Researcher's full information

  • Orbital Magnetization in Periodic System
    新井 正男; 初貝 安弘
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/67(2)/p.223, 2012-08
  • Wave Packet Dynamics in One-Dimensional Nonuniform Potential
    塩川 太郎; 藤田 弦暉; 高田 幸宏; 小鍋 哲; 村口 正和; 山本 貴博; 遠藤 哲郎; 初貝...
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/67(2)/p.653, 2012-08
  • The Effect of the Interaction between Electrons in the Multi-Electron Wave Packet Dynamics in Nano Structure
    藤田 弦暉; 塩川 太郎; 高田 幸宏; 小鍋 哲; 村口 正和; 山本 貴博; 遠藤 哲郎; 初貝...
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/67(2)/p.652, 2012-08
  • Entanglement and Berry connection
    初貝 安弘
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/67(2)/p.275, 2012-08
  • Topologically protected Landau levels in bilayer graphene in finite electric fields
    Kawarabayashi Tohru; Hatsugai Yasuhiro; Aoki Hideo
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B/85(16), 2012-04
  • Wave Packet Dynamics in the Spin Torque Transfer
    Arikawa Mitsuhiro; Hatsugai Yasuhiro; Endoh Tetsuo; Shira...
    JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/81(4)/pp.44706-044706-4, 2012-04
  • Application of the Z_Q Berry phase for short-range entangled states
    初貝 安弘; 丸山 勲
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/67(1)/p.383, 2012-03
  • Applied electric field dependence of the wave packets dynsmics in the semiconductor nanostructure
    塩川 太郎; 高田 幸宏; 尹 永択; 岩田 潤一; 小鍋 哲; 有川 晃弘; 村口 正和; 遠藤 ...
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/67(1)/p.757, 2012-03
  • Localized many-body states of graphene in magnetic fields
    濱本 雄治; 青木 秀夫; 初貝 安弘
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/67(1)/p.730, 2012-03
  • Topologically protected Landau levelo in bilayer graphene with finite electric fields
    河原林 透; 初貝 安弘; 青木 秀夫
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/67(1)/p.730, 2012-03
  • Effect of disorder on Landau levels of Dirac electrons without fermion doubling
    本田 貴大; 初貝 安弘; 青木 秀夫; 河原林 透
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/67(1)/p.385, 2012-03
  • Quantized Berry phase and crossed-dimer phase in a 2D pyrochlore lattice
    棚谷 翔; 丸山 勲; 初貝 安弘
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/67(1)/p.351, 2012-03
  • Theoretical study of wave packet dynamics in two-dimensional semiconductor nano-stuructures
    高田 幸宏; 尹 永択; 塩川 太郎; 岩田 潤一; 小鍋 哲; 有川 晃弘; 村口 正和; 遠藤 ...
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/67(1)/p.747, 2012-03
  • Multi-Electron Wave Packet Dynamics in Applied Electric Field
    Takada Yukihiro; Yoon Young Taek; Shiokawa Taro; Konabe ...
  • Role of Synthetic Ferrimagnets in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions from Wave Packet Dynamics
    Arikawa Mitsuhiro; Muraguchi Masakazu; Hatsugai Yasuhiro...
  • グラフェンの特異な物性とカイラル対称性(基研研究会「熱場の量子論とその応用」,研究会報告)
    初貝 安弘
    Soryushiron Kenkyu/119(4)/pp.F20-F25, 2012-02
  • Wave packet dynamics in the spin torque transfer
    M. Arikawa; Y. Hatsugai; T. Endoh; K. Shiraishi
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn./81/p.044706 (4), 2012-01
  • Generalization of chiral symmetry for tilted Dirac cones
    T. Kawarabayashi; Y. Hatsugai; T. Morimoto; H. Aoki
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. : Conf. Ser./11/p.145-150, 2012-01
  • 21pTR-10 Topological stability of zero modes for tilted Dirac cones : a non-hermitian generalization of the chiral symmetry
    河原林 透; 初貝 安弘; 森本 高裕; 青木 秀夫
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(2)/p.853, 2011-08
  • 22aTM-3 Applied electric field dependence of the wave packets dynamics in the semiconductor
    高田 幸宏; 尹 永択; 塩川 太郎; 岩田 潤一; 小鍋 哲; 有川 晃弘; 村口 正和; 遠藤 哲郎; 初貝 ...
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(2)/p.678, 2011-08
  • 22pGT-5 Symmetry protected quantization of Berry phases and its use for electronic states
    初貝 安弘; 丸山 勲
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(2)/p.237, 2011-08
  • 18pSJ-6 Chiral symmetry and electron correlation in graphene
    初貝 安弘
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(2)/p.57, 2011-08
  • 22aTL-12 Numerical study on chiral symmetry and many-body states of graphene in a magnetic field
    濱本 雄治; 初貝 安弘; 青木 秀夫
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(2)/p.677, 2011-08
  • 21aTM-1 Multi-Body Effect of Electron Wave Packet Dynamics in the Nano Scale Structure using Suzuki-Trotter Method
    尹 永択; 塩川 太郎; 高田 幸宏; 岩田 潤一; 小鍋 哲; 有川 晃弘; 村口 正和; 遠藤 哲郎; 初貝 ...
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(2)/p.666, 2011-08
  • 21aTM-2 Electron Wave Packet Dynamics in the Nano Scale Structure using Hartree-Fock Approximation
    塩川 太郎; 高田 幸宏; 尹 永択; 岩田 潤一; 小鍋 哲; 有川 晃弘; 村口 正和; 遠藤 哲郎; 初貝 ...
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(2)/p.666, 2011-08
  • more...