NAGATOMO Shigenori
- Articles
- Quaternary Structure Sensitive Tyrosine Residues in Human Hemoglobin: UV Resonance Raman Studies of Mutants at α140, β35, and β145 Tyrosine
M. Nagai; H. Wajcman; A. Lahary; T. Nakatsukasa; S. Naga...
Biochemistry/38(1243-1251), 1999-01 - Hydrogen Bonds in Crystalline Imidazoles Studied by N-15 NMR and ab initio MO Calculations
T. Ueda; S. Nagatomo; H. Masui; N. Nakamura; and S. Hayashi
Z. Naturforsch/54a/p.437-442, 1999-01 - Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol with CuII and ZnII Complexes of the Phenoxyl Radical as a Model of the Reaction of Galactose Oxidase
S. Itoh; M. Taki; S. Takayama; S. Nagatomo; T. Kitagawa; ...
Angew Chem., Int. Ed./38/p.2774-2776, 1999-01 - Aliphatic Hydroxylation by a Bis(μ-oxo)dinickel(III) Complex
S. Itoh; H. Bandoh; S. Nagatomo; T. Kitagawa; and S. Fuk...
J. Am. Chem. Soc./121/p.8945-8946, 1999-01 - The Structure and Unusual pH Dependence of Plastocyanin from the Fern Dryopteris Crassirhizoma The Protonation of an Active Site Histidine is Hindered by π-π interactions
T. Kohzuma; T. Inoue; F. Yoshizaki; Y. Sasakawa; K. Onod...
J. Biol. Chem./274/p.11817-11823, 1999-01 - Functional Regulation of Myoglobin by Iron Corrphycene
S. Neya; N. Funasaki; H. Hori; K. Imai; S. Nagatomo; T. ...
Chem. Lett./p.989-990, 1999-01 - Diiron-polypyridine complex with reversible dioxygen binding ability
H. Arii; S. Nagatomo; T. Kitagawa; K. Jitsukawa; H. Masu...
J. Inorg. Biochem./74/p.68-68, 1999-01 - UV resonance Raman spectroscopic studies of a blue copper protein, pseudoazurin from Achromobacter cycloclastes IAM 1013
T. Niizeki; S. Nagatomo; T. Kitagawa; T. Kohzuma
J. Inorg. Biochem./74/p.248-248, 1999-01 - Analysis of interactions of Pl3-kinase SH3 domain with its ligand peptide by UV resonance Raman spectroscopy
置塩 信行; 長井 雅子; 長友 重紀; 北川 禎三; 福田 龍二
日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・講演要旨集/21(0)/p.278, 1998-12 - Protein Structure and Metal Coordination and Their Functional Relations of Ni-Fe Hybrid Hb Studied with UVRR.
長友 重紀; 長井 雅子; 柴山 修哉; 北川 禎三
Biophysics/38(2)/p.S37, 1998-09 - Spectroscopic Characterization and Kinetic Studies of a Novel Plastocyanin from the Green Alga Ulva Pertusa
Y. Sasakawa; K. Onodera; M. Karasawa; S.-C. Im; E. Suzuk...
Inorg. Chim. Acta/283/p.184-192, 1998-01 - Tyrosine Phosphorylation-Induced Changes in Absorption and UV Resonance Raman Spectra of Src-Peptides
N. Okishio; R. Fukuda; M. Nagai; Y. Nagai; S. Nagatomo; a...
J. Raman Spectrosc./29/p.31-39, 1998-01 - 3P32 Electron-Transfer Reaction of Plastocyanin in the Cell of Cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp.PCC7942
津久井 瞳; 飯村 好和; 鈴木 英治; 吉崎 文則; 杉村 康知; 長友 重紀; 北川 禎三; 高妻 孝光
Biophysics/37(2)/p.S170, 1997-09 - Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942プラストシアニンの大腸菌における発現と, 単離蛋白質の性質
鈴木 英治; 津久井 瞳; 吉崎 文則; 杉村 康知; 長友 重紀; 北川 禎三; 高妻 孝光
日本植物学会大会研究発表記録 = Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan/61(0)/p.196, 1997-09 - 3P30 Detection of phosphorylation-induced structural changes of tyrosineresidue
長井 雅子; 置塩 信行; 福田 龍二; 長井 幸史; 長友 重紀; 北川 禎三
Biophysics/37(2)/p.S169, 1997-09 - 3P29 Resonance Raman Spectrascopic Studies on Active-site Transitions of Copper-containing Nitrite Reductase
掘越 菜穂子; 鈴木 英治; 長友 重紀; 北川 禎三; 高妻 孝光
Biophysics/37(2)/p.S169, 1997-09 - 3P25 Resonance Raman Spectroscopic Studies on the Active Site Structure of Blue Copper Proteins
高妻 孝光; 堀越 菜穂子; 笹川 由紀; 井上 豪; 柴田 直樹; 甲斐 泰; 吉崎 文則; 杉村 康知; 長友...
Biophysics/37(2)/p.S168, 1997-09 - 3Q13 Structure-Function Relations of Human Hemoglobin clarified with partially NO-liganded Species
長友 重紀; 長井 雅子; Tsuneshige Antonio; 米谷 隆; 北川 禎三
Biophysics/37(2)/p.S178, 1997-09 - ヘモグロミンのリガンド結合にともなう蛋白の四次構造変化をUV共鳴ラマンで調べる
長井 雅子; 長友 重紀; 北川 禎三
日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・講演要旨集/19(0)/p.234, 1996-08 - New Cation Diffusing Phase of (CH3NH3)5Bi2Cl11
S. Nagatomo; S. Takeda; K. Yamaguchi; M. Iwata; and Y. I...
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn./64/p.391-394, 1995-01 - Crystal Structures and Hydrogen Bonding in One-Dimensional Chains of 4,5-Dicyanoimidazole and 4,5-Dichloroimidazole
S. Nagatomo; S. Takeda; H. Tamura; and N. Nakamura
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn./68/p.2783-2789, 1995-01
- Quaternary Structure Sensitive Tyrosine Residues in Human Hemoglobin: UV Resonance Raman Studies of Mutants at α140, β35, and β145 Tyrosine