Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • Towards the continuum limit of nucleon form factors at the physical point using lattice QCD
    Tsuji Ryutaro; Aoki Yasumichi; Ishikawa Ken-ichi; Kuramas...
    Lattice 2022/2022-08-08--2022-08-13
  • Nucleon scalar and tensor couplings from lattice QCD at the physical point
    Tsuji Ryutaro; Aoki Yasumichi; Ishikawa Ken-ichi; Kuramas...
    XVth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum/2022-08-01--2022-08-06
  • Restoration of chiral symmetry in cold and dense Nambu−Jona-Lasinio model with tensor renormalization group
    Akiyama Shinichiro; Kuramashi Yoshinobu; Yamashita Takum...
    The 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2021)/2021-07-26--2021-07-30
  • Physics explored by master-field simulation in lattice QCD
    藏増 嘉伸
    日本物理学会第 77 回年次大会シンポジウム「Challenges and opportunities in large-scale lattice QCD computations and target physics」/2022-03-15--2022-03-19
  • Application of tensor renormalization group to Quantum Field Theories
    Kuramashi Yoshinobu
    DWQ@25: The event marks the passage of twenty-five years since the first numerical simulations with Domain Wall Quarks (DWQ)/2021-12-13--2021-12-17
  • Application of tensor renormalization group to Nambu−Jona-Lasinio model and Hubbard model
    Kuramashi Yoshinobu
    International Workshop on Tensor Networks in Many Body and Lattice Field/2021-06-26--2021-06-30
  • PACS10配位を用いたK中間子セミレプトニック崩壊形状因子計算
    山﨑 剛; 石川 健一; 石塚 成人; 藏増 嘉伸; 中村 宜文; 滑川 裕介; 谷口 裕介; 浮田 尚哉; 吉江...
  • 物理点格子QCDによる核子構造の計算
    辻竜 太朗; 青木 保道; 石川 健一; 藏増 嘉伸; 佐々木 勝一; 新谷 栄悟; 山﨑 剛
  • master field格子QCDによる標準理論を超える物理の探索
    山﨑 剛; 藏増 嘉伸; 浮田 尚哉; 新谷 栄悟; 滑川 裕介
  • 2+1フレーバー格子QCD master fieldを用いた標準理論を超える物理の探索
    山﨑 剛; 藏増 嘉伸; 中村 宜文; 石川 健一; 浮田 尚哉; 渡辺 展正
  • 核子軸性電荷及びテンソル、スカラー荷の物理点格子QCD計算
    辻竜 太朗; 青木 保道; 石川 健一; 藏増 嘉伸; 佐々木 勝一; 新谷 栄悟; 山﨑 剛
  • 物理点近傍での2+1フレーバーQCDによる核子形状因子の直接微分計算
    山﨑 剛; 石川 健一; 藏増 嘉伸; 佐々木 勝一; 新谷栄悟
  • High-precision calculation of nucleon structure using HPC
    Tsuji Ryutaro; Aoki Yasumichi; Ishikawa Ken-ichi; Kuramas...
    The 4th R-CCS International Symposium The Supercomputer Fugaku: Simulation, Big data and AI supporting Society 5.0/2022-02-07--2022-02-08
  • Nucleon isovector tensor charge from lattice QCD with physical light quarks
    Tsuji Ryutaro; Aoki Yasumichi; Ishikawa Ken-ichi; Kuramas...
    The 24th International Spin Symposium/2021-10-18--2021-10-22
  • The lower moments of nucleon structure functions in lattice QCD with physical quark masses
    Tsuji Ryutaro; Aoki Yasumichi; Ishikawa Ken-ichi; Kuramas...
    Lattice 2021/2021-07-26--2021-07-30
  • Calculation of kaon semileptonic form factor with the PACS10 configuration
    Yamazaki Takeshi; Ishikawa Ken-ichi; Ishizuka Naruhito; K...
    Lattice 2021/2021-07-26--2021-07-30
  • Study of QCD critical end-point using Wilson-type fermions
    Takeda Shinji; Kuramashi Yoshinobu; Nakamura Yoshifumi; O...
    QCD phase diagram and lattice QCD/2021-10-25--2021-10-29
  • Critical endpoints in (2+1) and 4 flavor QCD with Wilson Clover fermions
    Ono Hiroshi; Kuramashi Yoshinobu; Nakamura Yoshifumi; Tak...
    The 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory/2021-07-26--2021-07-30
  • 核子内クォークの担う運動量及びヘリシティ割合の物理点格子QCD計算
    Tsuji Ryutaro; Aoki Yasumichi; Ishikawa Ken-ichi; Kuramas...
  • 格子場の理論に基づく核子構造研究
    Tsuji Ryutaro; Aoki Yasumichi; Ishikawa Ken-ichi; Kuramas...
  • 物理点2+1フレーバー格子QCDによる核子構造研究
    Tsuji Ryutaro; Aoki Yasumichi; Ishikawa Ken-ichi; Kuramas...
  • Nucleon structure with 2+1 flavor lattice QCD at physical quark mass
    Tsuji Ryutaro; Aoki Yasumichi; Ishikawa Ken-ichi; Kuramas...
    International School for Strangeness Nuclear Physics(SNP school 2020)/2020-12-02--2020-12-05
  • Nucleon structure at physical point from 2+1 flavor Lattice QCD
    Tsuji Ryutaro; Aoki Yasumichi; Ishikawa Ken-ichi; Kuramas...
    Asia-Pacific Symposium for Lattice Field Theory/2020-08-04--2020-08-07
  • Critical endpoint in the continuum limit and critical endline at N_T=6 of the finite temperature phase transition of QCD with clover fermions
    Nakamura Y.; Kuramashi Y.; Ohno Hiroshi; Takeda S.
    The 37th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory/2019-06-16--2019-06-22
  • Tensor renormalization group approach to scalar field theories in particle physics
    Kuramashi Yoshinobu
    Computational Approaches to Quantum Many-body Problems (CAQMP 2019)/2020-07-22--2020-07-22
  • more...