- Articles
- Interaction cross sections for Ca isotopes and their nuclear structure
田中 悠太郎; 武智 麻耶; 田中 聖臣; 本間 彰; 鈴木 健; 福田 光順; 西村 太樹; 森口...
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/72(0)/pp.233-233, 2017 - Interaction cross section measurements for nuclei in Ni region on proton target
中村 翔健; 武智 麻耶; 田中 聖臣; 本間 彰; 鈴木 健; 福田 光順; 西村 太樹; 森口 ...
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/72(0)/pp.231-231, 2017 - Measurements of charge-changing cross sections for Ca and Ni isotopes
田中 聖臣; 武智 麻耶; 本間 彰; 鈴木 健; 田中 悠太郎; 福田 光順; 西村 太樹; 森口...
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/72(0)/pp.232-232, 2017 - Systematic study of nucleon removal reactions for neutron rich nuclei in Ni region
柳原 陸斗; 武智 麻耶; 田中 聖臣; 本間 彰; 鈴木 健; 福田 光順; 西村 太樹; 森口 ...
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/72(0)/pp.315-315, 2017 - Development of position-sensitive detector for heavy-ion beam using scintillating fibers coupled with MPPC readout
若山 清志; 阿部 康志; 天野 将道; 上岡 大起; 北川 敦志; 長江 大輔; 大甕 舜一郎; ...
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/72(0)/pp.342-342, 2017 - Development of a monitor of circulating particles for rare-RI ring
大甕 舜一朗; 山口 貴之; 只野 奈津生; 鈴木 健; 若山 清志; 阿部 康志; 上坂 友洋; ...
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/72(0)/pp.343-343, 2017 - Development of Large area position sensitive MCP detector at Rare RI Ring
Ge Zhuang; Naimi Sarah; Uesaka Tomohiro; Nagae Daisuk...
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/72(0)/pp.344-344, 2017 - Behavior of Isolated Nitrogen Ion in Water Studied by NMR of Short-Lived nucleus
杉原 貴信; 三原 基嗣; 島谷 二郎; 松多 健策; 福田 光順; 大野 淳一; 田中 聖臣; 山...
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/72(0)/pp.593-593, 2017 - Evidence for prevalent Z = 6 magic number in neutron-rich carbon isotopes
Tran D T; Ong H J; Hagen G; Morris T D; Aoi N; Suzuk...
Nature communications/9(1)/p.1594, 2018-04 - First Direct Mass Measurements of Nuclides around Z=100 with a Multireflection Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrograph
Ito Y.; Schury P.; Wada M.; Arai F.; Haba H.; Hirayama Y...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/120(15), 2018-04 - High-efficiency and low-background multi-segmented proportional gas counter for beta-decay spectroscopy
Mukai M.; Hirayama Y.; Watanabe Y. X.; Schury P.; Jung H...
杉原 貴信; 三原 基嗣; 島谷 二郎; 松多 健策; 福田 光順; 矢口 雅貴; 岩本 昴大; 若...
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/71(0)/pp.179-179, 2016 - Observation of doubly-charged ions of francium isotopes extracted from a gas cell
Schury P.; Wada M.; Ito Y.; Kaji D.; Haba H.; Hirayama Y...
NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS/407/pp.160-165, 2017-09 - NMR detection of short-lived beta-emitter N-12 implanted in water
Sugihara T.; Mihara M.; Shimaya J.; Matsuta K.; Fukuda M...
HYPERFINE INTERACTIONS/238, 2017-01 - Development of Secondary Electron Time Detector for Ion Beams
Suzuki Shinji; Ozawa Akira; Moriguchi Tetsuaki; Ichikawa ...
Proceedings of Scienec(INPC2016)/p.111, 2017-05 - Investigations of charge-changing processes for light proton-rich nuclei on carbon and solid-hydrogen targets
Swahata Kazuki; Ozawa Akira; Saito Yuta; Abe Yasushi; Ich...
Nuclear Physics A/961/pp.142-153, 2017-03 - First online multireflection time-of-flight mass measurements of isobar chains produced by fusion-evaporation reactions: Toward identification of superheavy elements via mass spectroscopy
Schury P.; Wada M.; Ito Y.; Kaji D.; Arai F.; MacCormick ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/95(1), 2017-01 - High-precision Q(EC) values of superallowed 0(+)-> 0(+) beta-emitters Cr-46, Fe-50 and Ni-54
Zhang R.; Xu X.; Shuai P.; Chen R. J.; Yan X. L.; Zhang ...
PHYSICS LETTERS B/767/pp.20-24, 2017-04 - Identification of the Lowest T=2, J(pi)=0(+) Isobaric Analog State in Co-52 and Its Impact on the Understanding of beta-Decay Properties of Ni-52
Xu X.; Zhang P.; Shuai P.; Chen R. J.; Yan X. L.; Zhang ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/117(18), 2016-10 - Proton-proton correlations in distinguishing the two-proton emission mechanism of Al-23 and Mg-22
Fang D. Q.; Ma Y. G.; Sun X. Y.; Zhou P.; Togano Y.; Aoi ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/94(4), 2016-10 - Charge-changing cross-section measurements of C12-16 at around 45A MeV and development of a Glauber model for incident energies 10A-2100A MeV
Tran D. T.; Ong H. J.; Nguyen T. T.; Tanihata I.; Aoi N.; Ayya...
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/94(6), 2016-12 - 20pAB-5 Present status of Rare-RI Ring
阿部 康志; 山口 由高; 上坂 友洋; 小沢 顕; 洲嵜 ふみ; 山口 貴之; 若杉 昌徳; 稀少...
日本物理学会講演概要集/71(1)/p.319, 2016-03 - Status of the low-energy super-heavy element facility at RIKEN
Schury P.; Wada M.; Ito Y.; Arai F.; Kaji D.; Kimura S.; Morimo...
NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS/376/pp.425-428, 2016-06 - Development of the detector system for beta-decay spectroscopy at the KEK Isotope Separation System
Kimura S.; Ishiyama H.; Miyatake H.; Hirayama Y.; Watanabe Y....
NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS/376/pp.338-340, 2016-06 - Magnetic moment of the 13/2(+) isomeric state in Cu-69: Spin alignment in the one-nucleon removal reaction
Kusoglu A.; Georgiev G.; Sotty C.; Balabanski D. L.; Goasduff...
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/93(5), 2016-05 - more...
- Interaction cross sections for Ca isotopes and their nuclear structure