Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • R&D of SOI-STJ Cold Amplifier for COBAND Experiment VI
    若狭 玲那; 金 信弘; 武内 勇司; 吉田 拓生; 他32名
    The 73rd Annual Meeting of JPS/2018-03-22--2018-03-25
  • Measurement of FD-SOI FET at cryogenic temperature for COBAND experiment
    笠島 誠嘉; 金 信弘; 武内 勇司; 吉田 拓生; 他32名
    The 73rd Annual Meeting of JPS/2018-03-22--2018-03-25
  • Feasibility of sub-GeV mass dark matter search using STJ detector for COBAND experiment
    新学術領域研究「ニュートリノフロンティア」研究会 2017/2017-12-11--2017-12-13
  • Development of Far-infrared Spectrophotometers based on Superconducting Tunnel Junction (STJ) for COBAND Experiment
    新学術領域研究「ニュートリノフロンティア」研究会 2017/2017-12-11--2017-12-13
  • A Far-Infrared Pulsed Light Source to Calibrate STJ detectors for COBAND Experiment
    W. Nishimura; Yoshida Takuo; S.H. Kim; Y. Takeuchi; C. A...
    Neutrino Frontier 2017/2017-12-11--2017-12-13
  • Development of optical system to test STJ detectors for COBAND experiment
    坂井 誠; Yoshida Takuo; 金 信弘; 武内勇司; 他5名
    2017 Annual Meeting of Hokuriku Branch of JPS/2017-12-02--2017-12-02
  • Superconducting Tunnel Junction Detectors
    The 18th International Workshop on Next generation Nucleon Decay and Neutrino Detectors (NNN17)/2017-10-26--2017-10-28
  • R&D status of the SOI-STJ detector for COBAND expertiment
    若狭 玲那; 武政 健一; 武内 勇司; 金 信弘; 吉田 拓生; 浅野 千紗; 中村昂弘; 坂井誠; 西村航; Erik Ram...
    JPS 2017 Autumn Meeting/2017-09-12--2017-09-15
  • SOI-STJ detectors for COBAND experiment
    浅野 千紗; 武政 健一; 武内 勇司; 金 信弘; 若狭 玲那; 吉田 拓生; 中村昂弘; 坂井誠; 西村航; Erik Ram...
    JPS 2017 Autumn Meeting/2017-09-12--2017-09-15
  • A far-infrared light source for evaluation of STJ detectors in COBAND Experiment II
    西村航; 中村昂弘; 坂井誠; 吉田 拓生; 金 信弘; 武内 勇司; 他9名
    JPS 2017 Autumn Meeting/2017-09-12--2017-09-15
  • Development of Hf-STJ for COBAND experiment II
    武政 健一; 武内 勇司; 金 信弘; 吉田 拓生; 中村昂弘; 坂井誠; 西村航; Erik Ramberg; Soo-Bon...
    JPS 2017 Autumn Meeting/2017-09-12--2017-09-15
  • Development of STJ with FD-SOI cryogenic amplifier as a far-infrared single photon detector for COBAND experiment
    Takeuchi Yuji; Kim S. H.; Yoshida Takuo; 他29名
    17th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors (LTD-17)/2017-07-17--2017-07-21
  • Development of Superconducting Tunnel Junction Detector using Hafnium for COBAND experiment
    Takemasa K.; Kim S.H.; Takeuchi Y.; Yoshida Takuo; Ramber...
    International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics 2017 (TIPP 2017)/2017-05-21--2017-05-25
  • Development of Superconducting Tunnel Junction Photon Detectors with Cryogenic Preamplifier for COBAND Experiment
    Kim S.H.; Takeuchi Y.; Takemasa K.; Yoshida Takuo; Ramber...
    International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics 2017 (TIPP 2017)/2017-05-21--2017-05-25
  • R&D Status of Nb/Al-STJ with SOI cryogenic preamplifier for the COBAND Experiment I
    八木 俊輔; 吉田 拓生; 金信弘; 武内勇司; 若狭玲那; 他27名
    JPS 2017 Annual (72nd) Meeting/2017-03-21--2017-03-24
  • A far-infrared light source for evaluation of STJ detectors in COBAND Experiment
    坂井 誠; 吉田 拓生; 金信弘; 武内勇司; 若狭玲那; 浅野 千紗; 他6名
    JPS 2017 Annual (72nd) Meeting/2017-03-21--2017-03-24
  • R&D Status of Nb/Al-STJ with SOI cryogenic preamplifier for the COBAND Experiment Ⅱ
    若狭玲那; 吉田 拓生; 八木 俊輔; 金信弘; 武内勇司; 他27名
    JPS 2017 Annual (72nd) Meeting/2017-03-21--2017-03-24
  • COBAND 実験における較正用遠赤外光源開発
    坂井 誠; 吉田 拓生; 浅野 千紗; 金信弘; 武内勇司; 若狭玲那; 他6名
  • COBAND実験概要
    武内 勇司
    第三回CiRfSE ワークショップ/2017-01-23--2017-01-24
  • 冷却エレクトロニクスSTJ読み出し用SOI極低温アンプ
  • R&D status of Hf-STJ
    K. Takemasa; Yoshida Takuo; S. Kim; Y. Takeuchi; C. Asano
    Neutrino Frontier Workshop 2016/2016-11-28--2016-11-30
  • 超電導検出器によるニュートリノ質量+暗黒物質
    新学術領域研究「ニュートリノフロンティアの融合と進化」研究会 2016/2016-11-28--2016-11-30
  • Development of Far-infrared Spectrophotometers based on Superconducting Tunnel Junction (STJ) for COBAND Experiment
    新学術領域研究「ニュートリノフロンティアの融合と進化」研究会 2016/2016-11-28--2016-11-30
  • A Far-Infrared Light Source to Calibrate STJ detectors for the COBAND Experiment
    C. Asano; Yoshida Takuo; S. Kim; Y. Takeuchi; 他8名
    Neutrino Frontier Workshop 2016/2016-11-28--2016-11-30
  • Development of a far-infrared light source to test STJ detectors for COBAND experiment
    坂井誠; 吉田 拓生; 浅野千紗; 金信弘; 武内勇司; 他7名
    2016 Annual Meeting of JPS Hokuriku Branch/2016-11-26--2016-11-26
  • more...