- Articles
- Chaos in Quantum Dots
B. L. Altshuler; N. Taniguchi; B. D. Simons
Surface Science/361-362/p.687, 1996-01 - Giant Microwave Absorption in Metallic Grains : Relaxation Mechanism
F. Zhou; B. Spivak; N. Taniguchi; B. L. Altshuler
Physical Review Letters/77/p.1958, 1996-01 - Distribution of the Absorption by Chaotic States in Quantum Dots
N. Taniguchi; V. N. Prigodin
Physical Review B/54/p.R14305, 1996-01 - 量子カオスとはなんだろうか?
パリティ/12(7)/p.12-20, 1997-07 - 超行列法とメゾスコピック系
数理科学/(411)/p.27-32, 1997-09 - Parametric Ward-Takahashi identity in disordered Systems and the integral identity associated with the Calogero-Sutherland model
N. Taniguchi
Physical Review E/55/p.4116, 1997-01 - Universality in Chaotic wavefunctions and some new connection with the Calogero-Sutherland model
N. Taniguchi
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals/718/p.1131, 1997-01 - Termination of Multifractal Behavior for Critical Disordered Dirac Fermions
J.-S. Caux; N. Taniguchi; A. M. Tsvelik
Physical Review Letters/80/p.1276, 1998-01 - Disordered Dirac Fermions : Multifractality Termination and Logarithmic Conformal Field Theories
J.-S. Caux; N. Taniguchi; A. M. Tsvelik
Nuclear Physics B/525/p.671, 1998-01 - ランダム行列理論と量子ダイナミクス
固体物理/34(5)/p.331-337, 1999-05 - 量子ホール系のプラトー転移 ― グローバルな対称性による考察
物性研究/72(2)/p.152-156, 1999-05 - Fluctuations of expectation values in Chaotic Systems and Time-reversal Symmetry Breaking
B. Mehlig; N. Taniguchi
Physica E/4/p.316, 1999-01 - Towards a Nonperturbative Beta-function in Quantum Hall Effect : RG flows compatible with Law of Corresponding States
N. Taniguchi
Annalen der Physik/8/p.257, 1999-01 - Toward a Field Theory of the Plateau Transitions in the Integer Quantum Hall Effect
M. J. Bhaseen; I.I. Kogan; O. A. Soloviev; N. Taniguchi; ...
Nuclear Physics/B580/p.688, 2000-01 - Two-dimensional Non-Hermitian Delocalization Transition as a Probe for the Localization Length
T. Kuwae; N. Taniguchi
Physical Review B/64/p.201321R, 2001-01 - Mid-Gap State Formed Inside Mott Gap of 1T-TaS2 Single Cristals and Metal-Insulator Transition
T. Isa; T. Fukase; M. Sasaki; M. Koyano; N. Taniguchi; T....
Journal of Low Temperature Physics/127/p.63, 2002-01 - Wigner-Dyson correlation without ensemble averaging
N. Taniguchi
物性研究/80, 2003-01 - Two-dimensional localization detected by the imaginary vector potential
T. Kuwae; N. Taniguchi
Journal of Physical Society (Japan)/72/p.Supplement A 159, 2003-01 - Dynamical Conductivity and Localization Corrections in Small and Large Quantum Dots and Disordered Systems
N. Taniguchi
Physica E/18/p.288, 2003-01 - Quantum Anomaly and Effective Field Description of a Quantum Chaotic Billiard
N. Taniguchi
物性研究/84(3)/p.552-555, 2005-01 - Discrete levels as quantum anomalies: effective field theory of a chaotic billiard
N. Taniguchi
AIP Conf. Proc./850/p.1417-1418, 2006-01 - 物性物理におけるランダム行列の広がりー固有ベクトルの普遍的挙動と量子ドット系
数理科学/(524)/p.36-41, 2007-02 - Magnetism localization in spin-polarized one-dimensional Anderson-Hubbard model
M. Okumura; S. Yamada; N. Taniguchi; M. Machida
Physical Review B/79/p.184417, 2009-01 - Universal conductance enhancement and reduction of the two-orbital Kondo effect
Haruka Oguchi; Nobuhiko Taniguchi
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn/79/p.054706, 2010-05 - Dynamical Conductivity in Small Metallic Grains: Role of Time-reversal Symmetry at a Finite Frequency
Nobuhiko Taniguchi
Journal of Probability and Statistics/2010/p.751395, 2010-01 - more...
- Chaos in Quantum Dots