- Articles
- 23pTE-6 Z_Q Quantization of Berry phases
初貝 安弘; 丸山 勲
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/65(2)/p.219, 2010-08 - Symmetry-protected Z(2)-quantization and quaternionic Berry connection with Kramers degeneracy
Y. Hatsugai
NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS/12/pp.0-0, 2010-06 - 21aGS-10 Anomaly at the n=0 Landau level of graphene and the chiral symmetry
河原林 透; 初貝 安弘; 青木 秀夫
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/65(1)/p.873, 2010-03 - 22pEH-11 Z_2 berry phase in 2D orthogonal dimer model
棚谷 翔; 丸山 勲; 有川 晃弘; 初貝 安弘
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/65(1)/p.335, 2010-03 - 23aHV-6 Optical Hall conductivity in graphene QHE system with honeycomb lattice model
森本 高裕; 初貝 安弘; 青木 秀夫
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/65(1)/p.724, 2010-03 - Optical Hall conductivity in 2DEG and graphene QHE systems
Morimoto Takahiro; Hatsugai Yasuhiro; Aoki Hideo
PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES/42(4)/pp.751-754, 2010-02 - Landau level broadening in graphene with long-range disorder-Robustness of the n=0 level
Kawarabayashi T.; Hatsugai Y.; Aoki H.
PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES/42(4)/pp.759-762, 2010-02 - Quantum Hall Plateau Transition in Graphene with Spatially Correlated Random Hopping
Kawarabayashi Tohru; Hatsugai Yasuhiro; Aoki Hideo
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/103(15)/pp.0-0, 2009-10 - Optical Hall Conductivity in Ordinary and Graphene Quantum Hall Systems
Morimoto Takahiro; Hatsugai Yasuhiro; Aoki Hideo
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/103(11)/pp.0-0, 2009-09 - 27pQF-14 Berry phase on attractive interaction system
有川 晃弘; 丸山 勲; 初貝 安弘
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/64(2)/p.216, 2009-08 - 25aYC-7 Numerical Study of Quantum Hall effects on zero-gap organic conductors
新井 正男; 初貝 安弘
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/64(2)/p.731, 2009-08 - Bulk-edge correspondence in graphene with/without magnetic field: Chiral symmetry, Dirac fermions and edge states
Y. Hatsugai
SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS/149(27-28:::Sp. Iss. SI)/pp.1061-1067, 2009-07 - Edge states of a spin-1/2 two-leg ladder with four-spin ring exchange
Arikawa Mitsuhiro; Tanaya Shou; Maruyama Isao; Hatsugai ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/79(20)/pp.0-0, 2009-05 - 27pRC-6 Relation between semi-classical and quantum theory for Hall effects
新井 正男; 初貝 安弘
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/64(1)/p.268, 2009-03 - 27pPSB-51 Optical Hall conductivity in disordered graphene QHE system and its plateau structure
森本 高裕; 初貝 安弘; 青木 秀夫
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/64(1)/p.692, 2009-03 - 27pYH-10 Quantum Hall effect in graphene : effect of correlated random hopping
河原林 透; 初貝 安弘; 青木 秀夫
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/64(1)/p.691, 2009-03 - 27pTJ-9 Quantized Berry Phases and Edge States of a Spin-1/2 Ladder with Ring Exchange
丸山 勲; 棚谷 翔; 有川 晃弘; 初貝 安弘
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/64(1)/p.272, 2009-03 - Berry Phases with/without Time Reversal Invariance(Topological Aspects of Solid State Physics)
Hatsugai Yasuhiro
Bussei Kenkyu/91(6)/p.685, 2009-03 - 27pRC-5 Topological quantum phase transition on bipolaron-BCS crossover
有川 晃弘; 丸山 勲; 初貝 安弘
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/64(1)/p.268, 2009-03 - Topological identification of a spin-1/2 two-leg ladder with four-spin ring exchange
Maruyama I.; Hirano T.; Hatsugai Y.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/79(11)/pp.0-0, 2009-03 - Quantum Hall effects of graphene with multiorbitals: Topological numbers, Boltzmann conductance, and semiclassical quantization
Arai Masao; Hatsugai Yasuhiro
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/79(7)/pp.0-0, 2009-02 - Non-adiabatic effect on Laughlin's argument of the quantum Hall effect
I. Maruyama; Y. Hatsugai
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, arXiv:0806.4430/150/p.022055 (4), 2009-01 - Quantized Berry Phases of a Spin-1/2 Frustrated Two-Leg Ladder with Four-Spin Exchange
I. Maruyama; T. Hirano; Y. Hatsugai
J. Phys. Conf. Ser./145/p.012052 (4), 2009-01 - Edge states for the n=0 Laudau level in graphene
M. Arikawa; Y. Hatsugai; H. Aoki
Journal of Physics: Conference Series/150/p.022003 (4), 2009-01 - Optical Hall conductivity in QHE systems
T.Morimoto; Y. Hatsugai; H. Aoki
Journal of Physics: Conference Series/150/p.022060 (4), 2009-01 - more...
- 23pTE-6 Z_Q Quantization of Berry phases