- Conference, etc.
- Simulation of neutron-star inner crust and pulsar glitches
中務 孝
シミュレーションによる宇宙の基本法則と進化の解明に向けて/2019-12-16--2019-12-19 - Green’s function method in nuclear structure theory
Nakatsukasa Takashi
International workshop on new generation nuclear density functionals/2019-11-18--2019-11-22 - Self-consistent description of the inner crust of neutron stars
Nakatsukasa Takashi
International workshop on Microscopic Approaches to Nuclear Structure and Reactions/2019-11-12--2019-11-15 - Summary and discussion
Nakatsukasa Takashi
China-Japan Collaboration Workshop on “Nuclear Mass and Life for Unraveling Mysteries of R-process”/2019-10-09--2019-10-12 - Basic concepts of nuclear energy density functional theories
Nakatsukasa Takashi
International school on nuclear physics/2020-12-01--2020-12-05 - Nuclear clusters in low-energy nuclear reaction and neutron- star crust
中務 孝
第二回クラスター階層領域研究会/2019-05-31--2019-06-01 - Energy density functional approach to nuclear dynamics
Nakatsukasa Takashi
XVII Workshop on Nuclear Physics (WONP2019)/2019-04-01--2019-04-05 - 核変換による高レベル放射性廃棄物の大幅な低減・資源化 (5-5) 密度汎関数計算による核構造データ
中務 孝; 江幡修一郎; 鷲山広平
日本原子力学会2019春の年会/2019-03-20--2019-03-22 - Nuclear deformation and radii in heavy nuclei
中務 孝
ELPH研究会「電子散乱による原子核研究」/2019-03-20--2019-03-21 - PJ3- 3: 核構造計算による核反応モデルの高精度化
中務 孝
ImPACT藤田プログラム公開成果発表会/2019-03-09--2019-03-09 - Selfconsistent band calculation for 1D neutron-star crust
Nakatsukasa Takashi
Workshop on Nonequilibrium phenomena in superfluid systems/2019-03-01--2019-03-03 - Multi-reference EDF theory alternative to GCM: Application to the pairing model
Nakatsukasa Takashi; Ni Fang
2nd Tsukuba-CCS workshop on microscopic theories of nuclear structure and dynamics/2018-12-10--2018-12-12 - Nuclear structure and reaction with quantum shape fluctuation
Nakatsukasa Takashi
13th International Conference on nucleus-nucleus collisions (NN2018)/2018-12-04--2018-12-08 - 低エネルギー核反応と量子クラスターへの非経験的アプローチ
中務 孝
「量子クラスターで読み解く物質の階層構造」 キックオフシンポジウム/2018-11-19--2018-11-20 - Self-consistent determination of nuclear reaction path and clustering
Nakatsukasa Takashi
ECT* workshop on indirect methods in nuclear astrophysics/2018-11-05--2018-11-9 - Collective coordinate for pairing dynamics and requantization of TDHFB
Nakatsukasa Takashi; Ni Fang
Fifth joint meeting of the Nuclear Physics Divisions in APS and JPS/2018-10-23--2018-10-27 - New scheme of MCRP-2019
Nakatsukasa Takashi
10th symposium on Discovery, Fusion, Creation of New Knowledge by Multidisciplinary Computational Sciences/2018-10-15--2018-10-16 - Theories of nuclear large amplitude collective motion
Nakatsukasa Takashi
1st APCTP-TRIUMF joint workshop on understanding nuclei from different theoretical approaches/2018-09-14--2018-09-19 - 微視的集団模型によるLLFPの核構造研究
中務 孝; 鷲山広平
日本原子力学会2018秋の大会/2018-09-05--2018-09-07 - Dipole response in exotic nuclei
Nakatsukasa Takashi
ECT* workshop on Probing exotic structure of short-lived nuclei by electron scattering/2018-07-16--2018-07-20 - 原子核質量と核構造・核力
中務 孝
研究会「重力波観測時代のrプロセスと不安定核」/2018-06-20--2018-06-22 - Nuclear structure physics and time-dependent approaches
Nakatsukasa Takashi
School cum collaboration meeting on nuclear structure and reaction/2018-01-01--2018-01-22 - 時間依存平均場再量子化と核子集団ダイナミクス
中務 孝
理研シンポジウム「非平衡物理の最前線」/2017-12-06--2017-12-08 - Nuclear structure physics in RIBF
Nakatsukasa Takashi
International symposium on RI beam physics in the 21st century: 10th anniversary of RIBF/2017-12-04--2017-12-05 - 中性子星クラストに対する自己無撞着バンド計算
中務 孝
第6回「中性子星の核物質」研究会/2017-12-01--2017-12-03 - more...
- Simulation of neutron-star inner crust and pulsar glitches