KARIYA Tsuyoshi

Researcher's full information

  • Operational Status of the 77 GHz Gyrotrons in the LHD
    Takahashi; H.; Shimozuma; T.; Kubo; S.; Ito; S.; Yoshimura; Y.; Iga...
    Annual Report of National Institute for Fusion Science/April 2009-March 2010/p.487, 2010-11
  • Improvement of Electric Efficiency by Flexible Control of Anode Voltage for a 77 GHz Gyrotron
    Takahashi; H.; Shimozuma; T.; Kubo; S.; Ito; S.; Yoshimura; Y.; Iga...
    Annual Report of National Institute for Fusion Science/April 2009-March 2010/p.131, 2010-11
  • Development of high efficiency and high power ECH system for GAMMA 10
    Kariya; T.; Imai; T.; Minami; R.; Shidara. H.; Ota; M.; Tatematsu...
    *EMPTY*/April 2009-March 2010/p.487, 2010-11
  • Development of high-power, long-pulse gyrotrons and its application for high electron temperature, EBWH and ECCD experiments on LHD
    Y. Yoshimura; S. Kubo; T. Shimozuma; H. Igami; H. Takaha...
    Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas 2011, AIP conference proceedings, 2011-06
  • 1.8 MW/ 1 s Operation of a 77 GHz Gyrotron with Flexible Anode Voltage Control
    Takahashi; H.; Shimozuma; T.; Ito; S.; Kubo; S.; Yoshimura; Y.; Iga...
    Annual Report of National Institute for Fusion Science April 2010-March 2011, 2012-01
  • Study of Divertor Simulation Using Open Magnetic Field Configuration
    Y. Nakashima; I. Katanuma; M. Ichimura; T. Kariya; M. Yo...
    Annual Report of National Institute for Fusion Science April 2010-March 2011/p.483, 2012-01
  • Study of Interaction between Plasma and EM Wave in Prospect of Application of Millimeter & Sub-millimeter Waves – Linear Analysis of Global Structure of Drift Wave –
    T.Saito; Y.Tatematsu; Y.Kiwamoto; M.Ichimura; T.Imai; T.kariya...
    Annual Report of National Institute for Fusion Science April 2010-March 2011/p.489, 2012-01
  • Development of High Efficiency ECH System and Research of the ECH Physics in GAMMA10
    T.Kariya; T.Imai; R.Minami; M.Ota; H.Aoki; H.Iizumi; H.Kondou; N...
    Annual Report of National Institute for Fusion Science April 2010-March 2011/p.481, 2012-01
  • Development of 28GHz and 77GHz 1MW Gyrotron for ECRH of magnetically confined plasma
    T.Kariya; R.Minami; T.Imai; K.Sakamoto; S.Kubo; T.Shimozuma; H....
    American Nuclear Society Journal of Transactions of Fusion Science and Technology/55(2T)/p.91-94, 2009-02
  • Development of the high performance ECRH antenna for GAMMA 10
    Transactions of Fusion Science and Technology/55(2T)/p.118-121, 2009-02
  • Steering antenna performance for the central cell ECRH in the GAMMA 10 device
    Transactions of Fusion Science and Technology/55(2T)/p.131-135, 2009-02
  • Development of Over-1 MW Gyrotrons for the LHD and the GAMMA 10 ECH Systems
    T. Imai; T. Kariya; R. Minami; S. Kubo; T. Shimozuma; Y. ...
    23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference/IAEA-CN-165/FTP/p.6-12, 2010-10
  • Effects of Plasma Confining Potentials and the Associated Radially Sheared Electric Fields on the Plasma Energy Confinement
    T. Numakura; T. Cho; J. Kohagura; M. Hirata; Y. Miyata; R. Min...
    Transactions of Fusion Science and Technology/51(2T)/pp.343-345, 2007-02
  • Investigation of Electron Distribution Functions in the Plug Region of the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
    J. Kohagura; T. Cho; M. Hirata; T. Numakura; Y. Tomii; S. Kimi...
    Transactions of Fusion Science and Technology/51(2T)/pp.204-207, 2007-02
  • Study of the Effects of Plasma-Confining Potentials Using End-Loss Analysing Systems
    M. Hirata; T. Cho; J. Kohagura; T. Numakura; K. Shimizu; M. It...
    Transactions of Fusion Science and Technology/51(2T)/pp.183-185, 2007-02
  • Fluctuation Suppression during the ECH induced Potential Formation in the Tandem Mirror GAMMA 10
    M. Yoshikawa; Y. Miyata; M. Mizuguchi; Y. Oono; F. Yaguc...
    23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference/pp.IAEA-CN--165/EXC/P, 2010-10
  • Generation and Characterization of High Heat-Flux Plasma-Flow for Divertor Simulation Studies Using a Large Tandem Mirror Device
    Y. Nakashima; I. Katanuma; K. Hosoi; H. Ozawa; R. Yonena...
    23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference/p.IAEA-CN-165/FTP/P1-33, 2010-10
  • Plasma Injection into GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror by MPD Arcjet
    犬竹 正明; 假家 強; 近藤 貴; 逆井 章; 若井田 育夫; 平田 豊明; 斉藤 輝雄; 板倉 昭慶; 間瀬 淳; 三好 昭一
    宇宙科学研究所報告. 特集/7(0)/pp.49-71, 1983-07
  • 4p-J-7 X線ピンホールカメラによるガンマ10バリア部高温電子空間分布の時間発展計測
    山口 直洋; 後藤 治久; 際本 泰士; 近藤 貴; 長 昭二; 片沼 伊佐夫; 假家 強; 斉藤 輝雄; 三好 昭一
    秋の分科会講演予稿集/1985(4)/p.275, 1985-09
  • 30pB03 Effects of Plasma Confining Potentials and the Associated Radially Sheared Electric Fields on the Plasma Energy Confinement
    沼倉 友晴; 長 照二; 小波蔵 純子; 平田 真史; 宮田 良明; 木南 瀬里奈; 森本 直道; 生野 利典; ...
    プラズマ・核融合学会年会予稿集/0(23)/p.214, 2006-11
  • 3a-H-1 ガンマ10におけるエンドプラギング
    際本 泰士; 石井 亀男; 市村 真; 板倉 昭慶; 犬竹 正明; 片沼 伊佐夫; 假家 強; 河辺 隆也; 草間 義紀; 近藤 貴...
    秋の分科会講演予稿集/1984(4)/p.154, 1984-09
  • Divertor simulation experiment and its future research plan making use of a large tandem mirror device
    Nakashima Y.; Takeda H.; Hosoi K.; Yonenaga R.; Katanuma ...
    JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS/415(1::S)/pp.S996-S1000, 2011-08
  • EC wave plasma breakdown on GAMMA 10 device
    Shidara Hiroyuki; Nakashima Yousuke; Imai Tsuyoshi; Kariy...
    FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN/86(6-8)/pp.913-915, 2011-10
  • Study of Fluctuation Suppression during Potential Formation in the Tandem Mirror GAMMA 10
    YOSHIKAWA Masayuki; MIYATA Yoshiaki; MIZUGUCHI Masanori; ...
    Plasma and Fusion Research/5(0)/pp.0-0, 2010-01
    Iizumi Hideaki; Minami Ryutaro; Imai Tsuyoshi; Kariya Ts...
    FUSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY/59(1T)/pp.289-291, 2011-01
  • more...