Developments of Accurate Estimation Procedures in the Statistical Region Estimation and Attempt of Practicability | 2000 -- 2004-03 | AKAHIRA Masafumi | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) | |
逐次情報集約型実験における統計的理論の構築とその応用 | 2001 -- 2003-03 | AKAHIRA Masafumi | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Exploratory Research | |
Study of the mathematical foundation of energy level statistics. | 2001 -- 2003-03 | MINAMI Nariyuki | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) | |
Researches on the Non-Regular Inference Theory and the Concepts of the Amounts of Information | 1998 -- 2002-03 | AKAHIRA Masafumi | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant in Aid for Scientific Research (A) | |
二段階抽出法の高次漸近有効性と多群判別問題への応用および非正規分布への拡張 | 1999 -- 2001-03 | AOSHIMA Makoto | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A) | 2,200,000Yen |
二段階抽出法の漸近最適性と多群判別問題への応用および非正規分布への拡張 | 1998 -- 2000-03 | AOSHIMA Makoto | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A) | 2,000,000Yen |
二段階抽出法の漸近最適性と多群判別問題への応用および非正規分布への一般化 | 1996 -- 1997-03 | AOSHIMA Makoto | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A) | 1,000,000Yen |
二段階抽出法の漸近有効性と多群判別問題への応用および非正規分布への拡張について | 1995 -- 1996-03 | AOSHIMA Makoto | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A) | 1,000,000Yen |
二段階抽出法の漸近的性質と多群判別問題への応用およびその頑健性について | 1994 -- 1995-03 | AOSHIMA Makoto | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A) | 900,000Yen |
多変量二段階抽出法における多重比較と多群判別問題への応用およびその頑健性について | 1993 -- 1994-03 | AOSHIMA Makoto | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A) | 800,000Yen |