- Articles
- Robust irrational charge of vortex in two-dimensional Dirac fermions
板垣 諒; 初貝 安弘; 青木 秀夫; 河原林 透
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/71(0)/pp.2957-2957, 2016 - Various edge states of mechanical graphene and its topological origin
高橋 雄太; 苅宿 俊風; 初貝 安弘
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/71(0)/pp.2958-2958, 2016 - Chern number of fractional quantum Hall effects on a kagome lattice
工藤 耕司; 苅宿 俊風; 初貝 安弘
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/71(0)/pp.1038-1038, 2016 - Topological edge modes in time varying photonic systems
大野 修平; 初貝 安弘
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/71(0)/pp.1289-1289, 2016 - A spin pump characterized by entanglement Chern numbers
福井 隆裕; 初貝 安弘
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/71(0)/pp.2956-2956, 2016 - Multifractal analysis of random critical wave functions of flat band systems
國府田 桂介; 初貝 安弘
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/72(0)/pp.2772-2772, 2017 - Hannay Angle: Yet Another Symmetry-Protected Topological Order Parameter in Classical Mechanics
Kariyado Toshikaze; Hatsugai Yasuhiro
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/85(4)/pp.043001-1-043001-4, 2016-03 - Entanglement Chern Number of the Kane–Mele Model with Ferromagnetism
Araki Hiromu; Kariyado Toshikaze; Fukui Takahiro; Hatsuga...
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/85(4)/pp.043706-1-043706-4, 2016-03 - Manipulation of Dirac Cones in Mechanical Graphene
T. Kariyado; Y. Hatsugai
Scientific Reports/5/p.18107, 2015-12 - 18aAG-2 Hannay angle as a topological order parameter for classical systems
苅宿 俊風; 初貝 安弘
日本物理学会講演概要集/70(2)/p.1085, 2015-09 - 19aCR-2 Local density of states at the vortex of bond ordering in 2D Dirac fermions
板垣 諒; 初貝 安弘; 青木 秀夫; 河原林 透
日本物理学会講演概要集/70(2)/p.2817, 2015-09 - 19aCR-7 A spin pump characterised by entanglement Chern numbers
福井 隆裕; 初貝 安弘
日本物理学会講演概要集/70(2)/p.2821, 2015-09 - 16aCE-5 Section Chern number and edge states in the 3D photonic crystal without inversion symmetry
大野 修平; 苅宿 俊風; 初貝 安弘
日本物理学会講演概要集/70(2)/p.1146, 2015-09 - Topological order parameters of the spin-1/2 dimerized Heisenberg ladder in magnetic field
Toshikaze Kariyado; Yasuhiro Hatsugai
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/91(21)/p.214410, 2015-06 - Disentangled Topological Numbers by a Purification of Entangled Mixed States for Non-Interacting Fermion Systems
Takahiro Fukui; Yasuhiro Hatsugai
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/84(4)/p.043703, 2015-04 - 23pAB-11 Electronic structure of silicene in the extended Weaire-Thorpe model : Flat bands and Dirac cones
初貝 安弘; 白石 賢二; 青木 秀夫
日本物理学会講演概要集/70(1)/p.1354, 2015-03 - 22pAC-1 Variety of zero-energy edge states in graphene flakes
関 大地; 苅宿 俊風; 初貝 安弘
日本物理学会講演概要集/70(1)/p.1845, 2015-03 - Survival of sharp n=0 Landau levels in massive tilted Dirac fermions: Role of the generalized chiral operator
Yasuhiro Hatsugai; Tohru Kawarabayashi; Hideo Aoki
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/91(8)/p.085112, 2015-02 - Flat bands in the Weaire-Thorpe model and silicene
Y. Hatsugai; K. Shiraishi; H. Aoki
NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS/17/p.025009, 2015-02 - Electronic Structure of SIlicene with Dirac Fermion and Recipe for Its Synthesis
白石賢二; 初貝 安弘
Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan/57(11)/pp.423-427, 2014-11 - Entanglement Chern Number for an Extensive Partition of a Topological Ground State
Takahiro Fukui; Yasuhiro Hatsugai
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/83(11)/p.113705, 2014-11 - Characterizing weak topological properties: Berry phase point of view
Yukinori Yoshimura; Ken-Ichiro Imura; Takahiro Fukui; Yasuhi...
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/90(15)/p.155443, 2014-10 - 9aAQ-8 Robust n=0 Landau levels for tilted Dirac fermions with staggered potential
河原林 透; 初貝 安弘; 青木 秀夫
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/69(2)/p.158, 2014-08 - 9aAQ-12 Quantization of Berry's phase for non-chiral systems
福井 隆裕; 初貝 安弘
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/69(2)/p.158, 2014-08 - 8aAV-2 Theoretical Study of Electron Transportation in Nanoscale Channel
藤田 弦暉; 塩川 太郎; 高田 幸宏; 小鍋 哲; 村口 正和; 山本 貴博; 遠藤 哲郎; 初貝...
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/69(2)/p.473, 2014-08 - more...
- Robust irrational charge of vortex in two-dimensional Dirac fermions