- Articles
- Effect of boundary on a kagome classical spin liquid
溝口 知成; 初貝 安弘
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/73/pp.714-714, 2018 - Convergence of many-body Chern number
工藤 耕司; 渡辺 悠樹; 苅宿 俊風; 初貝 安弘
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/73/pp.837-837, 2018 - Entanglement Berry phase for the topological quadrupole phase
福井 隆裕; 初貝 安弘
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/73/pp.839-839, 2018 - Flat Band Quantum Scar
Kuno Yoshihito; tomonari Mizoguchi; Hatsugai Yasuhiro
Physical Review B (Rapid Communication)/102(24), 2020-12 - Interaction induced doublons and embedded topological subspace in a complete flat-band system
Kuno Yoshihito; Mizoguchi Tomonari; Hatsugai Yasuhiro
Physical Review A/102(6)/p.063325, 2020-12 - Adiabatic heuristic principle on a torus and generalized Streda formula
Kudo Koji; Hatsugai Yasuhiro
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/102(12), 2020-09 - Interaction-induced topological charge pump
Kuno Yoshihito; Hatsugai Yasuhiro
Phys. Rev. Research (Rapid communication)/2(4), 2020-10 - Square-root higher-order topological insulator on a decorated honeycomb lattice
Mizoguchi Tomonari; Kuno Yoshihito; Hatsugai Yasuhiro
Physical Review A/102(3)/pp.033527-1-033527-7, 2020-09 - Type-III Dirac Cones from Degenerate Directionally Flat Bands: Viewpoint from Molecular-Orbital Representation
Mizoguchi Tomonari; Hatsugai Yasuhiro
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (Letter)/89(10)/pp.103704-1-103704-5, 2020-09 - Topological Modes Protected by Chiral and Two-Fold Rotational Symmetry in a Spring-Mass Model with a Lieb Lattice Structure
Wakao Hiromasa; Yoshida Tsuneya; Mizoguchi Tomonari; Hats...
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/89(8)/pp.083702-1-083702-4, 2020-07 - Systematic construction of topological flat-band models by molecular-orbital representation
Mizoguchi Tomonari; Hatsugai Yasuhiro
Physical Review B/101(23)/pp.235125-1-235125-8, 2020-06 - So Small Implies So Large: For a Material Design
Hatsugai Yasuhiro
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn./88/p.083701, 2019-09 - Higher-order topological phases in a spring-mass model on a breathing kagome lattice
Wakao Hiromasa; Yoshida Tsuneya; Araki Hiromu; Mizoguchi ...
Physical Review B/101(9)/pp.094107-1-094107-9, 2020-03 - Non-Hermitian fractional quantum Hall states
Yoshida Tsuneya; Kudo Koji; Hatsugai Yasuhiro
Scientific Reports/9, 2019-11 - Higher-order topological Mott insulators
Kudo Koji; Yoshida Tsuneya; Hatsugai Yasuhiro
physical review letters/123(19), 2019-11 - Z Q Berry phase for higher-order symmetry-protected topological phases
Araki Hiromu; Mizoguchi Tomonari; Hatsugai Yasuhiro
Physical Review Research/2(1)/pp.012009-1-012009-5, 2020-01 - Higher-Order Topological Mott Insulators
Kudo Koji; Yoshida Tsuneya; Hatsugai Yasuhiro
Physical review letters/123(19), 2019-11 - Flat bands and higher-order topology in polymerized triptycene: Tight-binding analysis on decorated star lattices
Mizoguchi Tomonari; Maruyama Mina; Okada Susumu; Hatsugai...
PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS/3(11)/pp.114201-1-114201-12, 2019-11 - Exceptional rings protected by emergent symmetry for mechanical systems
Yoshida Tsuneya; Hatsugai Yasuhiro
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/100(5), 2019-08 - Molecular-orbital representation of generic flat-band models
Mizoguchi Tomonari; Hatsugai Yasuhiro
Europhysics Letters/127(4)/pp.47001-p1-47001-p6, 2019-09 - Higher-Order Topological Phase in a Honeycomb-Lattice Model with Anti-Kekulé Distortion
Mizoguchi Tomonari; Araki Hiromu; Hatsugai Yasuhiro
Journal of The Physical Society of Japan/88(10)/pp.104703-1-104703-7, 2019-09 - Sequential quantum phase transitions in J 1 − J 2 Heisenberg chains with integer spins ( S > 1 ) : Quantized Berry phase and valence-bond solids
Fubasami Shota; Mizoguchi Tomonari; Hatsugai Yasuhiro
Physical Review B/100(1)/pp.014438-1-014438-7, 2019-07 - Chern matrices in fractional quantum Hall phases of graphene
工藤 耕司; 初貝 安弘
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/73/pp.1219-1219, 2018 - Z2 Characterization for Sequential Phase Transitions of J1-J2 Integer Spin Chain
文挾 彰太; 初貝 安弘
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/73/pp.2724-2724, 2018 - Many-Body Chern Number without Integration
Kudo Koji; Watanabe Haruki; Kariyado Toshikaze; Hatsug...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/122(14), 2019-04 - more...
- Effect of boundary on a kagome classical spin liquid