KARIYA Tsuyoshi
- Articles
- Soft X-ray Intensity Profile Measurements of Electron Cyclotron Heated Plasmas Using Semiconductor Detector Arrays in GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
Kariya Tsuyoshi; R. Minami; T. Imai; T. Numakura; T. Eguchi; R...
Rev. Sci. Instrum./85(11D807), 2014-11 - Generation and Control of High Intermittent Heat Load Pattern for Divertor Simulation Studies in GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
Ryutaro Minami; Tsuyoshi Imai; Kariya Tsuyoshi; Tomoharu Num...
Plasma Fusion Res./9(3402116), 2014-07 - Extension of high Te regime with upgraded electron cyclotron resonance heating system in the Large Helical Device
Kariya Tsuyoshi; H. Takahashi; T. Shimozuma; S. Kubo; Y. Yosh...
Physics of Plasmas/21(6), 2014-06 - Optimization of Megawatt 77-GHz Gyrotron Operation for Collective Thomson Scattering in LHD
Plasma and Fusion Research/8(0)/pp.2402069-2402069, 2013 - 高周波非誘導電流駆動における自発高ポロイダルベータ配位の形成(28aAE 核融合プラズマ(球状トカマク,電流駆動),領域2(プラズマ))
図子 秀樹; MISHRA KISHORE; 出射 浩; 花田 和明; 假家 強; 今井 剛; 長谷川...
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/69(1)/p.248, 2014-03 - QUEST装置における28GHz ECHシステムを用いた電流立ち上げ実験(28aAE 核融合プラズマ(球状トカマク,電流駆動),領域2(プラズマ))
出射 浩; 図子 秀樹; 花田 和明; 假家 強; 今井 剛; MISHRA KISHORE; 渡邉 ...
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/69(1)/p.249, 2014-03 - Study of Divertor Simulation Using End-region of a Tandem Mirror
Nakashima Y.; Imai Y.; Ichimura M.; Sakamoto M.; Katanuma...
Annual Report of National Institute for Fusion Science April 2012-March 2013/p.512, 2013-11 - Cooperative ECH Study for High Density Plasma Heating using the 28GHz High Power CW Gyrotron System
Kariya Tsuyoshi; Imai T.; Minami R.; Numakura T.; Eguchi ...
Annual Report of National Institute for Fusion Science April 2012-March 2013/p.505, 2013-11 - Development of a High Power Gyrotron Operating at 28 and 35 GHz
Kariya Tsuyoshi; Ryutaro MINAMI; Tsuyoshi IMAI; Taku EGUCHI; ...
Plasma and Fusion Research/8/pp.1205107-1205107, 2013-08 - THE PERFORMANCE TEST AND THE IMPROVED DESIGN OF 28 GHz 1 MW GYROTRON
H. Nakabayashi; T. Kariya; T. Imai; R. Minami; T. Numakura; T....
Transactions of Fusion Science and Technology/63(1T)/pp.283-285, 2013-05 - Development of 28 GHz /35 GHz Dual-Frequency Gyrotron for Fusion Research
T. Eguchi; T. kariya; T. Imai; H. Nakabayashi; R. Minami; T. N...
Transactions of Fusion Science and Technology/63(1T)/pp.280-282, 2013-05 - DEVELOPMENT OF 154 GHz 1 MW GYROTRON FOR ECRH OF LHD
Kariya Tsuyoshi; R. Minami; T. Imai; T. Shimozuma; S. Kubo; Y....
Transactions of Fusion Science and Technology/63(1T)/pp.265-267, 2013-05 - Identification of Spurious Modes of High-Power 77-GHz Gyrotron for Collective Thomson Scattering in LHD
Plasma and Fusion Research/7(0)/pp.2405061-2405061, 2012-06 - Suppression of Spurious Mode Oscillation of High Power 77 GHz Gyrotron for Collective Thomson Scattering in LHD
小笠原 慎弥; 久保 伸; 西浦 正樹; 立松 芳典; 斉藤 輝雄; 田中 謙治; 下妻 隆; 吉村...
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/67(1)/p.263, 2012-03 - Progress of 28 GHz Range High Power Gyrotron for the New Research Development from the Bi-Directional Collaboration Research(Front Runner)
今井 剛; 双方向型共同研究委員会EBWセンター間連携研究検討グループ; 假家 強; 南 龍太郎; 出射 ...
Journal of plasma and fusion research/89(7)/pp.445-450, 2013-07 - Cooperation study of SDC-plasma ECH using the 28GHz high power CW gyrotron system
Kariya Tsuyoshi
Annual Report of National Institute for Fusion Science April 2011-March 2012, 2012-06 - Suppression of Spurious Mode Radiation in Mega-watt 77 GHz Gyrotron for Application to Collective Thomson Scattering in Measurements in LHD
Kariya Tsuyoshi; Ogasawara S
Annual Report of National Institute for Fusion Science April 2011-March 2012, 2012-06 - Suppression of spurious mode oscillation in mega-watt 77-GHz gyrotron as a high quality probe beam source for the collective Thomson scattering in LHD
Kariya Tsuyoshi; S. Ogasawara
REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS/83(10D731), 2012-10 - High Power and High Efficiency Operation of 77 GHz Gyrotrons by Stepwise Raising of the Anode Voltage
Kariya Tsuyoshi; Hiromi TAKAHASHI
Plasma and Fusion Research/7(1205154 ), 2012-12 - ECW/EBW Heating and Current Drive Experiment Results and Prospectes to CW Operation in QUEST
Kariya Tsuyoshi; Hiroshi IDEI
Plasma and Fusion Research/7(2402110), 2012-09 - GAMMA 10 改造(GAMMA-PDX)計画と境界プラズマ研究
今井剛; GAMMA 10 グループ; 假家 強
Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research/87(11)/p.752-768, 2011-01 - Study of Efficient Electron CyclotronWave Coupling with Grooved Mirror Polarizer in the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror
R.Minami; Y.Tatematsu; T.Imai; O.Watanabe; Y.Endo; N.Machida; T...
American Nuclear Society Journal of Transactions of Fusion Science and Technology/51(2T)/p.403-405, 2007-02 - High Power and High Efficiency Operation of 170GHz Gyrotron
A.Kasugai; R.Minami; K.Takahashi; N.Kobayashi; T.Kariya; Y.Mit...
American Nuclear Society Journal of Transactions of Fusion Science and Technology/51(2T)/p.213-216, 2007-02 - LHD用77GHzジャイロトロンの開発
假家強; 高橋裕己
NIFS NEWS/(188)/p.2-3, 2009-07 - Handling Technologies of Mega-Watt Millimeter-Waves for Optimized Heating of Fusion Plasmas
T.Shimozuma; S.Kubo; Y.Yoshimura; H.Igami; H; Takahashi; Y.Taki...
Journal of Microwave Power & Electromagnetic Energy/43(1)/p.60-70, 2009-01 - more...
- Soft X-ray Intensity Profile Measurements of Electron Cyclotron Heated Plasmas Using Semiconductor Detector Arrays in GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror