NAGATOMO Shigenori

Researcher's full information

  • Near-UV circular dichroism and UV resonance Raman spectra of individual tryptophan residues in human hemoglobin and their changes upon the quaternary structure transition
    Nagai Masako; Nagatomo Shigenori; Nagai Yukifumi; Ohkubo Ken...
    Biochemistry/51(30)/pp.5932-5941, 2012-07
  • Relationship between Fe-His bond and fluctuations of helices in oxygen affinity regulation of human adult hemoglobin
    Shigenori Nagatomo; Yasuhisa Yamamura; Kazuya Saito
    2nd International Symposium on Creation of Functional Materials (Univ. of Tsukuba, 2012), 2012-02
  • Dynamics of Flexible Alkyl-chain in Lyotropic and Thermotropic Liquid Crystals
    Yasuhisa Yamamura; Takuya Adachi; Shigenori Nagatomo; Kaz...
    2nd International Symposium on Creation of Functional Materials (Univ. of Tsukuba, 2012), 2012-02
    Shigenori Nagatomo; Yasuhisa Yamamura; Kazuya Saito
    Molecular Science of Fluctuations toward Biological Functions, 5th International Symposium, (Nara, Japan), 2012-01
  • Association through H-bond of 3-Ethyl-3-pentanol in the Liquid Phase
    Megumi Nobuhira; Shigenori Nagatomo; Yasuhisa Yamamura; K...
    1st International Symposium on Creation of Functional Materials (Dec. 2011, Univ. of Tsukuba), 2011-12
  • Elongation of the Fe-His Bond in the alpha Subunit Induced by Binding of the Allosteric Effector Bezafibrate to Hemoglobins
    Nagatomo Shigenori; Hamada Hiromi; Yoshikawa Hiroyuki
    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B/115(44)/pp.12971-12977, 2011-11
  • Determination of Oxygen Binding Properties of the Individual Subunits of Intact Human Adult Hemoglobin
    Sato Atsushi; Tai Hulin; Nagatomo Shigenori; Imai Kiyohi...
    BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/84(10)/pp.1107-1111, 2011-10
  • A New Way To Understand Quaternary Structure Changes of Hemoglobin upon Ligand Binding On the Basis of UV-Resonance Raman Evaluation of Intersubunit Interactions
    Nagatomo Shigenori; Nagai Masako; Kitagawa Teizo
    JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY/133(26)/pp.10101-10110, 2011-07
  • 疎水性コア安定化によるシトクロムcの熱安定性の増大と機能調節
    太虎林; 入江清史; 長友重紀; 山本泰彦
    第49回NMR討論会(タワーホール船堀), 2010-11
  • 平行型四重鎖DNAで形成されるアデニン四量体(A-カルテット)の研究
    中野佑亮; 太虎林; 長友重紀; 山本泰彦
    第49回NMR討論会(タワーホール船堀), 2010-11
  • CO分子を外部配位子とするヘム-四重鎖DNA複合体の構造解析
    斉藤香織; 太虎林; 長友重紀; 三田肇; 山本泰彦; 逸見光
    第49回NMR討論会(タワーホール船堀), 2010-11
  • Structural characterization of complexes between all-parallel G-quadruplex DNA and small organic molecules
    深谷昌史; 荒井珠貴; 太虎林; 長友重紀; 逸見光; 山本泰彦
    日本化学会 第4回関東支部大会(2010), 2010-08
  • Relationship between molecular structure of all-parallel G-quadruplex DNA and DNA sequences
    中野佑亮; 太虎林; 長友重紀; 逸見光; 山本泰彦
    日本化学会 第4回関東支部大会(2010), 2010-08
  • Heme electronic structure in π space provided by Heme-DNA complex
    斉藤香織; 太虎林; 長友重紀; 逸見光; 山本泰彦
    日本化学会 第4回関東支部大会(2010), 2010-08
  • Elucidation of molecular mechanism for entropic control of the redox potential of cytochrome c
    三上真一; 太虎林; 長友重紀; 山本泰彦
    日本化学会 第4回関東支部大会(2010), 2010-08
  • Characterization of a metastable structure in denatured state of Hydrogenobacter thermophilus cytochrome c552 mutant possessing Thr as N-terminal amino acid residue
    渡辺直樹; 太虎林; 三上真一; 長友重紀; 山本泰彦; 胸組虎胤
    日本化学会 第4回関東支部大会(2010), 2010-08
  • Effect of electron density of heme Fe atom on stability of Heme-DNA complex
    石橋千絵; 深谷昌史; 斉藤香織; 中野佑亮; 太虎林; 長友重紀; 鈴木秋弘; 山本泰彦
    日本化学会 第4回関東支部大会(2010), 2010-08
  • Effect of the elimination of Fe-bound Met on structure and function of Hydrogenobacter thermophilus cytochrome c552
    杉本明広; 三上真一; 太虎林; 長友重紀; 山本泰彦
    日本化学会 第4回関東支部大会(2010), 2010-08
  • Effect of electrostatic interaction on the surface of Hydrogenobacter thermophilus cytochrome c552 on its stability
    篠原尚也; 三上真一; 太虎林; 長友重紀; 山本泰彦
    日本化学会 第4回関東支部大会(2010), 2010-08
  • Characterization of the acid-alkaline transition in the individual subunits of human adult and foetal methaemoglobins
    Shibata Tomokazu; Nagao Satoshi; Tai Hulin; Nagatomo Shi...
    JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY/148(2)/pp.217-229, 2010-08
  • Characterization of functional properties of the individual subunits of tetrameric hemoglobin
    佐藤惇志; 長友重紀; 太虎林; 山本泰彦
    日本化学会 第4回関東支部大会(2010), 2010-08
  • Elucidation of molecular mechanism responsible for a decrease in oxygen affinity of human adult Hemoglobin exerted upon binding of allosteric effector, bezafibrate
    長友重紀; 濱田洋実; 吉川裕之; 太虎林; 山本泰彦
    日本化学会 第4回関東支部大会(2010), 2010-08
  • Molecular mechanism responsible for regulation of functional properties of myoglobin
    柴田友和; 長尾聡; 深谷昌史; 太虎林; 長友重紀; 守橋健二; 松尾貴史; 廣田俊; 鈴木秋弘; 今井清博; 山本泰彦
    日本化学会 第4回関東支部大会(2010), 2010-08
  • Effect of Heme Modification on Oxygen Affinity of Myoglobin and Equilibrium of the Acid-Alkaline Transition in Metmyoglobin
    Shibata Tomokazu; Nagao Satoshi; Fukaya Masashi; Tai Hul...
    JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY/132(17)/pp.6091-6098, 2010-05
  • 四重鎖DNAπ空間に孤立したヘムの電子構造
    山本泰彦; 斉藤香織; 太虎林; 長友重紀; 逸見光
    高次π空間の創発と機能開発 第3回公開シンポジウム, 岡崎コンファレンスセンター, 2010-03
  • more...