- Affiliation
- Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- Birth date
- 1972-01
- 30335070
- +NDH=>96a@NDa;JXgcJaIHJ@J76a68a?En
- Phone
- 029-853-6028
- Research fields
Mathematical physics/Fundamental condensed matter physics - Research keywords
turbulence fluid mechanics nonequilibrium system statistical mechanics - Research projects
Ensemble model of turbulence based on states of constant flux 2024-04 -- 2027-03 YOSHIDA Kyo Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 2,340,000Yen 量子流体乱流の統計法則 2004-06 -- (current) / 電磁流体乱流の統計法則 2005-04 -- (current) / Application of the statistical theory of turbulence to astrophysical fluid turbulence 2007 -- 2008 YOSHIDA Kyo Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists(B) 2,530,000Yen 大規模直接数値シミュレーションによる量子流体乱流の統計法則の研究 2005 -- 2006 YOSHIDA Kyo Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists(B) 2,900,000Yen - Career history
2007-04 -- (current) University of Tsukuba.Department of Physics, Graduate School of Pure and Applied SciencesAssistant Professor 2004-06 -- 2007-03 University of Tsukuba.Department of Physics, Graduate School of Pure and Applied SciencesResearch Associate 2001-04 -- 2004-05 Nagoya University.Department of Computational Science and Engineering, Graduate School of EngineeringResearch Associate 1999-09 -- 2001-03 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (at Nagoya University)Research for the Future Program ``Computational Science and Engineering''Postdoctoral Research Associate - Academic background
1990-04 -- 1994-03 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science Department of Physics 1996-04 -- 1999-07 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Science Department of Physics 1994-04 -- 1996-03 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Science Department of Physics - Degree
1999-07 PhD of Science The University of Tokyo - Academic societies
- Universal Scaling Bounds on a Quantum Heat Current
Kamimura Shunsuke; Yoshida Kyo; Tokura Yasuhiro; Matsu...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/131(9)/p.090401, 2023-08 - Universal Scaling Bounds on a Quantum Heat Current
Kamimura Shunsuke; Matsuzaki Yuichiro; Yoshida Kyo; To...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/131(9), 2023-08 - Quantum Battery Based on Superabsorption
Ueki Yudai; Kamimura Shunsuke; Yuichiro Matsuzaki; Yos...
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/91(12)/p.124002, 2022-11 - Ensemble model of turbulence based on states of constant flux in wavenumber space
Yoshida Kyo
PHYSICAL REVIEW E/106(4)/p.045106, 2022-10 - Energy Transfer of the Gross‐Pitaevskii Turbulence in Weak‐Wave‐Turbulence and Strong‐Turbulence Ranges
Yoshida Kyo; Miura Hideaki; Tsuji Yoshiyuki
JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS/210(1-2)/pp.103-112, 2022-09 - Quantum enhanced heat engine by superabsorption
Kamimura Shunsuke; Hakoshima H.; Matsuzaki Y.; Yoshida...
Physical Review letters/128/pp.180602-1-180602-7, 2022-05 - Quantum-Enhanced Heat Engine Based on Superabsorption
Kamimura Shunsuke; Hakoshima Hideaki; Matsuzaki Yuichi...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/128(18)/p.180602, 2022-05 - Hessian-based Lagrangian closure theory for passive scalar turbulence
Ariki Taketo; Yoshida Kyo
Physical Review Fluids/6(10)/p.104603, 2021-10 - Boltzmann entropy for quantum field systems
Yoshida Kyo
Physical Review A/101(3)/pp.032110-1-0321110-8, 2020-03 - A process of quantum feedback control of current fluctuation
鈴木 遼介; 加藤 澄也; 吉田 恭; 都倉 康弘
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/73/pp.1244-1244, 2018 - Hessian-based closure theory of passive scalar turbulence
有木 健人; 吉田 恭; 芳松 克則
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/73/pp.2774-2774, 2018 - Spectrum in the strong turbulence region of the quantum fluid turbulence
吉田 恭; 辻 義之; 三浦 英昭
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/73/pp.2924-2924, 2018 - Quantum State Control of Ultrastrong Coupling State by Auxiliary Qubit
加藤 澄也; 鈴木 涼介; 吉田 恭; 都倉 康弘
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/73/pp.714-714, 2018 - Spectrum in the Strong Turbulence Region of Gross–Pitaevskii Turbulence
Yoshida Kyo; Miura Hideaki; Tsuji Yoshiyuki
Journal of Low Temperature Physics/196(1-2)/pp.211-217, 2019-05 - Scale-similarity of particle clustering in inertial range of turbulence
有木 健人; 吉田 恭; 松田 景吾; 芳松 克則
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/72(0)/pp.2522-2522, 2017 - Two-point closure for logarithmic region in wall turbulence
吉田 恭; 金田 行雄
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/72(0)/pp.2833-2833, 2017 - Scale-similar clustering of heavy particles in the inertial range of turbulence
Ariki Taketo; Yoshida Kyo; Matsuda Keigo; Yoshimatsu Kat...
Physical Review E/97(3)/p.033109, 2018-03 - In memory of Toshihico Arimitsu
Ban M.; Hayashi T.; Jizba P.; Kobryn A. E.; Motoike T.; S...
Condensed Matter Physics/20(3)/pp.37001:1-37001:2, 2017-10 - Typicality and statewise entropy for classical field systems
Yoshida Kyo
EPL/110(6)/pp.60001-p1-60001-p5, 2015-06 - 9pAN-9 Energy cascade in self-gravitating fluid turbulence
吉田 恭
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/69(2)/p.163, 2014-08 - Appliacation of Non-Equilibrium Thermo Field Dynamics to quantum teleportation under the environment
Yoshida Kyo
Physica A/404/pp.242-270, 2014-03 - Closure approximation for quantum field turbulence
吉田 恭; 有光 敏彦
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/67(1)/p.375, 2012-03 - Inertial-range structure of Gross–Pitaevskii turbulence within a spectral closure approximation
Yoshida Kyo; Arimitsu Toshihico
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical/46(33)/p.335501, 2013-08 - Towards the statistical theory of turbulence obeying non-linear Schrodinger equation (Stochastic Processes and Statistical Phenomena behind PDEs)
吉田 恭
RIMS Kokyuroku/1823/pp.149-157, 2013-01 - Riemannian curvature on the group of area-preserving diffeomorphisms (motions of fluid) of 2-sphere
Kyo Yoshida
Physica D/100/p.377--389, 1997-02 - more...
- Universal Scaling Bounds on a Quantum Heat Current
- Books
- Statistical laws of velocity circulation in fully developed turbulence. (発達した乱流における速度循環の統計法則についての研究)
吉田 恭
1999-07 - Turbulent Diffusion and Lagrangian Velocity Correlation
吉田 恭
Jounal of Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics Jounal of Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics, 2003-06 - Computational Science of Turbulence, Large-scale numerical simulation as a tool for understanding turbulence
金田行雄; 石井克哉; 石原卓; 岩本薫; 吉田恭; 半場藤弘; 芳松克則
Kyoritsu Shuppan, 2012-07 - Numerical simulation of quantum fluid turbulence
Yoshida Kyo; Arimitsu Toshihico
IUTAM SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS AND NEW PERSPECTIVES IN TURBULENCE/SPRINGER/pp.379-384, 2008-01 - Multifractal PDF analysis of energy dissipation rates in turbulence
Arimitsu Toshihico; Arimitsu Naoko; Yoshida Kyo; Mouri H...
- Statistical laws of velocity circulation in fully developed turbulence. (発達した乱流における速度循環の統計法則についての研究)
- Conference, etc.
- 量子乱流場の数値シミュレーションと量子渦の運動に関する研究
高橋和磨; 三浦英昭; 吉田 恭; 辻義之
第38回数値流体力学シンポジウム/2024-12-11--2024-12-13 - Upper Bounds of the Heat Current Between an Apparatus and a Dissipative System under Continuous Mesurements
Fujimoto Y.; Yamamoto T.; Yoshida K.; Tokura Y
International School and Symposium on Nanodevices quanTum and Technlogies (ISNTT) 2024/2024-12-02--2024-12-06 - Numerical search of states with constant flux in wavenumber space over a finite time interval in turbulence
Yoshida Kyo
16th Symposium on Discovery, Fusion, Creation of New Knowledge by Multidisciplinary Computational Sciences/2023-10-07--2023-10-08 - Numerical simulation of the damped Gross-Pitaevskii equation corresponding to thermal counterflow
Yoshida Kyo
13th Workshop on Semiconductor/Superconductor Quantum coherence effect and Quantum Information/2024-09-24--2024-09-26 - Strong coupling quantum thermodynamics
Kawasoe Shunsuke; Tokura Yasuhiro; Yoshida Kyo
13th Workshop on Semiconductor/Superconductor Quantum coherence effect and Quantum Information/2024-09-24--2024-09-26 - The second law of thermodynamics in nonequilibrium system and fuctuation theorem
Suzuki Daisuke; Yoshida Kyo; Tokura Yasuhiro
13th Workshop on Semiconductor/Superconductor Quantum coherence effect and Quantum Information/2024-09-24--2024-09-26 - Review of "Many-Body Quantum Interference Route to the Two-Channel Kondo Effect: Inverse Design for Molecular Junctions and Quantum Dot Devices''
Ohno Mitsuki; Tokura Yasuhiro; Yoshida Kyo
13th Workshop on Semiconductor/Superconductor Quantum coherence effect and Quantum Information/2024-09-24--2024-09-26 - Various quantum error correction methods
Kondo Yukihiko; Yoshida Kyo; Tokura Yasuhiro
13th Workshop on Semiconductor/Superconductor Quantum coherence effect and Quantum Information/2024-09-24--2024-09-26 - Appling the SLH formalism to a giant atom
Masuda Hiroto; Yoshida Kyo; Tokura Yasuhiro
13th Workshop on Semiconductor/Superconductor Quantum coherence effect and Quantum Information/2024-09-24--2024-09-26 - Upper Bounds of the Heat Current between an Apparatus and a Dissipative System under Continuous Measurements
Fujimoto Yuki; Yamamoto Tsuyoshi; Yoshida Kyo; Tokura ...
13th Workshop on Semiconductor/Superconductor Quantum coherence effect and Quantum Information/2024-09-24--2024-09-26 - 連続測定における測定器と散逸系間の熱流の上限
藤本祐貴; 山本剛史; 吉田 恭; 都倉康弘
日本物理学会第79回年次大会/2024-09-16--2024-09-19 - 波数空間および時間区間での定流束状態を用いた乱流のアンサンブルモデル
吉田 恭
京大数理解析研究所 RIMS共同研究(公開型)「非平衡な乱流」/2024-07-22--2024-07-24 - 乱流における波数空間および有限時間区間での定流束状態の数値的探索
吉田 恭
日本物理学会2024年春季大会/2022-03-18--2022-03-21 - Quantum Enhanced Heat Engine Based on Superabsorption
Kamimura Shunsuke; Hakoshima Hideaki; Matsuzaki Yuichi...
American Physical Society March Meeting 2024/2024-03-03--2024-03-08 - 量子乱流渦のGPシミュレーションによる統計的性質の探求
三浦 英昭; 榊 直人; 辻 義之; 吉田 恭
第37回数値流体力学シンポジウム/2023-12-15--2023-12-17 - Numerical search of flux-constant states in turbulence
Yoshida Kyo
15th symposium on Discovery, Fusion, Creation of New Knowledge by Multidisciplinary Computational Sciences/2023-10-02--2023-10-03 - Universal Scaling Bounds on a Quantum Heat Current
Kamimura Shunsuke; Yoshida Kyo; Tokura Yasuhiro; Matsu...
12th Workshop on Semiconductor/Superconductor Quantum coherence effect and Quantum Information/2023-09-27--2023-09-29 - Quantum resources required to factor a 2048 bit RSA integer
Kondo Yukihiko; Yoshida Kyo; Tokura Yasuhiro
12th Workshop on Semiconductor/Superconductor Quantum coherence effect and Quantum Information/2023-09-27--2023-09-29 - Noisy symmetry berakdown of a quantum field
Yoshida Kyo
12th Workshop on Semiconductor/Superconductor Quantum coherence effect and Quantum Information/2023-09-27--2023-09-29 - Information-Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relation with a Single POVM Measurement
Fujimoto Yuki; Yoshida Kyo; Tokura Yasuhiro
12th Workshop on Semiconductor/Superconductor Quantum coherence effect and Quantum Information/2023-09-27--2023-09-29 - 減衰Gross-Pitaevskii方程式の数値シミュレーション
吉田 恭; 三浦英昭; 辻義之
プラズマシミュレータシンポジウム2023/2023-09-27--2023-09-28 - Ensemble model of turbulence based on states of constant flux in wavenumber space
Yoshida Kyo
28th International Conference on Statistical Physics, Statphs28/2023-08-07--2023-08-11 - An attempt to construct an ensemble model for turbulence
Yoshida Kyo
YITP-YSF Symposium Perspectives on Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics: The 45th Anniversary Symposium of Yamada Science Foundation/2023-08-03--2023-08-05 - 伝送路と強く結合したトランズモン量子ビットのダイナミクス
伊藤亮; 吉田 恭; 都倉康弘
日本物理学会2023年春季大会/2023-03-22--2023-03-25 - Universal Scaling Bounds on a Quantum Heat Current
Kamimura Shunsuke; Yoshida Kyo; Tokura Yasuhiro; Matsuzak...
American Physical Society March Meeting 2023/2023-03-05--2023-03-10 - more...
- 量子乱流場の数値シミュレーションと量子渦の運動に関する研究
- Teaching
2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar on Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics C University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special Seminar for Condensed Matter Theory VB University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special seminar for condensed matter theory IIIB University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special Seminar for Condensed Matter Theory IB University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Seminar on Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics D University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special seminar for condensed matter theory IVA University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Collaborative Research in Physics IV University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Collaborative Research in Physics IV University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Collaborative Research in Physics III University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Collaborative Research in Physics III University of Tsukuba. more... - Other educational activities
2019-01 -- 2019-06 GFESTチューター教員 2017-12 -- 2017-12 GFEST 物理特別実習 筑波大学 - Talks
- Strong turbulence in nonlinear Schrödinger equation
Yoshida Kyo
The 6th Pacific RIM Conference on Mathematics 2013/2013-07-02 - 量子流体乱流における保存量のカスケード
吉田恭; 有光敏彦
京都大学数理解析研究所研究集会「多重物理・多重スケール乱流現象の数理」/2013-01-10 - 不完全ホモダイン測定
大日向正志; 北島佐知子; 有光敏彦; 吉田恭
日本物理学会2012年秋季大会/2012-09-19 - 量子流体乱流の完結近似II
吉田恭; 有光敏彦
日本物理学会2012年秋季大会/2012-09-19 - 量子流体乱流の完結近似
吉田恭; 有光敏彦
日本物理学会第67回年次大会/2012-03-27 - 量子流体乱流のシミュレーションと完結近似
第5囘核融合科学研究所・名古屋工業大学共同セミナー/2012-02-13 - Navier-Stokes方程式,非線形Schrödinger方程式に従う乱流の統計理論
RIMS共同研究「偏微分方程式の背後にある確率過程と解の族が示す統計力学的な現象の解析」/2011-12-21 - 量子流体乱流の完結近似に向けて
吉田恭; 有光敏彦
研究集会「乱流現象及び非平衡系の多様性と普遍性」/2011-11-11 - 環境下における連続量テレポーテーションII
北島佐知子; 有光敏彦; 吉田恭; 大日向正志
日本物理学会2011年秋季大会/2011-09-21 - Constitutive equations for granular flows under uniform mean shear and external torque"
Kyo Yoshida; Kohei Takechi; Toshihico Arimitsu
Fourth International Symposium "Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics/2011-07-18 - Anisotropic spectrum of homogeneous turbulent shear flow
Kyo Yoshida
State Key Laboratory of Nonlinear Mechanics Seminar/2011-03-15 - 乱流小スケールにおけるデータ同化の影響
吉田 恭
統計数理研究所2009年度共同利用共同研究集会『乱流の統計理論とその応用』/2010-03-16 - Spectra in astrophysical turbulences
Kyo Yoshida
RIMS Workshop ``Mathematics and Physics across the Diversity of Turbulence Phenomena''/2009-07-10 - Small scale statistics of isotropic and weakly anisotropic MHD turbulences
Kyo Yoshida
International Symposium on Modern Perspectives of Fluid Mechanics/2009-06-26 - 弱い一様磁場下での電磁流体乱流
吉田恭; 有光敏彦
研究集会「乱流現象及び多自由度系の動力学, 構造と統計法則」/2008-11-14 - Spectral anisotropy of MHD turbulence under weak uniform mean magnetic field
Kyo Yoshida; Toshihico Arimitsu
``Inertial-Range Dynamics and Mixing''/2008-09-29 - 量子散逸系における真空への粒子ペアの凝縮とWigner分布関数
吉田恭; 有光敏彦
日本物理学会2008年秋季大会/2008-09-20 - Statistics of quantum fluid turbulence
Kyo Yoshida
Frontiers of Computational Science --Macroscopic Systems/ Fluid Mechanics/2008-03-26 - 粉粒体における粒子回転緩和過程のシミュレーションによる解析---金谷理論の検証---
武智公平; 吉田恭; 有光敏彦
日本物理学会第63回年次大会/2008-03-25 - 電磁流体乱流のエネルギースペクトル
吉田恭; 有光敏彦
研究集会「乱流現象及び多自由度系の動力学, 構造と統計法則」/2007-11-25 - 量子散逸系の真空と生成消滅演算子
吉田恭; 有光敏彦; 北島佐知子
日本物理学会第62回年次大会/2007-10-24 - Regeneration of small-scales by large-scale data assimilation in three-dimensional turbulence
Kyo Yoshida; Junzo Yamaguchi; and Yukio Kaneda
COSLAB Workshop on Turbulence and Vacuum Instability in Condensed Matter and Cosmology/2004-08-21 - Direct Numerical Simulation of Gross-Pitaevskii Turbulence
Kyo Yoshida
Warwick Turbulence Symposium, Workshop on: Universal features in turbulence: from quantum to cosmological scales/2005-12-05 - Energy spectrum of isotropic magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in the Lagrangian renormalized approximation
Kyo Yoshida
Warwick Turbulence Symposium, Workshop on: Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and turbulence/2006-07-19 - Multifractral PDF Analysis of Turbulence
oshihico Arimitsu; Naoko Arimitsu; Kyo Yoshida; Hideaki ...
International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) Symposium 2006 NAGOYA, "Computational Physics and New Perspectives in Turbulence"/2006-09-11 - more...
- Strong turbulence in nonlinear Schrödinger equation
- Professional activities
2007 -- 2008 THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 領域11役員 2008-11 -- 2011-11 九州大学 研究集会「乱流現象および非平衡系の多様性と普遍性」研究代表者 - Other activities
2018-09 -- 2018-09 "8th Summer School on Semiconductor/Superconductor Quantum coherence effect and Quantum Information" の運営 2016-07 -- 2016-07 GFEST最先端研究体験担当 2014-07 -- 2017-03 SSリーグおよびGFESTの受講生(中学生、高校生)の自主研究のチューター教員 2014-09 -- 2014-09 茗溪学園コアSSH APサイエンス学習にて「流体力学」の講義。 2013-09 -- 2013-09 茗溪学園コアSSH APサイエンス学習にて「流体力学」の講義。
(Last updated: 2024-12-29)