KANDA Akinobu

Researcher's full information

Research projects
ナノ構造超伝導体における局所電流注入効果と磁束ダイナミクスの解明2009-04 -- 2011-03KANDA Akinobu/Commissioned research1,400,000Yen
メゾスコピック超伝導体における新規渦糸状態の観測と制御2007-11 -- 2009-03KANDA Akinobu/Commissioned research1,600,000Yen
グラファイト超薄膜の伝導機構の解明と制御2007-04 -- 2010-03KANDA Akinobu/Collaboration research in Japan
Transport properties of 2 dimensional systems2007-04 -- 2009-03Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)/Research Subsidy15,600,000Yen
グラファイト超薄膜のインターカレーションと電気伝導測定2007 -- 2009-03KANDA AkinobuJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Exploratory Research3,700,000Yen
Transport properties of 2 dimensinoal systems2006-10 -- 2007-03Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)/Research Subsidy3,900,000Yen
Coherent transport in nano-scale layered film2006 -- 2009-03TSUKAGOSHI KazuhitoJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)14,000,000Yen
Electrical Properties of nano-scale conductors connected to fixed electrodes2005 -- 2010-03OOTUKA YouitiJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas
Research on novel vortex states in mesoscopic superconductors2005 -- 2008-03KANDA AkinobuJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)14,340,000Yen
Ballistic electron transport in multiwall carbon nanotubes2005 -- 2007-03KANDA AkinobuJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Exploratory Research2,500,000Yen