University of Tsukuba
Official title
Professor Emeritus
Research fields
Condensed matter physics I
Research keywords
Laser spectroscopy of semiconductor quantum structures
Research projects
Single Quantum Dot Project1995 -- 2000舛本泰章/その他
ナノ構造における量子光非線形効果とその応用1997 -- 2002川辺光央/学内共同研究
Quantum Information Communication utilizing Photon-Spin Conversion2005 -- 2007舛本泰章/International Joint Research Projects
量子情報通信に向けた高効率単一光子源の研究2008-07 -- 2009-03/International Joint Research Projects
量子情報通信に向けた高効率単一光子源の研究2009-06 -- 2010-03NICT/国際共同研究
Nonlinear Optical Properties of Semiconductor Quantum Dots -- (current)/
Femtosecond Laser Spectroscopy of Semiconductor Quantum Dots -- (current)/
Femtosecond Laser Spectroscopy of Semiconductors and Semiconductor Microstructures -- (current)/
電子スピンのコヒーレント初期化の研究2012 -- 2013Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan/新学術領域研究10,660,000Yen
人工原子の新機能性の開拓2011 -- 2013Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(B)19,630,000Yen
Career history
2013-04 -- (current)University of TsukubaProfessor Emeritus
Academic background
-- 1972The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science 物理学
-- 1977The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Science 物理学
Doctor(Science)The University of Tokyo
Master(Science)The University of Tokyo
Academic societies
-- (current)The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Honors & Awards
  • Photoluminescence spectroscopy of single CdSe nanoplatelets
    寺平 成希; 安藤 玄樹; 木村 大希; 舛本 泰章; 池沢 道男
    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/73/pp.1041-1041, 2018
  • Enhanced Spontaneous Emission Rates for Single Isoelectronic Luminescence Centers in Photonic Crystal Cavities
    Wang Ruoxi; Ikezawa Michio; Sakuma Yoshiki; Takeda Hiroy...
    ACS Photonics/7(2)/pp.321-326, 2020-01
  • Enhanced luminescence and energy transfer in Mn doped CsPbClBr perovskite nanocrystals
    Fei Liling; Yuan Xi; Hua Jie; Ikezawa Michio; Zeng R...
    Nanoscale/10(41)/pp.19435-19442, 2018-10
  • Temperature-dependent photoluminescence of Mn doped CsPbCl3 perovskite nanocrystals in mesoporous silica
    Xinga Yanbo; Yuana Xi; Ji Sihang; Ikezawa Michio; Zeng R...
    Journal of Luminescence/204/pp.10-15, 2018-07
  • Single Photon Generation from Isoelectronic Traps Embedded in Photonic Crystal Microcavities and the Radiative Lifetime Control.
    王 若曦; 池沢 道男; 山田 雄太; 佐久間 芳樹; 武田 寛之; 池田 直樹; 杉本 喜正; 迫...
    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/72(0)/pp.1573-1573, 2017
  • 30aCD-7 Ultrafast carrier dynamics in CuInS_2 quantum dots
    Sun Jianhui; Ikezawa Michio; Zhao Jialong; Masumoto Y...
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/69(1)/p.778, 2014-03
  • 10aPS-34 Optical properties of isoelectronic trap embedded in photonic crystal cavitiy
    山田 雄太; 張 遼; 池沢 道男; 武田 寛之; 池田 直樹; 杉本 喜正; 佐久間 芳樹; 迫田...
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/69(2)/p.543, 2014-08
  • Homogeneous linewidth measurement of single luminescence center in GaAs:N by Fourier spectroscopy
    張 遼; 池沢 道男; 森 達哉; 佐久間 芳樹; 迫田 和彰; 舛本 泰章
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/67(1)/p.825, 2012-03
  • 27pEJ-8 Resonant excitation of single luminescence centers for the generation of ultra-coherent single photons
    森 違哉; 池沢 道男; 張 遼; 佐久間 芳樹; 迫田 和彰; 舛本 泰章
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/68(1)/p.813, 2013-03
  • Single Photon Emission from Individual Nitrogen Pairs in GaP
    Michio Ikezawa; Yoshiki Sakuma; Yasuaki Masumoto
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Pt2 Express Letters/46(36)/pp.L871-L873, 2007-09
  • Single-photon generation from a nitrogen impurity center in GaAs
    Michio Ikezawa; Yoshiki Sakuma; Liao Zhang; Yoshinori So...
    Applied Physics Letters/100(4)/p.042106, 2012-01
  • Polarization Properties of Resonance Raman Scattering in CdS
    Y. Masumoto
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn./41/p.872, 1976-01
  • Temperature-Dependent Polarization of Resonance Raman Scattering in CdS
    Y. Masumoto
    Solid State Commun./20/p.851, 1976-01
  • Broadly Tunable, Repetitive Picosecond Laser System and Its Application to Spectroscopy
    Y.Tanaka; Y. Masumoto; S.Tanaka; S.Shionoya
    Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Picosecond Phenomena/p.256-259, 1978-01
  • Pico-Second Spectroscopy of the Secondary Radiation from Resonantly Excited Excitonic Molecules in CuCl
    . Masumoto; S.Shionoya; Y.Tanaka; +舛本 泰章
    Solid State Commun./27/p.1117, 1978-01
  • Picosecond Time of Flight Measurements of Excitonic Polariton in CuCl
    Y. Masumoto; Y.Unuma; Y.Tanaka; S.Shionoya
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/47/p.1844, 1979-01
  • Picosecond Time of Flight Measurements of Excitonic Polaritons
    Y. Masumoto; Y.Unuma; S.Shionoya
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn./49/p.393, 1980-01
  • Two-Photon Resonant, Coherent Raman Scattering via Excitonic Molecules in CuCl
    Y. Masumoto; S.Shionoya
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn./49/p.2236, 1980-01
  • High Intensity Effect on Two-Photon Resonant, Coherent Raman Scattering via Excitonic Molecules in CuCl and CuBr
    Y. Masumoto; S.Shionoya
    Solid State Commun./38/p.865, 1981-01
  • Dynamics of Excitonic Polaritons in CuCl Studied by Picosecond Induced Absorption
    Y. Masumoto; S.Shionoya
    J. Lumin./24-25/p.421, 1981-01
  • Transverse Relaxation Time of Excitonic Molecules in CuCl Studied by Two-Photon Resonant Spatial Parametric Scattering
    Y. Masumoto; S.Shionoya; T.Takagahara
    Bull. Am. Phys. Soc./27/p.61, 1982-01
  • Dynamical Relaxation Processes of Excitonic Polaritons in CuCl Studied by Picosecond Induced Absorption
    Y. Masumoto; S.Shionoya
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/51/p.181, 1982-01
  • Superbroadened Distribution of Excitonic Polaritons in CuCl
    Y. Masumoto; S.Shionoya
    Solid State Commun./41/p.147, 1982-01
  • Picosecond Spectroscopy of Excitonic Molecules in CuBr
    Y.Unuma; Y. Masumoto; S.Shionoya
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn./51/p.1200, 1982-01
  • Dynamical Aspects of Self-Trapping of 1s Excitons in KI
    Y. Masumoto; Y.Unuma; S.Shionoya
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn./51/p.3915, 1982-01
  • more...
  • Dynamics of Excitonic Polaritons
    舛本 泰章
    Physics Physics, 1983-01
  • Picosecond Dynamics of Excitonic Polaritons and Excitonic Molecules
    舛本 泰章
    Semiconductors Probed by Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy Semiconductors Probed by Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy Academic Press, 1984-01
  • II 2.3 IIb-VIb化合物、II 3.7高密度励起効果、IV 1 時間分解分光
    舛本 泰章
    「光物性ハンドブック」 「光物性ハンドブック」 朝倉書店, 1984-01
  • Picosecond Spectroscopy of the Two Dimensional Exciton System in GaAs AlAs Superlattices
    舛本 泰章
    Solid State Physics (Kotai Butsuri) Solid State Physics (Kotai Butsuri), 1985-01
  • Two Dimensional Excitons in Semiconductor Superlattices
    舛本 泰章
    Solid State Physics (Kotai Butsuri) Solid State Physics (Kotai Butsuri), 1986-01
  • Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Semiconductor Quantum Wells
    舛本 泰章
    Solid State Physics (Kotai Butsuri) Special Issue: Optical Properties of Solids and Electron Lattice Interaction Solid State Physics (Kotai Butsuri) Special Issue: Optical Properties of Solids and Electron Lattice Interaction, 1987-01
  • Relaxation and Tunneling Dynamics of Photogenerated Carriers in Semicon¬ductor Superlattices
    舛本 泰章
    Rev. Laser Engineering Rev. Laser Engineering, 1987-01
  • Application of Semiconductor Superlattices to Ultrafast Optical Devices
    舛本 泰章
    OYO BUTSURI (in Japanese) OYO BUTSURI (in Japanese), 1988-01
  • 3章光学的性質
    舛本 泰章
    「超格子ヘテロ構造デバイス」工業調査会 「超格子ヘテロ構造デバイス」工業調査会, 1988-01
  • Optical Nonlinearities and Exciton Coherence in CuCl Microcrystals
    舛本 泰章
    Solid State Physics (Kotai Butsuri) Solid State Physics (Kotai Butsuri), 1989-01
  • Dynamical Aspects of Interlayer Charge Transfer in Type II AlGaAs-AlAs Multiple-Quantum-Well Structures
    舛本 泰章
    Optical Properties of Solids; Proc. Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Solid State Optical Spectroscopy Optical Properties of Solids; Proc. Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Solid State Optical Spectroscopy World Scientific, 1990-01
  • Optical Properties and New Functionality of Semiconductor Microcrystals
    舛本 泰章
    Solid State Physics Solid State Physics, 1992-01
  • Optical Properties of Nanometer Size Ge Crystallites
    舛本 泰章
    J. Sur. Sci. Soc. Jpn.(Hyomen Kagaku) J. Sur. Sci. Soc. Jpn.(Hyomen Kagaku), 1993-01
  • Laser Spectroscopy of II-VI Compound Semiconductors
    舛本 泰章
    New Functionality Materials New Functionality Materials Elsevier Science Pblishers, 1993-01
  • 5.2非線形過渡分光法
    舛本 泰章
    「レーザー光学物性」シリーズ物性物理の新展開 丸善 「レーザー光学物性」シリーズ物性物理の新展開 丸善, 1993-01
  • Persistent Spectral Hole-Burning of Semiconductor Nanocrystals
    舛本 泰章
    Solid State Physics (Kotai Buturi) Solid State Physics (Kotai Buturi), 1994-01
  • Semiconductor Nanocrystals: Lasing and Persistent Spectral Hole-Burning
    舛本 泰章
    J. Inst. Elec. Inf. Commun. Eng. J. Inst. Elec. Inf. Commun. Eng., 1994-01
  • Light Emission from Silicon
    舛本 泰章
    Butsuri Butsuri, 1994-01
  • "Ultrafast Optical Switching by Quantum Well Structures" , in Ultrafast and Ultra-parallel Optoelectronics
    舛本 泰章
    Ohmsha, John Wiley & Sons, 1995-01
  • Semiconducting Nanocrystals in an Insulating Matrix : New Nonlinear Phenomena and a New Region of Application
    舛本 泰章
    J. Opt. Technol. J. Opt. Technol., 1995-01
  • "Optical Characterization and Applications of Semiconductor Quantum Dots" in "Nanomaterials ; Synthesis, Properties and Applications", ed. by A. S. Edelstein and R. C. Cammarata, chapt.16
    N. Peyghambarian; E. Hanamura; S. W. Koch; Y. Masumoto; E...
    Institute of Physics Publishing, 1996-01
  • Nonlinear optical properties of porous silicon
    舛本 泰章
    Properties in Porous Silicon Properties in Porous Silicon INSPEC, 1997-01
  • Luminescence of low-dimensional systems (in "Phosphor Handbook" ed. S. Shionoya and W.M. Yen)
    Y. Masumoto
    CRC Press, 1998-01
  • 3.2 半導体微粒子(「メゾスコピック伝導」実験物理科学シリーズ4、田沼静一、家泰弘編)
    共立出版, 1999-01
  • Micro-Photoluminescence Image Investigation of Excitons Confined by Semiconductor Quantum Dots
    杉崎満; 任紅文; 舛本泰章
    Solid State Physics (Kotai Buturi) Solid State Physics (Kotai Buturi), 2000-01
  • more...
Conference, etc.
  • 単一CdSeナノプレートレットの顕微分光測定
    寺平 成希; 安藤 玄樹; 木村 大希; 舛本泰章; 池沢 道男
    日本物理学会 2018年秋季大会/2018-09-11
  • Stark effect of multi-exciton states in semiconductor quantum dots
    S.V. Nair; Y. Masumoto
    25th Int. Conf. Physics of Semiconductors____/2000
  • 単一光子技術が拓く新しい光物性
  • Exciton Dephasing and Biexcitons in InAs Quantum Rhombic Disks
    Masumoto Yasuaki; Yoshida Seitaro; Ikezawa Michio; Sakuma Yo...
    30th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS-30)/2010-07-25--2010-07-30
  • Reexamination of the Atomic Configurations of NN Centers and Observation of New Infrared Luminescence Centers in GaP:N
    Ikezawa Michio; Watanabe Masato; Sakuma Yoshiki; Masumoto Ya...
    30th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS-30)/2010-07-25--2010-07-30
  • Optical electron spin orientation in Ga-doped and undoped ZnO films
    Tomimoto Shinichi; Nozawa Shinsuke; Kato Hiroyuki; Sano ...
    30th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS-30)/2010-07-25--2010-07-30
  • Exciton Dephasing and Biexcitons in InAs Quantum Rhombic Disks
    Masumoto Yasuaki; Yoshida Seitaro; Ikezawa Michio; Sakuma...
    30th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS-30)/2010-07-25--2010-07-30
  • Reexamination of the Atomic Configurations of NN Centers and Observation of New Infrared Luminescence Centers in GaP:N
    Ikezawa Michio; Watanabe Masato; Sakuma Yoshiki; Masumoto Ya...
    30th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS-30)/2010-07-25--2010-07-30
  • Isoelectronic nitrogen delta-doping in GaP and single-photon emission from individual nitrogen pairs
    Sakuma Yoshiki; Ikezawa Michio; Watanabe Masato; Masumoto...
    14th International Conference on Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy/2008-06-01--2008-06-06
  • Single NN pair luminescence and single photon generation in nitrogen delta-cloped GaP
    Ikezawa Michio; Sakuma Yoshiki; Watanabe Masato; Masumoto...
    8th International Conference on Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter (EXCON 2008)/2008-06-27
  • Spin orientation of excitons, trions and tetraons in charge tunable InP quantum dots
    Masumoto Yasuaki; Suzuki Tsukasa; Kawana Keisuke; Ikezawa...
    8th International Conference on Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter (EXCON 2008)/2008-06-27
  • Exciton Spin Stability in InP Quantum Dots at the Elevated Temperatures
    Masumoto Yasuaki; Suzuki Tsukasa; Kawana Keisuke; Ikezawa...
    International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials/2008-09-24
  • Observation of New Isoelectronic Trap Luminescence in Nitrogen delta-Doped GaP
    Ikezawa Michio; Sakuma Yoshiki; Watanabe Masato; Masumoto...
    International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials/2008-09-24
Intellectural property rights
  • アップ・コンバージョン素子
  • 輝尽性発光素子及びその製造方法
  • 酸化珪素のナノワイヤの製造方法
    戚継発; 舛本泰章
2014-10 -- 2015-02ThermodynamicsUniversity of Tsukuba.
2012-04 -- 2013-03Science and Technology Seminar IIIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2012-04 -- 2013-03Science and Technology Seminar IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2012-04 -- 2013-03Science and Technology Seminar IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2012-04 -- 2013-03Internship in Physics IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2012-04 -- 2013-03Internship in Physics IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2012-04 -- 2013-03Experiment of Research in Condensed Matter Physics IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2012-04 -- 2013-03Experiment of Research in Condensed Matter Physics IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2012-04 -- 2013-03Frontier Research in Condensed Matter Physics VUniversity of Tsukuba.
2012-04 -- 2013-03Frontier Research in Condensed Matter Physics IVUniversity of Tsukuba.
  • ZnO薄膜中のGa不純物に束縛された電子のスピン緩和
    村上瑛; 冨本慎一; 加藤裕幸; 佐野道宏; 松本貴裕; 舛本泰章
  • GaAs:N中の発光エネルギーが揃った発光中心から単一光子の発生
    張遼; 池沢道男; 森達哉; 梅原晋太郎; 佐久間芳樹; 迫田和彰; 舛本泰章
  • ZnO薄膜中のGaドナーに束縛された電子スピン緩和時間の計測
    村上瑛; 冨本慎一; 加藤裕幸; 佐野道宏; 松本貴裕; 舛本泰章
  • Fourier Spectroscopy of Individual Nitrogen Impurity Centers in GaAs
    Michio Ikezawa; Liao Zhang; Yoshiki Sakuma; Tatsuya Mori...
  • Fast Electron Transfer from PbSe Quantum Dots to TiO2
    Yasuaki Masumoto; Takagi Hayato; Umino Hikaru; Suzumura Eri
    31st International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS)
  • Shell Thickness Dependent Photoinduced Electron Transfer from CuInS2/ZnS quantum dots to TiO2 films
    Jianhui Sun; Jialong Zhao; Yasuaki Masumoto
  • GaAs:N中の単一不純物発光中心のフーリエ分光測定
    張遼; 池沢道男; 森達哉; 佐久間芳樹; 迫田和彰; 舛本泰章
  • 超コヒーレントな単一光子発生のための単一発光中心の共鳴励起
    森達哉; 池沢道男; 張遼; 佐久間芳樹; 迫田和彰; 舛本泰章
  • 量子ドットのスピン緩和
  • PbS量子ドットの時間分解発光:透明ナノ粒子への電荷移動
    鈴木孝行; 高木勇人; 海野晃; 舛本泰章; Diane Youker; David Watson
  • GaAs:N 中の単一発光中心のフーリエ分光による発光均一幅の測定
    張遼; 池沢道男; 佐久間芳樹; 迫田 和彰; 舛本泰章
  • MOCVD法により窒素をドープしたGaAsからのエネルギーの揃ったPL輝線発光
    佐久間芳樹; 池沢道男; 森達哉; 張遼; 舛本泰章; 迫田和彰
  • GaAs中の窒素不純物発光中心に束縛された励起子の位相緩和時間
    張遼; 池沢道男; 森達哉; 佐久間 芳樹; 迫田和彰; 舛本泰章
  • GaP:N中の二軸異方性単一NNペアの磁気光学
    張遼; 森達哉; 濱野毅信; 池沢道男; 佐久間芳樹; 迫田和彰; 舛本泰章
  • 単一ウルツ鉱型InP/InAs/InPコアマルチシェルナノワイヤーの偏光ルミネッセンス
    舛本泰章; 平田裕基; Mohan P.; 福井孝志; 本久順一
  • 量子ドットにドープされた電子の共鳴パルス光によるスピン偏極と緩和
    冨本慎一; 川名啓介; 村上瑛; 舛本 泰章
  • PbSeナノクリスタルにおけるマルチエキシトン生成
    高木勇人; 鈴木孝行; 舛本泰章
  • Time-resolved photoluminescence in CuInS2/ZnS core/shell quantum dots
    Jianhui Sun; Xiuying Wang; Jialong Zhao; Yasuaki Masumoto
  • Coherence of an electron spin in quantum dots generated by a resonant optical pulse with elliptic polarization
    Shinichi Tomimoto; Keisuke Kawana; Akira Murakami; Yasuak...
  • Bimolecular interlayer scattering of electrons in InP/InAs/InP core-multishell nanowires
    Yasuaki Masumoto; Ken Goto; Shinichi Tomimoto; Premila M...
  • 窒素を導入したGaPナノワイヤの結晶成長及び光学特性
    舘林潤; 佐久間芳樹; 池沢道男; 曽根良則; 落合雅幸; 池田直樹; 舛本泰章; 中尾正史; 杉本喜正; 迫田和彰
  • Exciton Dephasing and Biexcitons in InAs Quantum Rhombic Disks
    Yasuaki Masumoto; Seitaro Yoshida; Michio Ikezawa; Yoshik...
    ICPS 2010/2010-07-27
  • GaAs中の窒素等電子発光中心からの単一光子発生
    池沢道男; 佐久間芳樹; 曽根良則; 張遼; 濱野毅信; 舘林潤; 舛本泰章
  • Atomic configurations of NN centers and new infrared luminescence centers in GaP:N
    Michio Ikezawa; Masato Watanabe; Yoshiki Sakuma; Yasuaki ...
    The International Conference on NANOPHOTONICS 2010/2010-06-01
  • ZnO薄膜における電子スピンダイナミクスの励起波長依存性
    野澤伸介; 冨本慎一; 舛本泰章
  • more...
Professional activities
2007-11 -- (current)茨城県立竹園高等学校先端科学講話
University Management
2010-04 -- 2012-03理工学群副学群長
2003-04 -- 2006-03数理物質科学研究科物質創成先端科学専攻長
2008-04 -- 2011-03物理学系教育研究倫理委員会委員
2008-04 -- 2013-03物理学系スペース調査検討委員会委員長
2008-04 -- 2009-03入学室員
2003-04 -- 2011-03物理学系自己点検自己評価委員会委員
2010-04 -- 2012-03理工学群総合政策室員
2010-04 -- 2012-03英語プログラム等推進小委員会委員
2010-04 -- 2010-03理工学群入学者選考委員会委員

(Last updated: 2024-07-30)