SASA Kimikazu

Researcher's full information

Research projects
Formation of center of excellence for research and education and industry-university cooperation with advanced analytical techniques using highly controlled particle beams2010-04 -- 2013-03SASA KimikazuUniversity of Tsukuba/学内共同研究10,000,000Yen
Analysis of decadal to millennial sGale variation of Cosmic Ray intensity recorded in iGe Gore and its impliGation for the earth environment2010 -- 2012MATSUZAKI HiroyukiJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)20,540,000Yen
グリーンランド深層氷床コア掘削計画(NEEM計画)での宇宙線生成核種Cl-36の分析2010 -- (current)/International Joint Research Projects
Dome Fuji Ice Core Consortium2010 -- (current)本山秀明/国内共同研究
Development of the research method for earth's environmental fate byultra-trace radionuclide analysis using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry2009-04 -- 2012-03SASA KimikazuJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)15,600,000Yen
極微量放射性核種AMSによる原子力施設環境モニタリング研究2009 -- (current)/Nuclear and Atomic Science Research
Studies on effect of fluid inclusion compositions on groundwater chemistry in granite2008 -- 2011KUROSAWA MasanoriJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant in Aid for Scientific Research (B)11,310,000Yen
平成20年度「原子力基礎基盤戦略研究イニシアティブ」 若手原子力研究プログラム 「極微量放射性核種AMSによる原子力施設環境モニタリング研究」2008-10 -- 2010-03SASA Kimikazu/出資金による受託研究20,000,000Yen
KEK加速器科学総合支援事業「大学等連携支援事業」 「筑波大学タンデム加速器施設における加速器利用分析研究の高度化支援と人材育成」2008-04 -- 2009-03SASA KimikazuHigh Energy Accelerator Research Organization/Joint Research3,000,000Yen
中国天坑の岩石試料中のCl-36測定2008 -- (current)姜 山中国原子能科学研究院、広西大学, 中国地質研究院/国際共同研究