- Articles
- Z(Q) topological invariants for Polyacetylene, Kagome and Pyrochlore lattices
Hatsugai Y.; Maruyama I.
EPL/95(2)/pp.0-0, 2011-07 - Generalized chiral symmetry and stability of zero modes for tilted Dirac cones
Kawarabayashi Tohru; Hatsugai Yasuhiro; Morimoto Takahir...
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/83(15)/pp.0-0, 2011-04 - 25aHD-6 Exact diagonalization of the many-body problem of graphene in a magnetic field
濱本 雄治; 初貝 安弘; 青木 秀夫
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(1)/p.694, 2011-03 - 27pGP-6 Chiral symmetry and electron correlation in graphene
初貝 安弘
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(1)/p.58, 2011-03 - 26aHD-7 Spin transfer torque in the wave packet dynamics
有川 晃弘; 岩田 潤一; 初貝 安弘; 白石 賢二
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(1)/p.705, 2011-03 - 28aTE-12 Use of the Z_Q Berry phase as an adiabatic invariant for quantum systems
初貝 安弘; 丸山 勲
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(1)/p.345, 2011-03 - 27pTE-10 Anomaly and the chiral symmetry for the n=0 Landau level in tilted Dirac cones
河原林 透; 初貝 安弘; 森本 高裕; 青木 秀夫
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(1)/p.332, 2011-03 - グラフェンの魅力 : 新素材の可能性を越えて
初貝 安弘
分光研究 = Journal of the spectroscopical research of Japan/60(1)/pp.22-23, 2011-02 - Edge states in graphene quantum Hall system with bond vs potential disorder
M. Arikawa; H. Aoki; Y. Hatsugai
Journal of Physics Conference Series/334/p.012043 (4), 2011-01 - Numerical study of electronic structure under uniform magnetic field and quantized Hall conductance for multi-band tight-binding models
M. Arai; Y. Hatsugai
J. Phys. Conf. Series/334/p.012042 (4), 2011-01 - Manipulation of the Dirac cones and the anomaly in the graphene related quantum Hall effect
H. Watanabe; Y Hatsugai; H Aoki
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser./334/p.012044 (5), 2011-01 - トピックス グラフェンの魅力:新素材の可能性を越えて
日本分光学会学会誌分光研究/60(1)/p.22-23, 2011-01 - Z_Q Topological Invariants for Polyacetylene, Kagome and Pyrochlore lattices
Y. Hatsugai; I. Maruyama
Euro. Phys. Lett.,/95/p.20003, 2011-01 - Topological aspect of graphene physics
Y. Hatsugai
Journal of Physics Conference Series/334/p.012004, 2011-01 - Z2 topological number of local quantum clusters in the orthogonal dimer model
I. Maruyama; S. Tanaya; M. Arikawa; Y. Hatsugai
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser./320/p.012019, 2011-01 - Half-integer contributions to the quantum Hall conductivity from single Dirac cones
Watanabe Haruki; Hatsugai Yasuhiro; Aoki Hideo
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/82(24)/pp.0-0, 2010-12 - Anomalous criticality at the n=0 quantum Hall transition in graphene: The role of disorder preserving chiral symmetry
Kawarabayashi Tohru; Morimoto Takahiro; Hatsugai Yasuhir...
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/82(19)/pp.0-0, 2010-11 - Scattering of Dirac Fermions with Doubling
Y. Hatsugai
JPSJ Online―News and Comments/p.[September 10, 2010], 2010-09 - Physics of graphene
初貝 安弘; 青木 秀夫
Solid state physics/45(9)/pp.457-476, 2010-09 - 25aTE-12 Z_2 Berry phase in S=1/2 two dimensional pyrochlore lattice
棚谷 翔; 有川 晃弘; 丸山 勲; 初貝 安弘
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/65(2)/p.274, 2010-08 - Topological quantum phase transition in the BEC-BCS crossover
Arikawa Mitsuhiro; Maruyama Isao; Hatsugai Yasuhiro
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/82(7)/pp.0-0, 2010-08 - 24pRA-6 The chiral symmetry in Landau levels of bilayer graphene
河原林 透; 初貝 安弘; 青木 秀夫
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/65(2)/p.798, 2010-08 - 23aXA-10 Decomposition into half-integer quantum Hall effects in a graphene-related quantum Hall model
渡辺 悠樹; 初貝 安弘; 青木 秀夫
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/65(2)/p.639, 2010-08 - 23aXA-7 Stability against chiral symmetry breaking in graphene edge states
有川 晃弘; 青木 秀夫; 初貝 安弘
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/65(2)/p.639, 2010-08 - 24aTE-6 Magnetic breakdown of open orbit and quantum Hall effect
新井 正男; 初貝 安弘
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/65(2)/p.230, 2010-08 - more...
- Z(Q) topological invariants for Polyacetylene, Kagome and Pyrochlore lattices