Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • Measurements of hydrogen molecular rovibrational temperature with high temperature target in divertor simulation plasma on GAMMA 10/PDX
    Terakado A.; Sakamoto M.; Ezumi Naomichi; Nojiri K.; Mika...
    Joint meeting of 26th International Toki Conference and 11th Asia Plasma & Fusion Association Conference/2017-12-05--2017-12-08
  • Benchmarking of B2 Code with a One-Dimensional Plasma Fluid Code Incorporating Anisotropic Ion Temperature on Simple Mirror Configurations
    Togo S.; Reiser D.; Boener P.; Sakamoto M.; Ezumi Naomic...
    Joint meeting of 26th International Toki Conference and 11th Asia Plasma & Fusion Association Conference/2017-12-05--2017-12-08
  • Evaluation of ion temperature of the end-loss plasma using a Langmuir probe in GAMMA 10/PDX tandem mirror
    Nojiri K.; Sakamoto M.; Ezumi N.; Takizuka T.; Togo S.; T...
    Joint meeting of 26th International Toki Conference and 11th Asia Plasma & Fusion Association Conference/2017-12-05--2017-12-08
  • Deuterium retention in tungsten irradiated by 2.4 MeV Cu2+
    Ino S.; Sakamoto M.; Watanabe H.; Tokitani M.; Ashikawa ...
    6th International Workshop on Plasma Material Interaction Facilities for Fusion Research (PMIF2017)/2017-11-01--2017-11-03
  • Effect of Neutral Particle Exhaust on Plasma Detachment in Divertor Simulation Experiment on GAMMA 10/PDX
    Nojiri K.; Sakamoto M.; Ezumi Naomichi; Terakado A.; Togo...
    6th International Workshop on Plasma Material Interaction Facilities for Fusion Research (PMIF2017)/2017-11-01--2017-11-03
  • Measurement of rovibrational temperatures of hydrogen molecule in divertor simulation plasma on GAMMA 10/PDX
    Terakado A.; Sakamoto M.; Ezumi Naomichi; Nojiri K.; Yoko...
    6th International Workshop on Plasma Material Interaction Facilities for Fusion Research (PMIF2017)/2017-11-01--2017-11-03
  • Mirror Effect on Plasma Profiles in Open-Field Systems
    Togo S.; Reiser D.; Boener P.; Nakashima Y.; Sakamoto M....
    6th International Workshop on Plasma Material Interaction Facilities for Fusion Research (PMIF2017)/2017-11-01--2017-11-03
  • Energy Loss Process during Detached Plasma Operation in Divertor Simulation Experimental Module of GAMMA 10/PDX
    Ezumi Naomichi; Nojiri K.; Terakado A.; Kinoshita Y.; Kob...
    6th International Workshop on Plasma Material Interaction Facilities for Fusion Research (PMIF2017)/2017-11-01--2017-11-03
  • R&D of high temperature and high density divertor plasma simulator with mirror confinement
    Sakamoto M.; Nakashima Y.; Ezumi Naomichi; Ikezoe R.; Kat...
    6th International Workshop on Plasma Material Interaction Facilities for Fusion Research (PMIF2017)/2017-11-01--2017-11-03
  • SOL-divertor plasma simulation based on a generalized fluid model incorporating ion temperature anisotropy and mirror effect
    Togo S.; Takizuka T.; Hoshino K.; Ibano K.; Li Y.; Ogawa ...
    16th International Workshop on Plasma Edge Theory in Fusion Devices/2017-09-27--2017-09-29
  • Divertor Simulation and Hydrogen Recycling Study Utilizing End Region of the Tandem Mirror GAMMA 10/PDX
    Sakamoto M.; Ezumi Naomichi; Nakashma Y.; Terakado A.; No...
    1st Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics/2017-09-18--2017-09-23
  • GAMMA 10/PDXにおけるイオンエネルギー分析器を用いたイオンの軸方向輸送の研究
    ジャンソウォン; 市村真; 平田真史; 池添竜也; 坂本 瑞樹; 隅田脩平; 板垣淳平; 泉 昂希; 田中温人; 久保田裕士; 関根...
  • JT-60Uにおけるイオンサイクロトロン放射を励起するDD核融合生成物の速度分布
    隅田脩平; 篠原孝司; 池添竜也; 市村真; 坂本 瑞樹; 平田真史; 井手俊介
    第7回ICRF加熱研究会「ICRF 加熱装置の高性能化と将来応用」/2017-12-19--2017-12-19
  • GAMMA 10/PDXにおけるICRF追加熱に起因した端損失イオンの評価
    ジャンソウォン; 市村真; 平田真史; 池添竜也; 坂本 瑞樹; 隅田脩平; 板垣淳平; 泉 昂希; 田中温人; 久保田裕士; 関根...
    第7回ICRF加熱研究会「ICRF 加熱装置の高性能化と将来応用」/2017-12-19--2017-12-19
  • GAMMA 10/PDXにおけるICRF高周波を用いた端損失イオンの制御
    ジャンソウォン; 市村真; 平田真史; 池添竜也; 坂本 瑞樹; 隅田脩平; 板垣淳平; 泉 昂希; 田中温人; 久保田裕士; 関根...
    Plasma Conference 2017/2017-11-20--2017-11-24
  • GAMMA 10における自発励起ICRF波動に起因する端損失高エネルギーイオンの測定
    泉 昂希; 池添竜也; 市村真; 平田真史; 坂本 瑞樹; 隅田脩平; ジャンソウォン; 板垣淳平; 田中温人; 久保田裕士; 関根...
    Plasma Conference 2017/2017-11-20--2017-11-24
  • GAMMA 10アンカー部ICRF加熱によるセントラル部浮遊電位の上昇
    田中温人; 平田真史; 市村真; 池添竜也; 隅田脩平; ジャンソウォン; 板垣淳平; 泉 昂希; 久保田裕士; 関根 諒; 坂本 ...
    Plasma Conference 2017/2017-11-20--2017-11-24
  • GAMMA 10/PDXを用いた高密度直線プラズマ振動のイオン加熱に向けた取り組み
    池添竜也; 市村真; ジャンソウォン; 平田真史; 隅田脩平; 板垣淳平; 泉 昂希; 田中温人; 久保田裕士; 関根 諒; 坂本 瑞樹
    Plasma Conference 2017/2017-11-20--2017-11-24
  • GAMMA 10における位相制御ICRF加熱時のプラズマ内部波動の評価
    板垣淳平; 池添竜也; 市村真; 平田真史; 隅田脩平; ジャンソウォン; 泉 昂希; 田中温人; 関根 諒; 久保田裕士; 嶋 ...
    Plasma Conference 2017/2017-11-20--2017-11-24
  • JT-60UにおけるD-D反応生成物に起因するイオンサイクロトロン放射の励起機構
    隅田脩平; 篠原孝司; 池添竜也; 市村真; 坂本 瑞樹; 平田真史; 井手俊介
    Plasma Conference 2017/2017-11-20--2017-11-24
  • Recent studies toward ICRF heating of a high density linear plasma on GAMMA 10/PDX
    Ikezoe Ryuya; Ichimura Makoto; Hirata Mafumi; Sumida Shu...
    Japan-Korea Workshop on "Physics and Technology of Heating and Current Drive in Fusion Plasmas"/2018-02-27--2018-02-28
  • Additional ICRF heating experiments to control end-loss ions on GAMMA 10/PDX
    Jang S.; Ichimura Makoto; Hirata Mafumi; Ikezoe Ryuya; Sa...
    6th International Workshop on Plasma Material Interaction Facilities for Fusion Research (PMIF2017)/2017-11-01--2017-11-03
  • ICRF heating based approach for production of a linear plasma with high ion temperature
    Ikezoe Ryuya; Ichimura Makoto; Jang S.; Hirata Mafumi; Su...
    6th International Workshop on Plasma Material Interaction Facilities for Fusion Research (PMIF2017)/2017-11-01--2017-11-03
  • Studies on ion heating of the GAMMA 10/PDX plasma in a higher density regime toward a future divertor simulating linear device
    Ikezoe Ryuya; Ichimura Makoto; Jang S.; Hirata Mafumi; Su...
    59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics/2017-10-23--2017-10-27
  • Correction of time varying offset in a heterodyne reflectometer for fluctuation measurement on GAMMA 10
    Itagaki J.; Ikezoe Ryuya; Ichimura Makoto; Hirata Mafumi...
    18th Laser Aided Plasma Diagnostics Conference (LAPD18)/2017-09-24--2017-09-28
  • more...