- Articles
- Local tunneling barrier height studies of thermally treated CO and O-covered Pt(100) surfaces
Sinsarp A; Miya K; Yamada Y; Masahiro Sasaki; Yamamoto S
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS SHORT NOTES & REVIEW PAPERS/43(7B)/pp.4659-4662, 2004-07 - Pt(111)表面での単原子層グラファイト形成におけるCH4分子線並進エネルギーの影響
植田寛和; 才田守彦; 中井力; 山田洋一; 佐々木正洋; 山本恵彦
真空/47/p.544, 2004-01 - Microscopic study of the work function reduction induced by Cs-adsorption Jointly worked
Sinsarp; Y. Yamada; M. Sasaki; S. Yamamoto
Jan. J. Appl. Phys/pp.42(7)4882-4886, 2003-01 - Local tunneling barrier height measurement on Au(111)
Y. Yamada; A. Sinsarp; M. Sasaki; S. Yamamoto
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./42/p.4898, 2003-01 - Local Tunneling Barrier Height Measurement
山田 洋一; スィンサップ アッサウィン; 佐々木 正洋; 山本 恵彦
SHINKU/45(6)/pp.503-507, 2002-06 - 局所トンネル障壁高さ計測
山田洋一; アッサウイン・スインサップ; 佐々木正洋; 山本恵彦
真空/45/p.503, 2002-01 - Moiré-like distribution of local tunneling barrier height of the monolayer graphite on Pt(111) surface
Y. Yamada; M. Sasaki; S. Yamamoto
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./41/p.7501, 2002-01 - Local Tunneling Barrier Height Studies of the Initial Stage of Cs Adsorption on a Si(111) 7x7 Surface
Y. Yamada; A. Sinsarp; M. Sasaki; S. Yamamoto
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./41/p.5386, 2002-01 - Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)/Local Tunneling Barrier Height (LBH) Studies on Cs Adsorption on a Pt(111) Surface
Y. Yamada; A. Sinsarp; M. Sasaki; S. Yamamoto
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./41/p.5003, 2002-01 - Local barrier height images of Cs monolayer on Pt(111)
Yoichi Yamada; Hirokazu Utsuyama; Shigehiko Yamamoto
Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on Advance Physical Fields (Growth of Well-defined Nanostructures)/p.229, 2001-01 - Moire-like contrast in the local tunneling barrier height image of monolayer graphite on Pt(111)
Masahiro Sasaki; Yoichi Yamada; Yusuke Ogiwara; Shinjiro ...
Phys. Rev. B./61/p.15653, 2000-01
- Local tunneling barrier height studies of thermally treated CO and O-covered Pt(100) surfaces