJ SIG Notes/2005(86)/pp.25-30, 2005-08 - 1207 A Proposal of Applying QFD to Project Planning Process : Report of the Study Group on Applying QFD to Project Planning
劉 功義; 横山 真一郎; 牛嶌 一朗; 木野 泰伸; 武内 英之; 田村 智幸; 堀内 俊幸; 松井 敬; 日下...
Proceedings ... national conference of the Society of Project Management/2005(0)/pp.129-133, 2005-09 - Editorial Note for Special Issue on "Project Management for Embedded Software Development"
木野 泰伸
Journal of the Society of Project Management/7(5)/p.2, 2005-10 - 1803 On the Practice of Elementary Project Management Education and the Evaluation
井上 武志; 五百井 俊宏; 小川 善史; 上野 由美子; 山本 利一; 木野 秦伸; 松江 登久; 池田 貴恵...
Proceedings ... national conference of the Society of Project Management/2006(0)/pp.442-447, 2006-03 - 1804 学部生を対象としたプロジェクトマネジメント標準カリキュラム : 標準カリキュラム検討委員会報告(一般セッション)
横山 真一郎; 石井 信明; 伊藤 衡; 木野 泰伸; 関 哲朗
Proceedings ... national conference of the Society of Project Management/2006(0)/pp.448-449, 2006-03 - The 80th Technical Conference
兼子 毅; 板倉 稔; 笹部 進; 木野 泰伸; 渡辺 喜道
Journal of the Japanese Society for Quality Control/36(3)/p.338, 2006-07 - 2808 Development of Practical Guide Book for Elementary Project Management Education
小川 善史; 五百井 俊宏; 井上 武志; 上野 由美子; 山本 利一; 木野 泰伸; 松江 登久; 池田 貴恵子
Proceedings ... national conference of the Society of Project Management/2007(0)/pp.480-484, 2007-03 - 2809 On the Practice of Elementary Project Management Education and the Evaluation : Systematization of Elementary PM Education Knowledge
井上 武志; 五百井 俊宏; 小川 善史; 上野 由美子; 山本 利一; 木野 泰伸; 松江 登久; 池田 貴恵子
Proceedings ... national conference of the Society of Project Management/2007(0)/pp.485-489, 2007-03 - Editorial Note for Special Issue on "Applying Earned Value Management"
木野 泰伸
Journal of the Society of Project Management/9(2)/p.2, 2007-04 - Establishment of Personal PM Research Group
冨永 章; 木野 泰伸
Journal of the Society of Project Management/9(3)/pp.35-37, 2007-06 - Study on Risk Implementation during Planning and Scheduling Phase
木野 泰伸
IPSJ SIG Notes/2007(108)/pp.17-20, 2007-11 - 2608 Personal Project Characterization by their Definiteness : Toward Further Study of Personal PM
冨永 章; 木野 泰伸; 板倉 宏昭; 大日方 勝博; 城田 正和; 田中 史朗; 中嶋 秀隆; 普世 芳孝; 山...
Proceedings ... national conference of the Society of Project Management/2008(0)/pp.391-394, 2008-03 - 1705 Proposal of RFP Evaluation Model and Utilization Method based on Stakeholder Value : Report of the Study Group on Applying QFD to Project Planning
劉 功義; 横山 真一郎; 石井 信明; 田村 智幸; 牛嶌 一朗; 中村 直人; 酒巻 弘晃; 加藤 俊; 木野...
Proceedings ... national conference of the Society of Project Management/2008(0)/pp.427-432, 2008-03 - 1706 The Project Issue of Embedded Software Development
木野 泰伸
Proceedings ... national conference of the Society of Project Management/2008(0)/pp.433-434, 2008-03 - Study of Information System supplement of interpersonal communication and residential satisfaction in a Condominium Community
日下部 伸宗; 木野 泰伸; 国松 麻季
IPSJ SIG Notes/2008(52)/pp.15-22, 2008-05 - 2212 A study of program integration management through goal oriented mythology in coordinating conflict.
梅澤 薫; 木野 泰伸; 中谷 多哉子
Proceedings ... national conference of the Society of Project Management/2009(0)/pp.179-184, 2009-03 - more...
- Categorizing Knowledge in Personal Project Management