- Articles
- Fractionally Quantized Berry Phase, Adiabatic Continuation, and Edge States
Toshikaze Kariyado; Yasuhiro Hatsugai
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/90(8)/p.085132, 2014-08 - Polarization as a topological quantum number in graphene
Aoki Hideo; Hatsugai Yasuhiro
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/90(4)/p.045206, 2014-07 - Theoretical Study of Electron Transportation in Nanoscale Channel
藤田 弦暉; 塩川 太郎; 高田 幸宏; 小鍋 哲; 村口 正和; 山本 貴博; 遠藤 哲郎; 初貝...
Technical report of IEICE. SDM/114(88)/pp.55-58, 2014-06 - Sharp Zero-Energy Landau Levels in Multilayer Graphene
Hiroki Sakamoto; Yasuhiro Hatsugai; Hideo Aoki; Tohru Kawara...
JPS Conf. Proc./1/p.012069, 2014-03 - Emergence of Topologically Stable Dirac Dispersions in a Fermionic Shastry–Sutherland Model
Toshikaze Kariyado; Yasuhiro Hatsugai
JPS Conf. Proc./1/p.012001, 2014-03 - Characterization of Dimers in Graphene Flakes
Daichi Seki; Yuji Hamamoto; Yasuhiro Hatsugai
JPS Conf. Proc./1/p.012068, 2014-03 - Symmetry Protected Quantization and Bulk-Edge Correspondence of Massless Dirac Fermions: Application to Fermionic Shastry-Sutherland Model
Tosikaze Kariyado; Hatsugai Yasuhiro
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/88(24)/p.245126, 2013-12 - Chiral symmetry and fermion doubling in the zero-mode Landau levels of massless Dirac fermions with disorder
T. Kawarabayashi; T. Honda; H. Aoki; Y. Hatsugai
AIP Conf. Proc./1566/p.283, 2013-12 - Spin-resoloved chiral condensate as a spin-unpolarized ν=0 quantum Hall state in graphene
Hamamoto Yuji; Tohru Kawarabayashi; Hideo Aoki; Yasuhiro Hat...
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/88(19)/p.195141, 2013-11 - Stability of zero-mode Landau levels in bilayer graphene against disorder in the presence of the trigonal warping
T. Kawarabayashi; Y. Hatsugai; H. Aoki
Journal of Physics: Conference Series/456/p.012020, 2013-08 - Chiral Symmetry and Many-Body Effect in Multilayer Graphene
Y. Hamamoto; T. Kawarabayashi; H. Aoki; Y. Hatsugai
Journal of Physics: Conference Series/456/p.012013, 2013-08 - Symmetry protected weak topological phases in a superlattice
T. Fukui; K.-I. Imura; Hatsugai Yasuhiro
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/82(7)/pp.073708-073708-5, 2013-07 - Influence of Coulomb Blockade on Wave Packet Dynamics in Nanoscale Structures
Taro Shiokawa; Genki Fujita; Yukihiro Takada; Satoru Konabe; ...
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS/52(4)/pp.04CJ06-04CJ06-4, 2013-04 - 26pXJ-9 Spin-unpolarized chiral condensates in graphene in magnetic fields
濱本 雄治; 河原 林透; 青木 秀夫; 初貝 安弘
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/68(1)/p.753, 2013-03 - 26dXQ-3 Effect of Coulomb Interactions between Electrons in the Multielectron Wave Packet Dynamics with Spin Degrees of Freedom
藤田 弦暉; 塩川 太郎; 高田 幸宏; 小鍋 哲; 村口 正和; 山本 貴博; 遠藤 哲郎; 初貝...
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/68(1)/p.754, 2013-03 - 26aXT-1 Chern Number of Twisted Bilayer Graphene
鷲見 理沙; 濱本 雄治; 初貝 安弘
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/68(1)/p.744, 2013-03 - Chiral symmetry and its manifestation in optical responses in graphene: interaction and multilayers
Hatsugai Y.; Morimoto T.; Kawarabayashi T.; Hamamoto Y.; ...
NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS/15, 2013-03 - 26pXQ-4 Effect of Coulomb Interactions on the Multielectron Wave Packet Dynamics of Circular Current
塩川 太郎; 藤田 弦暉; 高田 幸宏; 小鍋 哲; 村口 正和; 山本 貴博; 遠藤 哲郎; 初貝...
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/68(1)/p.754, 2013-03 - 27aXJ-10 Edge states of graphene and silicene ribbons based on a multi-orbital tight-binding model
棚谷 翔; 濱本 雄治; 小鍋 哲; 白石 賢二; 初貝 安弘
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/68(1)/p.925, 2013-03 - 26pXJ-4 Robust zero-mode Landau levels of graphene with the Kekure bond order
河原林 透; 初貝 安弘; 青木 秀夫
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/68(1)/p.752, 2013-03 - Topological order and Berry connections
日本物理学会会誌/68(1)/pp.19-28, 2013-01 - Semiclassical Klein Tunneling with Berry Phase Corrections in Graphene
Christoph. M. Puetter; Satoru Konabe; Yasuhiro Hatsugai; ...
arXiv:1211.0150, 2012-11 - Chiral condensate with topological degeneracy in graphene and its manifestation in edge states
Hamamoto Yuji; Aoki Hideo; Hatsugai Yasuhiro
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/86(20), 2012-11 - Many-body effects and edge states in bilayer graphene in magnetic fields
濱本 雄治; 河原林 透; 青木 秀夫; 初貝 安弘
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/67(2)/p.611, 2012-08 - Topologically protected zero modes in bilayer graphene in magnetic fields : effect of trigonal warping
河原林 透; 初貝 安弘; 青木 秀夫
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/67(2)/p.611, 2012-08 - more...
- Fractionally Quantized Berry Phase, Adiabatic Continuation, and Edge States