- Talks
- Effects of Plasma Confining Potentials and the Associated Radially Sheared Electric Fields on the Plasma Energy Confinement
T. Numakura; T. Cho; J. Kohagura; M. Hirata; Y. Miyata; R...
6th International Conference on Open Magnetic Systems for Plasma Confinement/2006-07-17 - Overview of Recent Progress in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
T. Cho; H. Higaki; M. Hirata; H. Hojo; M. Ichimura; K. I...
6th International Conference on Open Magnetic Systems for Plasma Confinement/2006-07-17 - Experimental Estimation of the Local Energy Balance of the Potential-Confining Electrons in the Tandem-Mirror Plasmas by the use of a Semiconductor Detector Array
T. Numakura; T. Cho; J. Kohagura; M. Hirata; Y. Tomii; Y....
16th Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnositcs/2006-05-07 - 核融合生成中性子損傷に拠る半導体計測器X線感度特性変化の解明
小波蔵純子; 長 照二; 平田真史; 沼倉友晴; 南 龍太郎; 渡辺裕之; 吉田麻衣子; 永嶋賢史; 伊藤浩一; 谷津 潔; 堀...
プラズマ・核融合学会第18回年会/2001-11-27 - Deterioration and Recovery Effects in Energy Responses of Semiconductor X-ray Detectors due to Nuclear-Fusion Produced Neutron Irradiation
J. Kohagura; T. Cho; M. Hirata; T. Numakura; R. Minami; M...
6th International Conference on Position Sensitive Detectors/2002-09-09 - Calibration Experiments of 3He Neutron Detectors for Analyzing Neutron Emissivity in the Hot-Ion Mode on the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
J. Kohagura; T. Cho; M. Hirata; H. Watanabe; R. Minami; T...
14th Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnositcs/2002-07-08 - Effects of Fusion Produced Neutrons on Semiconductor Detectors
J. Kohagura; T. Cho; M. Hirata; T. Numakura; R. Minami; H...
4th International Conference on Open Magnetic Systems for Plasma Confinement/2002-07-01 - Potential Formation and Confinement in High Density Plasma on the Tandem Mirror GAMMA 10
K. Yatsu; T. Cho; H. Higaki; M. Hirata; H. Hojo; M. Ichi...
The 29th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion/2002-06-17 - 半導体計測器X線感度特性に対する核融合生成中性子照射の影響
小波蔵純子; 長 照二; 平田真史; 沼倉友晴; 南 龍太郎; 吉田麻衣子; 渡辺裕之; 横山 昇; 伊藤浩一; 時岡 優; ...
プラズマ・核融合学会第19回年会/2002-11-26 - p型並びにn型シリコン半導体X線検出器に対する核融合生成中性子照射の影響
小波蔵純子; 長 照二; 平田真史; 沼倉友晴; 横山 昇; 深井隆行; 富井大和; 吉田麻衣子; 時岡 優; 三宅泰宏; 山内...
プラズマ・核融合学会第20回年会/2003-11-25 - Advances in Potential Formation and Findings in Sheared Radial Electric-Field Effects on Turbulence and Loss Suppression in GAMMA 10
T. Cho; H. Higaki; M. Hirata; H. Hojo; M. Ichimura; K. I...
The 20th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference/2004-11-01 - PROGRESS IN MIRROR PLASMA ACTIVITIES
T. Cho; J. Kohagura; M. Hirata; T. Numakura; H. Higaki; H...
The 6th Symposium on "CURRENT TRENDS IN INTERNATIONAL FUSION RESEARCH: A REVIEW"/2005-03-07 - X-Ray Energy Responses of Silicon Tomography Detectors Irradiated with Fusion Produced Neutrons
J. Kohagura; T. Cho; M. Hirata; T. Numakura; N. Yokoyama...
5th International Conference on Open Magnetic Systems for Plasma Confinement/2004-07-05 - X-ray tomography systems for observations of the effects of radially sheared electric fields on fluctuations in plasmas
J. Kohagura; T. Cho; T. Numakura; M. Hirata; N. Yokoyama...
15th Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics/2004-04-19 - ガンマ10の高電位・高電場シアー形成による渦構造の抑制とプラズマ閉じ込め改善の研究
小波蔵純子; 長 照二; 平田真史; 沼倉友晴; 横山 昇; 深井隆行; 富井大和; 時岡 優; 三宅泰宏; 木南瀬里奈; 清水...
プラズマ・核融合学会第21回年会/2004-11-23 - X-ray diagnostics for investigating electron distribution functions in the central cell of the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror
J. Kohagura; T. Cho; M. Hirata; T. Numakura; T. Fukai; Y....
16th Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnositcs/2006-05-07 - Investigation of Electron Distribution Functions in the Plug Region of the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
J. Kohagura; T. Cho; M. Hirata; T. Numakura; Y. Tomii; S....
6th International Conference on Open Magnetic Systems for Plasma Confinement/2006-07-17 - X-ray tomography systems for observations of electron cyclotron heated plasmas using novel position-sensitive X-ray semiconductor-detector arrays
T. Numakura; T. Cho; J. Kohagura; M. Hirata; Y. Tomii; S....
7th International Conference on Position Sensitive Detectors/2005-09-12 - Novel Position-Sensitive Ion-Current Detector Arrays Using a Self-Collection Method for Secondary-Electron Suppression
M. Hirata; Y. Miyake; K. Shimizu; T. Cho; T. Numakura; M....
7th International Conference on Position Sensitive Detectors/2005-09-12 - Characterization of X-ray Energy Responses of both n-type and p-type Silicon Tomography Detectors Irradiated with Fusion Produced Neutrons
J. Kohagura; T. Cho; T. Numakura; M. Hirata; Y. Tomii; S....
7th International Conference on Position Sensitive Detectors/2005-09-12 - ガンマ10プラズマの電位・電場シアー形成による乱流抑制と輸送改善効果のX線計測を用いた研究
小波蔵純子; 長 照二; 平田真史; 沼倉友晴; 檜垣浩之; 北條仁士; 市村 真; 石井亀男; Islam Khairul...
日本地球惑星科学連合2006年大会/2006-05-14 - ガンマ10プラズマへの円環状ラミナーフロー生成・入射と閉じ込め改善実験
小波蔵純子; 長 照二; 平田真史; 檜垣浩之; 北條仁士; 市村 真; 石井亀男; M.K. イスラム; 板倉昭慶; 片沼伊...
プラズマ・核融合学会第22回年会/2005-11-29 - Simultaneous Measurements of Ion and Electron Currents Using a Novel Compact Electrostatic End-Loss-Current Detector
M. Hirata; Y. Miyake; T. Cho; J. Kohagura; T. Numakura; K. Shi...
16th Topical Conference High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics/2006-05-07
- Effects of Plasma Confining Potentials and the Associated Radially Sheared Electric Fields on the Plasma Energy Confinement