Hatsugai Yasuhiro

Researcher's full information

Research projects
強相関物質の理論の進歩TTCM20172017-09 -- 2017-09Yasuhiro Hatsugai井上科学振興財団/国際研究集会開催経費の一部援助400,000Yen
強相関電子系における新物質相と量子相転移 -- (current)/
Trends in Theory of Correlated Materials (TTCM2017)2017-09 -- 2017-09Yasuhiro HatsugaiJapan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Bilateral Joint Research Seminar FY20172,400,001Yen
四元数のトポロジカル相での意義の解明への挑戦:多体問題と時間反転の破れ2016 -- 2019初貝 安弘Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for challenging Exploratory Research3,510,000Yen
Topological order parameters and geometrical phases by Majorana representations2013 -- 2014Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/萌芽的研究3,900,000Yen
Phases of matter described by geometrical phases: Application and their future development in quantum liquids and graphene2011 -- 2013Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(B)19,760,000Yen
「磁場中の電子状態計算と位相不変量による電子物性」2011 -- 2013Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(C)1,950,000Yen
Quaternionic Berry connection of the Kramers multiplet and its physical applications2011 -- 2012Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/挑戦的萌芽研究3,640,000Yen
「フラストレートした磁性体におけるベリー位相とその展開」2010 -- 2011Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/特定領域研究(A)1,800,000Yen
「対称性の破れを伴わない量子液体相:幾何学的位相による理論とその応用」2008 -- 2010Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(B)14,500,000Yen