- Conference, etc.
- Measurement of ICRF wave propagation using a microwave reflectometer with fast antenna switching on GAMMA 10
Ikezoe Ryuya; Ichimura Makoto; Itagaki J.; Hirata Mafumi...
18th Laser Aided Plasma Diagnostics Conference (LAPD18)/2017-09-24--2017-09-28 - タンデムミラーGAMMA 10/PDX におけるトムソン散乱計測システムの進展
吉川 正志; 小波藏 純子; 嶋 頼子; 千勝 雅之; 坂本 瑞樹; 南 龍太郎; 江角 直道; 中嶋 洋輔; 安...
Plasma Conference 2017/2017-11-20--2017-11-24 - Development of Thomson scattering system in GAMMA 10/PDX
Yoshikawa Masayuki; 純子 小波藏; 頼子 嶋; 雅之 千勝; 瑞樹 坂本; 洋輔 中嶋; 亮 ...
The 26th International Toki Conference (ITC-26) & The 11th Asia Plasma and Fusion Association Conference(APFA-11)/2017-12-5--2017-12-8 - Measurement of azimuthal velocity profile of density fluctuations in the central cell of GAMMA 10 using Doppler reflectometry
純子 小波藏; Tokuzawa T.; Yoshikawa Masayuki; 頼子 嶋; Nojiri K....
The 26th International Toki Conference (ITC-26) & The 11th Asia Plasma and Fusion Association Conference(APFA-11)/2017-12-5--2017-12-8 - Detached plasma fluctuation study in the linear plasma devise
Yoshikawa Masayuki; 純子 小波藏; 頼子 嶋; Maiden H. J. van der; 瑞...
6th International Workshop on Plasma Material Interaction Facilities for Fusion Research (PMIF2017)/2017-11-1--2017-11-3 - Experimental Results of Wave Polarization Change in GAMMA 10/PDX Central Cell ECRH
S. Kajino; T. Imai; T. Kariya; 南 龍太郎; T. Numakura; Y. Eb...
Plasma Conference 2017/2017-11-20--2017-11-24 - Recent Results of SMBI Experiment in GAMMA 10
Islam Md. Maidul; 中嶋 洋輔; 小林進二; 西野信博; 市村和也; 飯島貴朗; Islam Md. S...
Plasma Conference 2017/2017-11-20--2017-11-24 - GAMMA 10/PDXにおけるコアプラズマ加熱による不純物挙動の分光計測
吉本 翼; 中嶋 洋輔; 飯島貴朗; 横土敬幸; Islam Md. Maidul; Islam Md. Shahi...
Plasma Conference 2017/2017-11-20--2017-11-24 - GAMMA 10/PDXにおける不純物・水素同時入射での非接触プラズマ生成過程
飯島貴朗; Islam Md. Maidul; Islam Md. Shahinul; 寺門明紘; 野尻訓平; 横土敬幸...
Plasma Conference 2017/2017-11-20--2017-11-24 - GAMMA 10/PDXにおける分光計測に基づいたプラズマ追加熱が不純物輸送へ及ぼす影響評価
横土敬幸; 中嶋 洋輔; 飯島貴朗; 吉本 翼; Islam Md. Maidul; Islam Md. Shahi...
Plasma Conference 2017/2017-11-20--2017-11-24 - Present Status of Numerical Simulation Study in the End-cell of GAMMA 10/PDX by Using the LINDA Code
Islam Md. Shahinul; 中嶋 洋輔; 畑山明聖; 市村和也; 飯島貴朗; Islam Md. Maid...
Plasma Conference 2017/2017-11-20--2017-11-24 - 筑波大学における大型タンデムミラー装置を用いたダイバータ模擬研究の最近の進展と将来計画
中嶋 洋輔; 坂本瑞樹; 江角直道; 飯島貴朗; Islam Md. Shahinul; 横土敬幸; 野尻訓平; 寺門明紘; ...
Plasma Conference 2017/2017-11-20--2017-11-24 - Sensitivity Calibrations of ASDEX Type Fast Ionization Gauges in Mixed Gas Environment of Hydrogen and Noble Gases
Ichimura K.; Yamashita S.; Nakashima Yousuke; Fukumoto M...
Joint meeting of 26th International Toki Conference and 11th Asia Plasma & Fusion Association Conference/2017-12-05--2017-12-08 - Study on produce of detached plasma by H2 and Ar injection in GAMMA 10/PDX
Iijima T.; Islam Md. Shahinul; Nojiri K.; Terakado A.; Yo...
Joint meeting of 26th International Toki Conference and 11th Asia Plasma & Fusion Association Conference/2017-12-05--2017-12-08 - Impact of the Upstream Plasma Parameters on Spectroscopic Measurement in the GAMMA 10/PDX Divertor Simulation Experiments
Yokodo T.; Nakashima Yousuke; Iijima T.; Yoshimoto T.; Ic...
Joint meeting of 26th International Toki Conference and 11th Asia Plasma & Fusion Association Conference/2017-12-05--2017-12-08 - Investigation of E-Divertor Plasma during Simultaneous Injection of Hydrogen and Impurity Gas in GAMMA 10/PDX by Using the LINDA Code
Nakashima Yousuke; Islam Md. Shahinul; Hatayama A.; Ichim...
Joint meeting of 26th International Toki Conference and 11th Asia Plasma & Fusion Association Conference/2017-12-05--2017-12-08 - Numerical Simulation Study of Plasma Behavior in the End-cell of GAMMA 10/PDX by Using a Multi-Fluid Code
Islam Md. Shahinul; Nakashima Yousuke; Hatayama A.; Ichim...
6th International Workshop on Plasma Material Interaction Facilities for Fusion Research (PMIF2017)/2017-11-1--2017-11-3 - Characteristics of detached plasma produced by simultaneously injection of H2 and radiator gas in GAMMA 10/PDX
Nakashima Yousuke; Iijima T.; Islam Md. Shahinul; Nojiri ...
6th International Workshop on Plasma Material Interaction Facilities for Fusion Research (PMIF2017)/2017-11-1--2017-11-3 - Study of Plasma Behavior during ECRH Injection in the GAMMA 10 SMBI Experiments
Islam Md. Maidul; Nakashima Yousuke; Kobayshi S.; Nishino...
International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas/2017-09-18--2017-09-22 - Electron temperature and density distributions of detached plasma in divertor simulation experiments in GAMMA 10/PDX
Nojiri K.; Sakamoto Mizuki; Ezumi N.; Togo S.; Terakado ...
11th International Conference on Open Magnetic Systems for Plasma Confinement (Open Systems)/2016-08-08--2016-08-12 - Hydrogen recycling study utilizing end region in the GAMMA 10/PDX tandem mirror
Sakamoto Mizuki; Terakado A.; Nojiri K.; Ezumi N.; Oki K...
11th International Conference on Open Magnetic Systems for Plasma Confinement (Open Systems)/2016-08-08--2016-08-12 - Spatial distribution measurement of molecular activated recombination using hydrogen Balmer line intensities of divertor simulation plasma in GAMMA 10/PDX
Terakado A.; Sakamoto Mizuki; Ezumi N.; Togo S.; Nojiri ...
11th International Conference on Open Magnetic Systems for Plasma Confinement (Open Systems)/2016-08-08--2016-08-12 - 原型炉の定常プラズマ運転について(ニューラル・ビッグデータ運転)
坂本 瑞樹
第3回運転制御に関するシンポジウム/2016-02-18--2016-02-19 - ダイバータ模擬プラズマ実験装置における重イオン照射されたタングステンの重水素吸蔵特性評価
田中裕樹; 坂本 瑞樹; 渡邉英雄; 伊能俊太朗; 寺門明紘
プラズマ・核融合学会第32回年回/2015-11-24--2015-11-27 - GAMMA10におけるセントラル部プラズマとエンドプレートでの電位揺動解析
成田昂平; 坂本 瑞樹; 江角直道; 田中宏彦; 水口正紀; 野尻訓平; 寺門明紘; 大久保克朗; ジャン・ソウォン; 隅田脩平; 池...
プラズマ・核融合学会第32回年回/2015-11-24--2015-11-27 - more...
- Measurement of ICRF wave propagation using a microwave reflectometer with fast antenna switching on GAMMA 10